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get their crops to stand whilst in many placed the negroes have been forced
off and run off to the Lincoln army untill there is no one left to make a
crop Ky though a loyal state with fifty Thousand of her sons in the Federal
army is treated but little better than the other Southern States her property
stolen the state overrun and her laws set at definance truly she is
the reward of her perfidy
July lst The month came in this morning clear and hot but I think
the prospect good for rain I have been hunting &c to day
2nd we had a fine shower of rain last night but hardly enough for a
' Tobacco season allthough I have been replanting all day and did not get
through at that my crop of Tobacco is anything but a flattering one
3rd I violated the Sabbath for a short time this morning by replant-
ing some tobacco but the sun I fear will kill it to day I was at Sabbath
School this morning also at church but the preacher did not come
hth I have spent the hth in the Harvest field cutting wheat
5th At work about the farm to day
6th Went to Henderson to day in company with McKinney Received
from B M Clay $362 the last Payment on Tobacco sold I spent to day
for Goods &c $3.50
I 7th Doing nothing Particular
8th I Set out some tobacco this morning but I expect it will all die
9th About the farm in the morning went to church in the evening
lOth I was at Sabbath School this morning also at preaching Elder
Taylor preached I went down to Longs Landing in the evening to the
Baptizeing Elder Taylor Baptized Ellen Martin and Stephen & Evans Gibson
_ llth I have been at work about the farm to day
l2th Went to Henderson to day in company with Thos Smith there was
considerable excitement in the city to day as a band of armed men had entered
the place the night before and after stealing what they wanted they shot Mr.
J E Rankin through the neck and it was feared that his wound would prove
fatal our country is in an awfull condition no ma  can tell what moment
he may be robbed or murdered armed bands of men are scouring all over the
country pressing Horses &c claiming to be Confederate Soldiersénd acting
under orders from their government it seems that our state has to support
the Marauding bands of both sections without the Power to resist either
(Expenses &c to day $3,
13th I was at home doing nothing in particular to day
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