any apparent Cause he was deatl That living and animate form which
though old and Feeble Seemed rejoicing in life and health was an in-
animate lump of Clay and the Spirrit had returned to its Maker and God
He was for a long time back a professed follower of the Meek and lowly
Saviour af strict member of the Methodist Church and I trust that the
Summons found him ready and that his Spirrit freed from its Clay was
transported to realms of Bliss where death would never come to Ca].1 him
suddenly from his friends and loved ones
Benjamin Williams Came to this neighborhood about
sixteen years ago and ever since he has been if not a prominent a j
good citizen and I for one will miss the old man along the Journey of
life I will miss his dry humour or his practical way of Joking I have
often sat arround his friendly Board and often will memory go back to
hours spent beneath his pleasant Roof
And this evening as I stood above him and looked with awe
upon the work of Death I could but feel sad over thezszeidxizemsudden death
of the Old Man and I could but sorrow with his aged Companion and
11th I went to a Sheriff Sale of the Personal Property of Charles
Powell to day I Bought of yoke of Oxen for $117 one Mule for $116 and a
lot of Sundries for $2. 60 Amt in all to $234, 60 _ .
12th I was at the Funeral and Burrial of Benjaminé Willi%ns
this morning The Funeral Sermon was Preached by Elder Cooke
With this I take a last Farewell of my old neighbor forever on Earth I
But oh may I be Permitted to meet you in that bright world where all
the Glory will be given to him who redeemed us and where life ever-
lasting will be one of the rewards of the Christian
13th Went to Henderson to day in Company with John H Jacobs I
I Sold him the Steers I Bought at Powells Sale for $122 A
14th Went to the Pierce place this morning &c
- 15th Went to Henderson in Company with Thos Smith This
‘ was a verry Cool morning
16th Sunday There was no preaching at either of the Churches
today I was at Sabbath School at Both Churches Morning and evening
17th At the Pierce Place &c to day
18th do do ·