[pages 59-60 - Feb. 1-12 · missing]
Feb. 13th ... sick bed has been relieved by her presence
But she has gone the Last conversation I ever had with her was at a
Party at Mr McKinneys she was then alas like too many building high
hopes in the future and to night as I recall that scene I can scarcely
realize that one so young and gifted now lies in the narrow precinbis ’
‘ of the tomb she told me she intended soon to have a social gathering
at her home and gave me an invitation to be present and I little
thought we would meet no more untill we meet at the Bar of god Oh what
a warning prepare to meet thy god for no man knoweth the day or the
hour when the last summons may come and though we will not meet in a I
social gathering on earth I trust that we may meet in an endless social
gather high up in the paradise of god
lhth I have been about home this has been a pleasant day but it ,
is raining to night
15h I went to Andsssons a duck hunting this evening with Barnett
Rankins but did not kill any Ducks
16th Striping Tobacco to day it snowed awhile this morning and
then rained the Ballance of the day-
l7th Striping Tobacco again to day
18th Doing nothing in particular a Beautifull day · 
19th Sunday I was at Church to day Elder Thurman preached
another pleasant day
20th I went to Henderson to day with a load of Tobacco the Load
weighed Good 1080 Luge 1415 Trash 1400 which at $30 for the Good and Luge
and $10 for the trash Amts to $1;88.5O this was my first Load in my con-
tract with Burbank & Co. and I got along verry well with it as I was not
Docked a Pound I saw considerable Tobacco selling on the street which ·
sold from {facto $32 according to quality
axucgklg I bought to day of Nunn & Rudy l Bushel of Cloverseed $15 of
H goods Amt to $2.80 of Dallam & Livers $$1.50 today was pleasant
but the roads are verry muddy and Bad
atm Zléstthg have been Burning a plant Bed to day this was my first
MP s year and I did not get more than Half of the bed burned
22nd We had heavy rain last night and it has been raining nearly
all day I striped Tobacco in the evening
23rd At work about the farm &c
211th I Drove some cattle to Mr. Andersondthis morning and Loaded a
wagon with Tobacco in the evening rv