xt7f1v5bgb2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bgb2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1980 1980 1980-04-22 2020 true xt7f1v5bgb2q section xt7f1v5bgb2q * "W KENTUCKY
. } “mu/Minolta!
APR 22 19”
My" ‘ of K!“
.. l'nivenit of Kentuelt
Vol. LXXII. No. “9 _ ‘ . Lexlngion. Kentuek;
’ Tuesday. April 11. I”. an Independent student newspaper
— ~—
' NOW/ 0' tUK ERA ff 2" ' ’ a ne er’
l y
By RUTH RACLAND was my name and that was my ‘l‘m for ERA but I‘m not a feminist." \ \ ..I don‘t think men feel alienated
, Staff Writer K identification.“ she explained . LIE" anymore.“ she said, and added that
, Her introduction to feminist views Her conservative upbringing is still ‘ . - “men need to be liberated“ because
‘ “It‘s now or never,“ for ratification came when Prysc suggested that she reflected in the fact that she is person- t . \ “men are stereotyped just as womnen
of the Equal Rights Amendment. 0 I might want to read Ms. magazine ally opposed to abonion. but lodd i g . f are."
according to feminist Patricia Todd. pe p ' because of her interest in politics. does not favor making it illegal. “lt‘s I: . -- can... “t Todd found the lack of women can-
Todd. at 24. is the leader of the l Reading an issue from cover to cover very naive ol‘pmpletothl'tk that once " didates for SO presidentand vice pres-
National Organization for Women in “really opened my eyes"todiscrimina- you outlaw something it‘s going to go .5‘ *_ “s ident “very disturbing.““lfwomen are
Kentucky and has organized its Catholic family“ but her fascination tion issues. she said. away.“ she said. . . '. % >_ going to gain any power on this cam-
‘ Lexington-area and stateWIde With politics led her to the women 5 "ln a way I had been sheltered from lhe decisiorim have‘an abortion is w. m . $1 pus they ‘are gomg to have to go
chapters. movement. all of that gomgtoa private school up to the woman-she Sittd. and It “C y \sg through Student Government to get
The deadline for ratification of the She attended a private high school and never coming into contact with make it illegal it‘s still up to the \ , , it.“ She said that SG can provide
ERA is June 30. l982; three more in Richmond and said her opinions people who had been denied oppor- Woman. She‘ll g0 downtown to some 'i ‘ . J women with the opponunity to learn
states must ratify the amendment “were radically different then from tunity." she said. butcher and probably bleed to death \g ’ it the politicalsystem inasmall way and
before it can become law. what they are now.“ Todd supported She was looking for a way to on a kitchen floor,“ she said. -- ...— . .9 to gain access to funds for women 5
“People think that‘s a lot of time.“ Richard Nixon for president in I968 become involved in the women‘s Todd decried the fact that America PATRICIA TODD programs.
, said the UK bachelor of general stu- and I972. movcmentin I976 when she attendeda has produced a weapon as sophisti- H g ‘ Todd now works part time for
‘ dies junior. but “if you go back and Her views began to change when she meeting of the Pro-ERA .Alliance at cated as the cruise missile while a llcd Is that God oppOses it. “I don‘t Channel ltt as a camera and chyron
look at the history ofthe amendment, became the only woman enrolled in UK. The meeting put Todd in touch means of birth control that is l00 per- know how-““9 c"9'3”“thlitCtthitt‘W (Which produces electronic graphlt‘s)
(out) of all the states that have consi- Eastern Kentucky University‘s indus- with other feminists and she decided cent safe and effective has not been Won extension (for ratification by operator and co—produces a public
dered ratification inthe past four years trial technology program. “I couldn't then that she wanted to start a NOW developed. states) and if we do win ratification affairs program with Sue Wylie called
. we‘ve lost by (a total of) l5 votes.“ understand why they thought I was chapter. She said that public opinion polls doesthatmean God‘s come overto our New Woman.
