there was nothing new in that allmost deserted town the usual groups were
to be seen on the side walks talking over the latest news a few sharpers
here and there looking out for a stray bargan are about all the signs of-
life one sees in this once propperous little place war war war is written
on evrything as plainly as though the grim monster were really enacting his
dread scenes among us
I Paid Wahien Sheriff my taxes for this year Amt $29%.93 Paid
Geo Dixon $6 for one pair of Boots McCullach $6 for Books purchased for Sun- ·
day School Schaeffer $12 for a mule Expenses $1.00
Sept lst This Morning was rather threatning heavy thunder was heard
in the distance and we had a light shower of rain I hope the day will not ·
be a type of the Month as we need dry weather instead of wet at this time
2nd At work in Tobacco to day &c _
3rd Do Do
hth Sunday there was neither Sunday School or preaching to day
and I have spent the day at Home there was considerable excitement in
the neighborhood to day as a company of Confederates were trying to
induce the young men to join them by threatning to conscript them and
actually carried it out so far as to arrest several of them
5th Went to Henderson to day I Bought of Mayer & Co 2 Tobacco
Knives SO cts of G L Dixon one pair of shoes for Janes Hoskins $3.25 ·`
Expenses $2.50 Paid Adam Rankin Fee Bill $1.50
6th At work in Tobacco to day
7th Do Do
8th We had a heavy rain last night I was at work in Tobacco in
the morning and went to Parris Mill in the evening Paid him $5.20 for
meal I Bought of J Hite 100 lhs Bacon at 18 cts per lb $18 Loaned
L L Hancock $21.00 `
9th At work in Tobacco `
· th;Oth Inwas at work in Tobacco untill dinner time went to chu ch
in even g
llth I was at Church this morning also in the evening Elder i
Taylor preached
l2th` Went to Henderson to day I sold a mule to a Mr Ash at $130
Expenses hl.$O Henderson was again ocupied by Negro Soldiers they had
taken Posession of the Court House and were using evry inducenent to get
Negro recruits