213 .
tamed by exposure in the svn and field I “°“ld hive 1;I?°m;Sh;mS;1i;lP§1; ggdhzs been
§2§§i§éS°€y§i 'iBEObi£2’iik2"’ti§ i¤§;Sl;$C;i;niai;m;;€mgmconscriptiw which he
says he is here to enforce for I am content with the life I am leading and
have no desire to enter either army
l th I was at the Point this morning the excitement is still at itsw
highest pitch Men have quit their crggs apparently and are running arrouio
to hear the news and see what they can/to keep their sons out of the con
scription or avoid it themselves Numbers of young men are going into the
army while all that are left here are riding arround u decided what to do
Numbers are escappng from the state northward and if there is not a change
soon our country will be depopulated I have been truly sorry for the women
of our county during this intense excitement Mothers are anxious for their
, Song Wives for their husbands evry face seems careworn a general gloom
seems to overspread our once Peacefull Community such ash pray heaven I
may never see again
I was at Church this evening but the Preacher did not come
lhth This was a calm peacefull sabbath morn and as I look out oer
natures tranquil and Refreshing scenes I can but contrast it with poor
deluded mans distracted condition at this time I could but think of the
many anxious throbbing hearts throughout this war cursed land and ask my
god for peace once more I was at Sabbath School and church this morning but
there were no scholars at the Sabbath School Brother Fallan preached in place
of Brother Taylor who did not come
15th The day set apart by Adam Johnson to commence conscripting I
sent to Henderson and witnessed the delivery of two Prisoners by Col Johnsons
men under a flag of truce to the civil authoritiesto be tried for Robbing
Murder &c committed in this county the Prisoners were demanded by Capt Perkins
in the nane of the United States and were turned over to him by the civil
authorities for what purpose I could not learn Henderson is allmost depopu-
lated a great many have run from the conscription while others have left for
safer climes there were only two or three stores but what have shut up and
moved their goods away evrything looks dark and gloomy Expenses to day $50
V 16th This was a wet disagreeable day I was Dodging around watching
for Johnsons Conscripfofficers But was agreeably disappointed in not seeing
17th I was toping tobacco to day the weather is still dark and
threatening rain evrything looks gloomy
18th I went a cattle Hunting with R M Allin But did not find any
Cattle took dinner at Henry Finley &c
l9th When I awoke this morning it was Raining with a good prospect for
iO§§§;§ ghRode up to Bock Nartins and while there I saw a Body of Federal
c s aseing Capt william Quinn?2 I Rode down to the point and found