' Todd placed part of the blame for different or wasn't capable.” Todd served asthc first president for show that a majority of Americans side?“ She says she has no ambition to run
I the deadlock on the amendment on Todd graduated in I975 from EKU the Lexington chapter and went on to favor ratification of the ERA but that However. Todd said she thinks that for political office in the future. "I
President Carter and said that he has with an associate of arts degree in become the first state coordinator for the “small vocal minority“opposingit the women‘s movement “has gained want to devote my time to ensuring '
traded offinfluence he could have had printing technology and worked in the NOW in Kentucky. She said she sees is well organized and funded and tends tremendous ground in the past five equality for women and ifl was elected
in getting it passed for support on printing department of Square D C0. the organization of NOW chapters in to use emotional tactics. years as far as being accepted.“ and to an office I‘d have to spend a large
SALT and other legislation. for three years. conservative areas of the state such as “It makes me mad that people who that people realize “we‘re not percentage of my time worrying about
“We need to make him aware that In l975 Todd married Joe Pryse. a Corbin. Barbourville and Paducah as are fighting ERA. especially Phyllis Communists". other issueS.“ she said.
you can‘ttradc equality for women for former UK student who is nowalocal the major accomplishments of her Schafly and Anita Bryant. feel like Todd. hating returned to a college TOdd predicts that the movement
any issue -. it‘s fundamental to demo- architect. She used Pryse‘s name dur- tenure. they have a corner on Christianity.“ campus after being out of school for will gain “everything we are fighting
cracy," she said. ing the first three years of their mar- Todd said that NOW‘s chief duty is said Todd. four years. said she can see achange in for now. lt‘sjust aquestionofwhether
A native of Richmond. Ky.. Todd riage but went to courtin l978to have to “educate the public about the According to Todd.Schaflyhas said the attitudes of male students toward we are going to have it in our
said she comes from a “conservative itchanged back to Todd because.“that issues.“ “I hate to hear someone say. that the reason ERA has not been rati- the women‘s movement. lifetimes.“
86 b' ' "" “M
ill funding party -
l "' "
I .

' draws fire from floor . . »
._ By JAY HAMBURG Engineering Senator Mitch Griffin. I A . ‘
' Staff Writer said, "There are ov'er 20 Greek organi- ”'3’: '

zations on campus that have philan- ., y ‘ . . . ~ .
Student Government‘s final meeting thropic activities. l don‘t see why we I’ Tlghtrope
of the semester ended the administra- should single one out.“
tion of SO President Mark Metcalf Earley raised another objection. / ;_' ' ,
last night ~ but not without a fight. “The party is campus-wide. but the _, . - y 9 . walker
A bill to allocate $58.68 for “PM" softball tournament is not. I don't see / i i s ,
ofa Tau Kappa Epsilon softball tour- how we can sponsor a party at this l
nament drew first fire. The tourna- time. Chi Omega did their own . / P , ‘ d M , l (of-
ment consisting of TKE teams from advertising." HE» . titn ers aroun . emoml .hl
across the nation would benefit St. “We want SG to be more directly 315“ ‘ .\ seum have been busy liitely. ft 'ey
Jude's Children‘s Research Hospital. involved in campus organizations.“ . iil'e~ not finding missing trophies
Though not stated in the bill, the Sturgeon said. “There aren‘t many ‘ . they are busy at war: as showln
money would actually go for the campus-wide activities that benefit a .i ‘ r - ‘ l here. where i:w't: o ‘tflelr: nreflst- ‘
advertisement ofa fund raising party charity.“ 3': . k - - ‘ - . g l houetted w" l e W o "s f;
to be held for the charity. The bill passed after inserting an . ‘ look out over the flag plaza whic
. ’ Freshman Senator Debbie Earley amendment by Senator At-large Jack 1 ‘ ‘i P "“d" construction. .
said.“This is kind ofmisleading.There Heath, stating that the $58.60 would lief;- P‘ 5 ‘ g ,
. ‘ is nothing in this bill about a party." go foradvertisements forthe fund rais~ ;' \ .
