26th Sunday I was at Church this morning at Corydon Rev
H A M Henderson Dedicated the new Methodist Church at the Place
I liked the sermon verry much and he fully sustained the reputation
that I had of him as a Speaker
27th I was working up and setting out some Tobacco ground
this morning &c
28th Went to the Anderson Farm this morning and setting out
some Tobacco in the evening &c
29th Went to Corydon to hear the Lecture of Rev H A M Henderson
on Odd Fellowship The Lecture was one of the finest efforts I have
· ever heard and I was well Pleased with the whole affair
30th At work about the Farm Hunting &c to day
31 st I was at work about the Farm this morning & x in the
evening I started to the Bottom but in consequence of carrying my
Gun the squirrels Bothered me so that I did not get there
To day ends the month It has been a Pleasant one and
alltogether favorable for the Farmer I am well advanced with my
Farming arrangements We have alltogether near Forty acres of
Tobacco set out and all of my Corn planted My wheat and oats look
well and evrything else but my Pocket Book which is at present
badly depleted The weather lately has been verry cool and favorable
to the vast army of cut worms but they do not seem to have mw ravenous
appetites but leave a hill here and there occasionally
Tomorrow begins summer and I look forward anxiously to
the coming months The seed time has come and gone and now comes
the Harvest I was Pained to hear this morning of the death of my
Neighbor Mrs Williams She died suddenly yesterday evening It has
only been a little over a year since her husband Benj Williams fell
dead and now his aged companion has followed him Suddenly allmost
· without warning in good health she has passed away She was a kind
neighbor a good woman and above all a Christian Oh what a consolation
in the Hour of Death to be prepared to leave this world of sorrow