21st Getting xx Ice the ice was about two inches thick and
I managed to fill my house
22nd I got two loads of Ice this morning this was a Cold
disagreeable day
23rd I went to a Sale in Union Co at Peter Cruses
evrything sold high I bought 323 lbs Bacon at 17 cts and 15
Bushels oats at 66 cts per bushell this was a verry disagreeable
24th I went to the Bend to look after my Cattle &c to day
25th Went to Henderson I Paid G P Lilly $400 on the Haskins
Land this leaves me about $175 behind yet I Borrowed from National
Bank $300 on Sixty days time I find it allmost impossible to Collect
money so I had to resort to Borrowing Expenses &c $5
9 26th Doing nothing in Particular I met with the Building Com
in the evening I was also at the Lodge at night a wet disagreeable
27th Sunday I was at Church this morning Elder Harrison _ A
Preached this was a Cool but otherwise Pleasant day B
_ 28th This ends the month of Feb and I for one am not sorry
as everything on which to support animal life is verry scarce and I
am glad to see the winter pass away I have not been well during the
winter and I long for a change of weather Feb has been the best
month of the Past 4 or 5 and I am not disposed to grumble with the —
month at all and only want to see things growing hrround me once more
I have not done much during the past month on the Farm
and have not been able to Strip any Tobacco as there has not been a `
season during the month I only delivered $579. 35 worth of Tobacco
of this amount I Paid a note in National Bank Amt to $252. 50 I owed Bur-
bank $100 Amt in all to $352. 50 I received from all other Sources about
$40 Making a total of receipts of $919. 35 I paid out during the month
$4 $889. 00 I have not delivered but little tobacco as yet and if March
should be as unfavorable for Handling the weed as the Past month I
fear the Sheriff will be after Handling me With this brief Sumary
of events I take my leave of the month in Bright anticipation of warm
sunshine and Bright days to come