The bill, as originally submitted by ing party. (I '
Senator At-large and president-elect A resolution to recommend tenure g i
Brad Sturgeon, did not mention the for Assistant History Professor Daniel
party. The purpose of the advertise- Rowland also came under close g‘ =
ments as stated in the bill was “to build scrutiny. . L ‘
st ro nge r ties with ca rn pu 5 Library Science Senator Bob Bolin.
organizations." said, “I‘d like to ask (Sturgeon) the
Sturgeon confirmed that the money sponsor of this bill why was this sub-
. would go to advertise a fund raising mitted late, and is this a precedent for
party to be held this Saturday in the next year?" '
‘ ‘ parking structure across from the “I just receivedthis information on ,
Chemistry-Physics building. Wednesday." Sturgeon said. “and late ' V ~i-‘
Earley said. “if we help TKE. then bills will not be our policy." ' h ‘vgf‘ ‘ '
we should have helped Chi Omega Sturgeon and Dean Garritson.Arts ‘3'
With their kick-off party last week. Lontinued on page 3 .._, . B) “A.” ”mums/Kernel m"

oda - -

. THE CARTER administration would consider prov'iding Signs Of the times ‘
. me tax incentives as rewards for holding down wages and prices.

, but only after the federal budget is balanced. the president‘s . . .
inilifnsln’tlti.‘ifsii::t;z £2;c§:3‘;:;5::::’;??.:?;l iiiei iniiion-iiisiiei siii , . . . UK safety department offering $100 for Information
clean-up plans of hazardous wastes at the so—called “Valley Alfred E' Kahn. chairman 0‘ the presidents “mm” 9" . . . . . -
oi the Drums" in Bullitt county. _ . mg; 33313;; fiii'n'iii‘élifit ridge:tgjcggpggglfigg leading to the recovery of campus identification Signs

Ford Motor CO‘ Reliance Universal, George Whitestdes. will diop to around l0 perccngt by the epnd of the year .
C0“, L°"'S.V'"c “"1"" CO‘ and KurfeesCoatinglnc..com- ' By DALE G. MORTON feel we could get a lot of them back." UK police officials decided to run an
panics which sent wastes to the site several years ago, have world ‘ _ ‘ . W l ‘d h . g , . . ‘ K
agreed to identify the waste material that came from their .taff Writer he said. esse s sat e was unsure advertisement in last Tuesday 5 gernel
' facilities and to remove it from the site. COMMON MARKFT {om , . A $l00 reward is being offered by about the number of people involved announcing a Sl00 reward “for infor-
_ . _ . . gn ministers. debating what . . .
_ The companies already have identified about .' .300drums mp8 wcmm Europe should take mthc U.S.-lrancrisis. are the UK Department of Safety for with the thefts. ‘ matton leading to the recovery of the
on the 5"“ accordingto Md ““9“ commisSIoncr for "K ready to recommend stoppingimports of Iranian oil. drasti- information leading to the TCCOVCW 0f I‘We haven 1 had the problem until recently “Ole" campus 5'8“-
Bureau 0‘ Env'ronmemal Pm‘m'on' He ”“1 removal of cally reducingdiplomaticcontacts and banning armssalesto several campus identification signs. this year." he said. “lcan‘t believe what “We thought it would be worth our
mm" mm“ '5 “PM“ ‘0 begin “hi" 30 “’5' Iran. diplomatic sources said yesterday. Tom Padgett. director of public any one. two. four or five people time and money to place an ad.“ Pad-
nation lt that d0t5 "0t Pressure lrah "“0 "leasing thc 50 U-Sr safety. said that 30 signs. valued at a would want withso many signs. You gett said. The department “will give
. PRESIDENT CARTER said yam“)! that he considers Embassy hOStaBCS- thc "Inc-natlon ”me“ Math“ WOUld total of 57,200, were stolen. from var- Just cant Visualize what they (the SIQO to anyone who can give us a lead
the American hostages "in jeopardy“ in Iran and that he begrepared to end all trade with the Iranians. the sources ious parts of campus beginning the thieves) would do wnh them. Wessels which leads to a significant number of
doesn‘tknow“how muchlongerwecansithereand "HM“ SIIThe foreign ministers who openedtheir meetinghcre yes- week before spring break. said. . h‘ . signs being gecovered, [he said. but
kept captive.“ terday were eXDected toannounce the anti-lranstcpstoday. One Of the signs was the large cam- - WCSSCIS said Is department ls try- addCd that t e return 0 ”m one Slgn
In an interView with Walter Cronkite ofCBS News,Car- ' pus map. which was stolen from the ing to replace the missing signs. which wouldnt be enough to warrant the
, ter was asked whether any military move wouldn‘t place the A CROWD of nationalist Israelis. estimated by police at main gate 0" SOUth Limestone Street. Wl“ 905‘ ““7““ $25 and ”.500 each. reward. .
