April lst - I went to Henderson to day I delivered a Load
of Naces Tobacco that weighed Good 485 Lugs 415 Trash 400
Amt to $80 I also Delivered the Last ofthe Mauzy Crop that weighed
Good 280 Lugs 270 Trash 650 Amt to $57
2nd Sunday I was at Sunday School at the Methodist Church this
morning and also at the Baptist Church in the evening
3d I went to the Walnut Bottom in company with George B
Martin I find the Benders Plowing and the Prospect looks favorable
for an early crop to be Planted in that Section
4th Went to Henderson to day I delivered a load of Isaacs and
ยป Daves Tobacco that weighed Good 745 Lugs 300 Trash 435 Amt to $108. 30
5th About the Farm Rolling Logs &c to day
Sth do dzo
7th I went to Henderson this morning and to Evansville in the
Evening I was Pained & Shocked to hear this Evening of the Death
of D R Burbank Jr who was killed at Indianapolis this morning He
had been a kind Friend to me for a good many years back and I will
miss hi m in my future Tobacco Operations in the City of Henderson
but hope he is in a better world
8th We Remained all night at Thos S Knights and Came Home in
the evening This has been an unusually warm week for the begining
of April and if the weather continues this way much Longer we will
be able to plant Corn &c
9th Sunday I went to the Chapel this morning in Company with
Peyton Knight I heard a Sermon from Farther Durbin on the
Resurrection and allthoughll think there is much useless Pomp and
Ceremony about the Catholic Church I could not object to the Sermon
This was Easter Sunday
10th I went to the Anderson Farm this morning This was a
holiday among the Negroes and it has been generally observed by
the Lazy Rascals
When I came home this evening I found that my Old Neighbor
Benjamin Williams had been suddenly called away by death in good health
and spirits at a neighbors house whilst laughing and talking The Summons
suddenly Came the Bowl was Broken and in a few short moments without