& calf $15.00 Thos Jacobs assumed to pay H D Williams $13.00 for me.
Paid G R Floyd $hO on note that he holds against the estate.
10th Went down to Esqr Lames Court today Pleasant but verry muddy
went to Cypress Church to Debating Society at n.ight but went there was no
Person there went down to Uncle Steves and staid 1mtill bed time Took a
note for W J Dallam from Jhon M Hancock
llth Sunday Went to church in the Morning Elder Wheeler preached
remained at Home in the evening
0 I am In a wayward mood
And all the world looks dark to see
And Thoughts New Fledged a dismal Brood
· Hang like black shadows over me
Alas what is the world to me
Its Jars its triumphs and success
When I have lived so Hadly free
And squandered all that could me Bless
12th A verry Pleasant day started for the Diamond Island Bend this
morning but turned Back on account of the ice Delivered L L Hancock 3
Barrells of corn A B Risher 1 Barrell went down to C W Hoskins to set
up with his Little girl who died the night before and as I saw the Father
& Mother and Brothers & Sisters stand arround to take a Last Look at the
Loved but now insensible form of a child a sister with the Deepest anguish
depicted on their countenances oer the Loss of that dear one I could But
shed the tear of sympathy at their distress although that Flower had been
but transplanted to live forever with its god and oh how much better off
ha· happy spirit will be in that Land of Bliss Than to have remained here
to contend with this cold and heartless world its sorrows its strifes and
temptations for truly I believe tis a blessing to die in infancy
and whilst writing this tonight it calls to my mind the time when
I a sickly and and as all thoughts dying Boy was warned by my Physician that
I was dying never to my Latest Hour can I forget that *timex·hen all arrommd
me were crying and lamenting my early fate I was enabled to look to him who
died on Calvarys Rugged Cross and feel that when this Early Tabernacle was
y dissolved when that slow and sluggish Pulse should cease to beat that I
should have a Building not made with hands eternally in the heavens yes I
could see the bright winged seraphs arround me and truly in the Language of
the Poet Bright An§s are from glory come they were arround my bed they
were in my room and as I gazed upon Those I loved on Earth that Father &
Mother who had watched over me thus far in life who had guarded my tender
infantile hours my Sisters & Brothers and even the Negroes all crying
round me earth truly then had attractions for me to remain here but oh how
my Happy Spirit longed to go and be forever with those who had preceeded me
who I could see that night as it were arround the throne of glory yes I
can truly say that I have often wished since that time that god in his infinite
zfgsdosmtand googneisiljiad have taken me Home where free from all the toils and
mp a_ions an s r es a now beset athwa I would have been ba '
£13e_Smiles·of nw redeemer but I am sparglgv Ears agd permitted to write   in
mght while 7 of those who stood arround my bed that night are gone gone to -
that Bourne from whence no traveller ever returneth