l2th I have Been Busy Planting corn
l3th Went to the Diamond Island Bend Received from Sam Dixon $10
lhth ‘Wa1t to Hosea Smiths in the Horning Received of J D Smith $h3
on Executions
l5th Sunday Raining in the morning went to Negro Preaching in Hm
evening &c ~
l6th I went to Henderson today in company with B F Martin Brought
suit on bill of sale for Sam awet disagreeable day Received of N A Cannon
$9 on Execution in favor of F B Jones Planted My first tobacco today
' 17th I have been busy on the farm today Preparing tobacco ground &c
18th do do do
19th Nothing of Interest occured
20th ‘Went to the Bend of Highland in the evening
2lst Finished Breaking New Ground today I was deadning trees in
the morning Received From`W P Lilly $9.25 the Amt of due E F. Davis
& Co Settled with L L Hancock and he owes me $26.hO went to church in
the evening Elder Moore Preached
22nd Sunday Went to Corrydon to Church in company with G R Rankin
in the morning spent the evening at Uncle Steves
23rd I have been Runing off tobacco ground today
2hth Went to the Walnut Bottom Received From Shortie Turner $7
on an Execution in favor of J Lanhan against B F Todd Also from S King
$15 Amt of a note in favor of Wm Anderson Executed Three warrants
25th We have had a fine shower of rain today and I have been busy
setting out Tobacco I went to Hear the Candidates for Congress speak in
the evening Hr. Jackson the opposition Candidate Spoke first and was fol-
lowed by Dr. Peyton the Democratic Candidate They were both good speakers
» Received From J Cissell $5 on an Execution in favor of R N Culver against
J French
26th I was setting out Tobacco in the Morning and Hunting for a Mule
in the evening
27th I set out about Three acres of Tobacco this Morning went
down to the Steam Mill in the evening in company with H D Williams and
found the hill Burned down evrything a complete wreck showing but too
truly the ravages of that devouring element fire The Loss on the Part of
the owners is heavy as they saved nothing from the fire but the Iron Portion
of their Hachinery
28th Went to Henderson in company with G B Martin Brought suit
against G Mitchell for Balmains Heirs for $162.50