50 Americans being held at the us. Embassy in sortie more than 30.000, marchedthroughtheomupicd west pant According to Jim Wessels. director of UK detectives are working on leads Over the weekend. seven parking
J'COPtrttY-I to Jerusalem yesterday markingthe 32nd anniversary ofthe the Physical Plant Division, the map “that look promising." Padgett said. signs were returned to the UK police
“I “milder them in icowdy now.”thc President replied founding of modern-day Israel. . was UK‘s most expensive sign. valued but would not elaborate any further. department but the individuals who
“There is a volatile political situation in Iran. I think the The marchers. organized hythe right-wingGush Emunim at 51200 “We have some people who say returned than “c” not seen. Ander-
ztgpntztcugrgfcmeesrvtznmegt. thesocial stfruclture ailfitheeco- group which spearheads lsrael‘ssettlement drive in occupied The most recent theft wasthe sign at they‘re such-and—such a place. but son said. '
them kept captive while the situation around does deten'o- ' Building. It was valued at 3'00- ‘ Polls! Cdpt- 3°" Anderson .. wont CV9" ask them questions. And-
rite.“ the president said. weather “This is the biggest rash (of thefts) l “T heres so many of them. Ander- erson said. But Padgett said the Uni-
Cirter also aid hewiil discourage hostage families from think we‘ve ever had.“ Padgett said. son said. “Normally we miss one or _versity “Will prosecute the offenders if
,- tnvelingtolmt in innttempttovisittheir hostage relatives. GOOD NEWS today It IS gotng to be very warm with adding that he didn‘t think the signs two (signs) throughout the year. But. the signs are found through police
See story on how the mother of one hostage got to see her highs both today and tomorrow in the low to mid 80s There were stolen by individuals looking for we just haven‘t had this problem until searches. Padgett said charges could
son It the embassy. page three. will be lows tonight in the mid 50s room decorations. but rather by a this year.” vary depending on the value of the
large group of people. “i hat‘s ivhv ue Because of the recent rash ofthefts. signs found.

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
l lilrror lll ( litcl Mark (.‘run Kim Aubrey Thomas ('hrli John (1:) GI"! LCM"!
l by I-ossell Bob (‘oehrlne Entertainment Editor Spam Ll] or “WW” 0/ PhUIOK’flPhl
l (I!) “mi: {um tuli' lililtili Plul Mm“ ,
l tluriueirte ltlrror (ind) McGee S. 1. Robinson an... Rickerd David Maynrd
l Jacki Rudd Assistant .4,\.\Lilanl Sporty hdrtur Phi)!“ Mandi!"
l Steve Massey Lisa Doussard ('o/tt Iii/IIUI\ Entertainment Editor
f . (uni/tin liltlor liltiortul I't/ilur
l editorialsfiacommcnts . .
l . .
L . _ -_._._.__.—_—___ ___—————————.——_________—__.
Supreme Court abortion ruling should consider impo verished women
\rnet‘tcarts are divided on the Issue of abortion hah‘h 0‘ the 'USI‘CCS- Because of a court order. the government is now killing herinstead ofa baby. She could usethe“do-it- i
some people are adamantly against it and say it is Since the Supreme Court legali/ed abortion in funding the abortions restricted by the Hyde amend- yourself“ method and perhaps bleed ‘0 death.
murder of a human life, olhcrs say .rlllwomen shouldI l973smore than five million‘women have had legal mel“. until the Supreme Court hands down its She could take herchances'and havethe baby. lfshe ’
. have the right to choose. some peopic say the legar abortions in the ltntted States. dectsron. lives andthe baby lives,she has another mouthtofeed \
“PW“ “l “bolll‘lMl‘llUl‘l il‘d""l‘l“d”ll“l 'n‘l'lldlll’l According to one requirement of Congress‘ Hyde The president of the National Organization for on welfare payments. The child may suffer neglect.
h“"‘ ”l llldl ‘lmlllmll‘ "lll’llld ll" l‘g‘ll ”ill?" ”l “mam Amendment. which restricts medicaid payments for Women claims the court‘s decision will determine not abuse. mental and emotional illness.
