25th went to Henderson to day Received from Burbank $250 on
Tobacco Ifpaid J D Floyd $16.66 amount due him by the will of my
Father I paid bill at Holloways Amt to $11.50 Paid Dixon for Hat $3.50
Dallam & Livers for J Hoskins $80 do for self $15.0 Expenses $2
26th Sunday This is a lovely Sabbath morning a little cold for the
season 2, the late dry windy weather had dried theā€¢ground amd it is now in
good condition for ploughing &c Went to church this morning Elder Crow
preached e I went down to Mrs Hopkins in the evening and found her dead
she died a short time before I got there she was an Estimable old Lady
and I trust her spirit is nc.;/at rest with its saviour- and god in a conver-
sation with her a few days ago she spoke feelingly of her daughter who died
but a few weeks age I tried to console her as best I could under the cir-
cumstances little thinking that would be our last conversation this side
of the grave but such it proved to be that fond and loving daughter was
only taken a few days before her aged parent and I hope this night they
are reunited where parting will be no more where the sorrows of this life
I are forever over and a saviours presence is a well spring of joy forever
27th Went to Henderson to day to arrange for the Funeral and Burrial
of Mrs. Hopkins
28th I was at the Funeral of Mrs. Hopkins in the Presbyterian Church
in Henderson to day the Funeral semon was preached by Elder Woolbridge
after which we laid her by her daughter in the Cemetery this was the last
act of freienship we could do for our departed friend and neighbor took
dinner at Mr Neslers and came home in the evening
29th Striping tobacco to day a wet day
30th I was striping tobacco again to dey
31st to day brings me to the close of the month of March and I will
say taking evrything into consideration that it has been a pleasant
windy month I loaded my wagons with tobacco this evening
April lst I went to Henderson to day I delivered two loads of
Tobacco which weighed Good 1300 Lugs 928 Trash 675 I was docked from
5 to 15 per cent on these loads It all Amt to $735.90 I also sold a
load of tobacco for Sam Cooper at $15 for the Good $11 for the Lugs and
- $2 for the trash Expenses &c $2 Paid McKinney $10
2nd Sunday I rode down to San Coopers this morning to see my sister
who was verry sick I also went to church but there was no preaching Went
to singing in the evening
3rd This has been a regular spring day warm and showery I loaded
one wagon with tobacco in the evening
hth Went to Henderson with my tobacco to day the Load weighed Lugs
1190 Trash 925 this was an inferior article of Lugs and I only got $15