To day ends the month of April It has been a fine one
for the Farmer and no good Farmer has any business of complaining
I am fully up with my work and will have all of the corn
planted as soon as I want to The Prospect is flattering for a crop
year of all kinds and in view of the prospect I feel like putting forth
extra exertions
May lst - This is a verry cool morning for the begining of the
Beautifull Month We had a hard storm of wind and hal': last night
I have been in the Bottom the most of the Day
2nd To day has been verry Cold I was hunting my cattle in the
Walnut Bottom I managed to find a part of them
3d Rolling logs in the morning There was considerable frost
this morning but I do not think it will injure the fruit prospects
¢Bth Went to Henderson in company with J H Jacobs I Borrowed
from him one Hundred & fifty dollars I also received from S M Burbank
One Hundred dollars on Tebacco
5th Sunday I rode down to the Anderson Farm this morning and
was at Sabbath School at the Baptist Church in the evening
I 6th Went to Henderson I was appointed as one of the Su;-prvisors
of the Assessors Books We managed to go over the Negro list this morn-
ing and adjourned to Monday next
7th I went to the Bottom this evening &c
8th At work about the Farm and went to Corrydon in company
with J H Jacobs and W T Hoskins at night to the Odd Fellows Lodge
at that place
9th Went to the Anderson Farm this morning & to Burke &
McConnells Mill in the evening &c
10th Went in Company with W E Kellen to Kings Mill this morning
and to the Anderson Farm in the evening
llth I was at a sale of some Property of Philander Floyds this
morning I Bought 50 Bushels Corn at 26 cts per Bushel and the
remainder of the Corn 29 cts Per Bushel I bought some old plunder
amt in all to about $1. 20 Besides the Corn