A 210
15th One can but feel gloomy in this once happy country of ours
War still rages all over the land with no prospect of Peace Evrything looks
gloomy we have had no rains of consequence this season and the weather is
now so dry that even the small crops we have planted look like they will die
and unless we have rain soon there will not be a half crop of anything raised
16th Went to Henderson to day in company with Squire Lilly the day was
uerry warm
17th Sunday I was at Sunday School and church this morning Elder
Thurman preached I was also at church again in the evening Elder Fallin
preached to the negroes this was another warm day
18th About home to day doing nothing in Particular
19th Doing nothing as usual '
20th The weather still continues warm and dry we have had no rain
of consequence since May an  unless we can have rain soon we will raise
nothing to live on during the next year
21st I went a fishing to day but caught no fish as usual took
dinner at Gabe Lillys and went from there to Tom Knights and from there to
Andersons and from Anders we went to the Rock Spring where the Rebels have
had a camp for several days and learned that a company of Federal troops
had arrived in Henderson with two Prisoners who were condemned to be shot
in retaliation for the shooting of Jas E Rankin; by a squad of guerrillas on
the 12th but the Rebels had arrested Dr. Copper and Ben Williams to be held
as hostages for these two men it created intense excitement in our com unity `
I fgltgto diy as I have never felt before during this accursed war two "`
men o e ot or a crime that they knew nothing of untill it was committed
V two unoffending citizens arrested in retaliation for these men torn from their
homes and families perhaps to be shot down like dogs without mercy if
this state of things diould go on god only knows where it will end no one
is safe these two citiaens may be shot and in retaliation others will follow
untill it becomes a reign of terror such inhuman such fiendish orders
could only emenate from such sources as the men who are now in Power in this `
state we are fast approaching the fate of Missouri and a few more days may
wigniss icenes in this hitherto peacefull section that will appall the stout— l
es ear s
22nd To day has been another exciting one I Rode up the Henderson road
this morning expecting to hear of a fight in Henderson but learned that the
Federals had agreed to treat the two condemed men as prisoners of war and
that the Rebels had withdrawn from the place after a slight skirmish in the
street I also learned that Cooper & Williams were released
23rd Went to Henderson this mornin I uld b t f 1 ‘ ‘
phen idlearned that the Federals had shoi theczwo prgsongis gig lgfi Qggnpifce
lcgig h hgvi seen their mutilated Dodies but had no inclination to do so it
h a or young hen in the prime of life to be dict down in bold blood in
suc a manner god only knows where this will end
I bought to day of D Hart 30 yds Domestic at 75 cts Amt to $22.50 V
other Items $.75 Expenses $1.50