illustrating the adage here today and gone tomorrow
5th Went to Henderson today and allthough it was the begining of
the Circuit Court there were verry few People in the place and Business
of all kinds apeared to be dull
6th A cold disagreeable day when I went to bed last night the Moon
was shineing Brightly overhead and Venus that ever radiant star shone
brightly in the east and it was truly a beautiful night overhead but when
I awoke this morning I was suprised to hear the rain falling and the wind
whistling in at the door which had Blovm open during the night as if though
it was not enough to let an old Bachelor enjoy the little comfort he finds
in a warm bed to rouse him up to shut the door while the wind is blowing a
young huricane and nobody to keep the bed warm while he is out this Much for ·
leading such a life
And tonight while writing this tis snowing with the prospect that A
it will continue some time although the night is verry cold so cold that I
would most certainly have built me a fire in my sleeping room if there had
only have been wood enough up to have done so
7th I have been Surveying the old Fam today with Charles Dixon
the Coxmty Surveyor Myself and J T Hoskins carried the chain and for
future reference I will give all the courses and Length of the lines on
8th I finished surveying the Home Place this Morning and the diferent -
courses and Lines run as follows Begining at sweet gum in H D Williams yard , 
Running Thence North 6l° West 98 Poles and 10 ibinks to a Black oak in J H
Hoskins Line Thence Thence South 29 West 13 Poles to a stake J T Hoskins ‘
coher Thence North 61 West 30 Poles to a Black oak and Persimmon in Martins
Line Thence South 290 Hest 116 Pole to sweet Gum and Hickory Thence South 61
East 313 (and 60 Links) Poles to an   and Mulberry G P Lillys West
Corner thence the same Line south 65 East 125 Poles and 15 Links to a
Stone N West Corner of Alexander Balmain survey Thence South 65° East 51%
Poles to a stake in Powells Field Thence North 6l° West 90 Poles to a stake
in the Yeargin Field Thence Thence North 29° East 68 Poles to a Black oak
in the Henderson & Morganfield Road Thence Down said Road 68 Poles and 20 ·
Links to a stake in P Pattas Line Thence with said Lattas Line South 290
West h6 Poles to Two Black oaks in the corner of Lattas field Thence North -
6l° West 91 Poles & 5 Links To a Black Gum Theme North 290 East h3 Poles
and 15 Links to the Begining The above is a true copy of all the lines as
run by Dixon Embracing a compromise Made by myself and E D Powell of the
old disputed Line between this Place and Capt Powells ~
I have Killed 15 Head of Hogs today but the Most of them were small
sold to G R Floyd 5 weighing 760 lbs at $5.25 (100 lbs) The day has been cool
but otherwise Pleasant although the ground is Frozen verry Hard with snow
enough to cover it but not enough for good sleighzlng
9th I have been Killing H0gs again today Killed 10 Let H D Williams
have 250 lbs of Pork at $35.25 Per 100 lbs Killed Two Hogs for Lame & Co. at
Mr. Mitchells Killing and delivering same $2.50 sold Bennett Marsh all one cow