231 A
The Preacher prayed to day fervently for peace oh what a sweet
word peace really is A nation deluged in blood for four years seems to
be returning to some little reason and from what I can learn there is a
disposition on both sides for peace God Grant that the Welcome sound may
soon be heard all over the land is the prayer of evry honest heart
23rd It turned verry cold last night and to day has been too cold
to do much but sit by the fire it has been trying to snow nearly all day
2hth This has been another cold day allthoughjl it has been clear
I was bird hunting &c with Sam Hopkins this evening
25th Doing nothing in Particular
, 26th Last night was one of the coldest nights of the winter and
to day has been Bitter cold I went down to Andersons the cold though
rendered traveling rather a severe business
27th I went to Mrs Clays Sale to day there was a lot of poor cattle
sold but I did not buy this time I thought they sold at fair prices this
has been another cold day
28th Went to Herzierson to day This has been the most pleasant day
we have had for some time I spent about $10 for sundries
29th Sunday this has been a beautiful]. day as this was the fifth
Sunday there was no preaching I spent the most of the day at Home
30th I went to John Jacobs after some cattle I bought of him
I sold them to a Mr. Hathaway I made $27.50 on the lot
31st I went to Henderson to day I sold a load of Tobacco for $2760
per hundred pounds the load belonged to Mr. McKinney Expens to day $2.50
the Roads this morning were verry slippery as they were fullfif Ice but
this evening there was quite a change as the Ice had turned to mud and water
and I hope wei will have no more such freezes ai the last one this so far
has been a cold disagreeable winter if anything worse than the last To day
ends the month of Jan but I cannot Praise the month any this time but hope
for a better one during the short month of Feb
I To day has been warm and pleasant but the prospect to night is
good for rain
(Arminda   Smith was born Rzbruary 6, 1865 — Died
March E9? 1952)