10th It rained all night last night and looks this morning like
it will rain a week it rained awhile and then com enced snowing and
to night the snow is several inches deep I striped tobacco awhile
thifmorning and then went to Scarlet Lattas where I spent most of the day
llth The Sun is Shining Brightly this  orning and it has been a
pleasant day overhead I have been about the place doing nothing in
12th Doing nothing in Particular A A
13th I was cow hunting a Part of the day and the rest of the time
doing nothing as usual
lhth Went to Manions Sale to day there was not much sold but what
was sold brought verry good Prices I Bought three old Jumpers for $2.10
this was a pleasant winter day and to night is a beautifull night
15th This has been a pleasant Sabbath day I was at church this
morning Elder Thu man preached I was well pleased with the Sermon for
it showed in its true light the love of god to the fallen Race of Man
and the glorious hope of the Christian
16th Went to Henderson to day with the negroes Tobacco Sold it
on the street to Paul Semonin at $20 for the good and Imgs and $2 for
Trash the Load Brought $2h6.h0 Bought to day of Rudy & Nunn Groceries
Amt to $16 of Rankins Estate a Bill of good Amt to $h.50 of Dallam &
livers 2 Pair of Boots $11 Expenses $1.50 of Palis Bed Steed and small .
chair $8.25
17th Helped Sam Cooper raise a Cook House to day it has been a
verry cold day
18th I Drove my cattle down to Mr. Andersons this morning took dinner
at Gabe Lillys &c it com enced to thaw rapidly this evening
19th I was getting Ice to day A
20th Finished getting Ice this morning
21st Went to Henderson to day I sold Bene & Marys Tobacco at $20 for
the good 10 for the Lugs and 2 for trash I bought to day of Nunn & Rudy
Groceries Amt to $3.90 of Rankins $h.hO Expenses &c $1.50 Received from
J. T. Hoskins on note $33.85 I sold my tobacco to Tollman to day for $30
for good and Lugs and $10 for trash
22nd It Rained awhile this morning I was at church Elder Crow
preached and this evening I think the prospect is good for another winter
there has been more snow this winter up to the present time than I ever
remember to have seen any winter before we thought last winter a dis-
agreeable one but this so far has been worse