“”“nl‘lllll‘lc‘ ‘ . abortions. obstetricians must certify that the woman only the issue at hand but will also affect the total Unwanted children are no blessing in acountrytry-
y l ll" hlll‘lcmc ( “ll” 'll‘llcc‘ “Tm” l' dl‘l‘lc‘l would die if not given money for the abortion. Then, abortion picture and women‘s rights. “At issue is the ing to lower its population growth. Hopefully. thejus-
' ' ”ll lh" ‘l‘l't‘ll‘ln "l EO‘Cllllllclll-“lli’l‘llllw‘l ‘lhl’lll‘lll‘ the woman can receive federal money if she cannot fundamental right of reproduction.“said NOW PreSi- tices will decide in favor ofthe impoverished women
. . ll"lCld‘l-‘ "‘ lllc-l heard ‘ll‘ll “lglllll‘lll‘ lmm lllc pay for the abortion herself. dent Eleanor Smeal. in this country. i
my -'ritrtctit and attorneys in two com anton . - -. . -- ' - s . . , _
. . I he Supmm (Mm “hm“ devoted m0 and 0mg ‘ . . .- . ' he roa er question 0 a womans right to have an time to reconsider the qualifications ofthe people we .
m” mm“ W twr [he Mal and constitutional mun VObSICIrlClanS can predict a woman might die. or a ortton is unknown.lThe justices are expected to are sending to.Washington. D.C. Arethey moretnter-
“mm by “Hm mt” ”lmlwd m the cases. The-question give estimates on the chances other death ifthe preg- hand down their dec15ion in IO weeks. ested in lowering federal spendingthan inthe plight of
tit-tore the court liiir's t Ungl‘c‘ss have the right to for- nancy '5 continued. Howey'er.lthis‘law means ‘lbsmll‘ For women with little or no income who must find a pregnant woman WhO has no money to fund an
- bid lcdciai welt v . . t-.ciits tor abortions which are clans must Gem.” that they are absolutely sure the funds to Pay medical CXPehSCS for an abortion. the abortion Wthh her doctor says COUld klll her?
wmdmtt ”and, q. mutt.“ tm impoverished “‘lma" might dlc- and ll" doctor can‘be absolutely Court‘s decision may not only affect their lives but That the bill became law inthe first place issurpris- ‘
I ,«tuthet. t-cnlib‘ “me death “I‘lllld res“ll fromvpregnancy. those of their unborn children. To deny pregnant ing. Surely the legislators didn‘t think women who ‘
lwo :v m rinfgcs :rt \cw York and Chicago said no. “Cd‘c'hc '5 a hf’mpllcalhd l'f’ld “here any number women the right to an abortion when pregnancy were pregnant. poor and needing an abortion would
' lite}. 'lllk‘tf :t..it it is unconstitutional for Congress to 0‘ factors can all?“ a patient 5 hwhh- whether that endangers their lives could mean Congress is killing quietly accept their rules. For some ofthose women.
tor bid the Wt'rtmcnt to pay for medically-necessary Pam“I '5 undergoingsurgery 0' treatment lorcancer. Americans to balance the budget. it‘s a question of life and death. 7
I .EDtrl'littt’n o: poor women 01595 he“? ““59“ “here When“ “h" were ‘Old they Where will the impoverished pregnant woman golf Did Congress consider that question and weigh it
Dezenttezs o: the tederul restriction and the Justice were dying recovered from the illness; their cures a doctor cannot certifythat she mightdie when giving with the importance of budget-cutting needs? It‘s too
l)ep.ot:t:cr.t .tt’Vi‘L‘ tied the decision to the Supreme could not be linkedtoanyspecific medicalprocedures birth? She could have an abortion in an unsanitary late now. the issue is in the hands of the Supreme ‘
. t .»:.--1, l“. ' t tattttg the cottttoyersy‘ squarely in the or treatments. back room Of an office and run the risk ofinfection Court.
. . l
' State’s o osition to mari'uana use hard to reconcile ‘9“9’5 ”0””
p pp J The Kentucky Kernel welcomes
. , . . . , all contributions from the UK
it. i \\1l ts t,Rll-l l\ decrtminaliration and pass a tougher ces. Kentucky coal pollutes the an. be minus anothcr Oil‘s key industries. exposed to crime and pOSSlbl-‘l a more community for publication on the
' 4 marijuana law, and the ravages of strip mining haye Kentucky thoroughbreds carry the dangerous drugsubculfure; and willbe editorial and opinion pages
. . ~ l . 7’“; it‘rc‘tsldliltc barely State Representatiyc Dottie Priddy. scarred its beautiful \alleys, Coal hortes of millions of gamblers across far more expensivethan iiOUghlio be. T . i
i 5t. ' lt-t-w: .t-tootahtll a Democrat from foursyille. was the operators have resistedincreased taxa- the finish line, despite the fact that lmportantly. the profits from the . he ’“W’ may condense or
. _ . , _.. .. to ~ .,.. . ”unsung. punt. bur. .pmeor She hit. towed to rein- tron. and the state‘s economy has sul— gambling in general is considered an sale of marijuana are immense. and "film homllbm'mls‘ .and frequent
l i .\ . . . ! »'..r-:..;..ir-._\, the hill troducethe measure nextsession.and lered as a result. Still. there is no insidious vice. breaking homes and would be in the state treasury if the writers may be llmlted-
Wt: a 1 ; _.n ».~..i-_-ti..trgiris says her "concern is the pushers who outcry of moral indignation when taking bread off the table. state could muster the foresight to Contributions should be deli-
_. .' -. are making money off theyoungkids_ Kentucky sorlis shipped to other states I‘m not condemning Kentucky‘s legalize pot. It is claimed that organ- vered ‘0 Room “4 Journalism.
‘ ll . m. mining o:. the part ot and many of these kids get into crime for burning. role in support of coal. alcohol. ized crime controlsthe drug market: if University Of Kentucky. Lexing-
i , "it: must. . . i :u' tit-cbillliombccom- to buy marijuana," ——_—— tobacco and gambling. I just find it so. those same profits are now sup- ton. Ky. 40506.
4‘ . rw tre- - r. .t-tiesttortthatwhcn It is unfortunate that these youngs- . . hard to reconcile these interests with portingloan sharks. hitmen.and other For legal reasons. contributors
- .._....r. tl‘tzs hillwill ters must stoop to crime l0 buy pot. griffin the state‘s apparent Opposition to the nefarious types. mu“ W356"I a UK '9 before the
' i . . '~ fate lll ss‘lllilill‘ But as with so many other societal ills, use of marijuana by adults. Even with a law restricting the sale Kernel Will be able ‘0 accept the
i ' _ . k -'ltc governor the solution liesindccontrol.notmore _—.___ A strong case can be made for dis- of marijuana to those over 2f. kids material. .
» - » How the goter- rigid controls. Kentucky water has produced out— couraging the abuse of many things. would still get their hands on pot.just .
.’ . .- -«. . tn- out time It lhe control of these "kids" belongs standing bourbon. which is sentacross especially when their addictive nature as they do now. But there would be Letters: .
. .. ,. told be con» ll‘. the home, It isa sad commentary on the country to be sold for lower prices renders the users powerless. as with important differences. They wouldn't ' Should be 30 lines or less and no
' * 'l c . w . ., .ir linsl not .on- the parents of any child when the than it can be bought for here. lhe tobacco and alcohol. But prohibition need to commit crimes to afford it. as more than 200 words. They should
' . .. t:-..tt.ly' hie bettc. youngster has a serious problem that dangers and health halards of alcohol serves to encourage use. especially in Rep. Pritty worries. it would beas safe concern particularissues.concerns
- is... ~t.. ,e DL‘L'lt with has [0 be dealt with by the law. l’er- are well known. but Kentucky profits those grOUps subject to peer pressure. as Possibie- and lhevwouidn't harem or events relevant to the UK
‘ ’ . t . . . haps we ought to impose mandatory from this vital industry. and no one bycreatingaforbidden fruit mystique. deal With Criminals and hard narcotics community.
' - . if, . "“t\\'l:f\Y'l to the bill rail sentences on liquor store owners seriously suggests that we should try The only things the law discourages pushers.
_ y - i - . ~ - the -riconipe- who sell alcohol to kids. even if it‘s the another prohibition. In fact. bills have are the full truth. since pot‘s illegality It is too late to deter marijuana use Opinions:
. . - - t2-.» dialled it Some- ow ncr's first offense lhere‘s nothing been introduced to open the bars on stifles meaningful discussion and or sale; they are already deeply Should be 90 lines or less and
. . 4 » . .. t. .l law would have like a strong deterrent to crime, Sunday. research on its effects. and treatment. ingrained into our culture. We ought should give and explain a position
1 . . . . - ~r; trait/ed lllc‘Ditsst‘s- In addition. Ms. l’riddy‘s bill can No lincr lcui oi tobacco is grown because ofthe stigma attached todrug ‘0 acknowledge these him and at the pertainingtotopicalissuesofinter-
. . W .1’ an rillillldi tr.tn~ only be considered counterproductive outside of Kentucky. and every liLtllIl'lL‘ abuse. very minimum legalize personal con- est to the UK communitv. .‘
, l . . . won as "-\ny_tt;l were she to study economies and the warehouses in l-ayettc County are The laws in every statein the nation sumption and cultivation. '
_ . law or supply and demand. sht- would filled to the brim with this cancerous stand as testimony that no law can Let your representatives know how Commentaries ’
. ‘ “ .t. :t.e itinndutory understand that rcducrngthe supply of crop. Billions of cigarettes will be reduce the incidence of pot smoking. you Stand on this issue. Elections will Should be 90 lines or less. with '
( . _ .; 'i’i.li would hasc marituana would ottly drive up the rolledfromthis state‘stobacco.butno Whether harsh or lenient. the laws be held between now and the time no more than 300 words. These
- t. ....- trout-t under the price lhthc kids who turn to crime one from Kentucky will complain, ensurethaf w'henakid does buy mari- when the bill will be next introduced. articles are reserved for authors
' , , . .- - ;, ‘ -: .liclltlcls tospend now would have to steal a lot more to Especially not the legislators. who juana. he or she will be faced with a And remember. marijuana doesn't who. in the editor‘s opinion. have V, i
, g . ‘ . -. . . . hasls lit: the bill's pay for their pot under the proposed apparently believe that what's good host of hazards. The pot may or may harm people. people harm PCOPlfi special credentials. experience. - '1
- . , . {y . ”;t‘st' problems are law for the tobacco companies is good for not be spiked withaharmfulchemical; training or other qualifications to
J ' ' u w :t is likely Kerr For many years this state has profit- Kentucky. Will definitely be SOld by a criminal James Griffin is ' SWCCh junior. Hi5 address a particular subject.
' ' , . . ~. ». . w».- trend toward ted from the sale of harmful substan- Without gambling this state would guaranteeing that the kid will be column appears every Tuesday.
i -' a u I I '
: ; Artistic, intellectual fascrsm
" ' 7h 2‘ rt f l' d' t onged
.. . ' rs. ruii s ‘n t \‘skl (.il failed to follow the departmental phi- and with countless students in his 22 Ire arts department iS that Charles because they think differently from dialectic Wthh l5 vital to education.
- " losophy. and. the chairman notes. year tenure at the University knows Dickens iS being censored because he someone else. ”i allow censorship ‘0 and you destroy the very reason that .
,. . - a I .. .: .. :' . ual fascism working collectivelywithoneanother nothing aboutdirecting. Provethat he thinks differentlyfromothers. because .CXiSi and i do nothing about h~ i wearetogether here inthefirst place.l
.' . - .. ». . ....its.icp.irttnentat on the faculty is of paramount is incompetent as a director. Then othersdon‘t likethe way hCChOOSCSIO embrace CChSOTShiP- l reject pity the students who shall have no
i " - - , ' - .. ' ~rl Kentucky lndtyid- importance. deprive him of his right to direct; then direct plays. because he fails ‘0 CChSOTShiP- opinions other than the opinions ‘
.l. ' : , , . .t . ' «ally pit-reeled rights Charles Dickens has ne\er refused refuse tohonor his right todirect and embrace a departmental philosophy Charles Dickens' life in theatre. WhiCh others believe they ShOUId h‘iVC- ,
. . . . ~ r : .- The lhcaltc arts depart- to work with the costume designer. express himself creatively. WhiCh he in fact iOlIOWS. Knowingthe Charles Dickens‘ liberty ‘0 becreative Some education. Some falsehood.
,- ,' -.' .’ . ‘ -. .t r .. ' ‘i member» are told that Charles Dickens has never refused to What hypocrisy! Why does the cos- ”Uih makes me understand why i am through the art ofdirecting. and Cha- Whether we like ll or "Cl we are
' . " _’ . . .. l‘..i.’t' by .t chairman are work withthetechnicaldircctor.(‘ha- tume designer refuse to work with free. rles Dickens' khOWlCdSC are being responsible for our world. There isno
. . ‘ * .' i i’-..‘\llti."s\ \nd nothing rles Dickens has never refused to work Charles Dickens‘? Is it because Charles Th6 departmentalchairmantold me extorted from him without due pro~ law that says we must like everyone.
', . ‘ . . i .itw-n these violations of collectively with anyone. But any Dickens doesn‘t direct a play the way in a phone conversation ‘0 d0 wha- “55 whatsoever. Trilaterally. Charles .blll. there l5. 8 law which states that
, i ' 1 " . " '- ‘ -'='~ v-u'l 'il' tagcmenls Upon request from Charles Dickcnstodirect she thinks a play should be directed'.’ tever I wanted about this trilateral Dickens. has been declared unableand . lndiVlduai rights are 10 be protected.
’ .' .' . ' . . ".t-d-r . s t s. cpt for this let- a drama in a department in which he Whydoesthe technical director refuse decision ‘0 (‘iCPTiVC Charles DiCkChS 0i unworthy ‘0 direct at the University Of You don‘t have to like what l write.
' ' w 4 in. ~ .rothtttg I want has served for over 20 years will no to work with Charles Dickens'? Is it his opportunity i0 direct plays at UK. Kentucky. And the proof ”5‘5 Oh You don‘t have to believewhatlwrite.
_’ g f r: l '. ‘ ' 1 w , Wt -» longer be honored. because Charles Dickens doesn‘t noting. however. that it was none of words which smack of collusion and And you alone can dCCidC if YOU
» ‘ ; '.- . - .. .i- ' »- ...r.rtot bcu‘rk —__‘%—— direct a play the way he thinks a play my business. conceit. of sniggering beltind closed ShOUld defend my right 10 write. Bl"
- f ;' .' .. utopinwihem , , should be directed? W’hy does the lhavetaughtdirectingclassesatthe doors. ofjudges ofartoblivioustoany don‘t "Y 10 take my rightsaway. don‘t
, . k a, . .. : and state their opinion chairman conclude that Charles University for four years. I have mediocrity within themselves because [5" me his “0'“? ofmy business. Whh‘
. . . .- ' .. .. . l. wat- i - o.. is not the truth. Dickens should no longer directplays'? directed over 30 productions since they are so busy judging the medioc- you have done 10 Charles Dickens is
_ . ‘ ' , g ‘ ' "Mt ' an «all Im a liar come ——_— ls it because Charles Dickens doesn‘t receiving my PhD. from the Univer- rity of others. wrong. Wrong? Thercis no oiherword
. . .fi i :r .l. .4. : l \lHMSL‘ to tell you Honor under these conditions and direct plays the way the chairman sity of Wisconsin. I have reviewed in Judge not lest you bejudged. You for ii- .
‘- . . . to i 2:» an. ‘tttidg'l‘l‘iit'nl of no one circumstances has no place Who is thinks that plays should be directed? my €3P3Ciiy as theatre critic for The are what you do. and what you have 10h" 3' Lymugh is m assistant pro-
- . 4 “ t” ~ 1* refusing to work with whom‘.’ If you If you don‘t see the hypocrisy in all Lexington Leader 34 plays over the done to Charles Dickens by censoring ““0" in Theatre Arts.
_ . .. .r mom ontrttt riirntnicmorandum want to deprive Charles Dickens of this.ify-ou cannot followthe reasoning last two years. and. since it is none of his creative opportunities is morally (Editor‘s NO": The {OM‘Vh‘I state-
. . Ju‘ i l . w on to. NM). written to directing plays at the l'niversity of that Charles Dickens is beingdeprived my business. I c