March 31, 1972

            BOARD ACTION RECOMMENDED: That the Committee's
            proposed revision be amended by adding the following sentence
            at the conclusion of the new paragraph: "Provided however that
            this section shall not be construed to require the transfer of
            credits or certification for graduation prior to resolution of
            the dispute. "

            RATIONALE: Such a provision is needed to protect the University's
            interest and to discourage a student's challenging his financial
            obligations to the University solely for the purpose of gaining
            clearance for transferring credits or graduating. Once a student
            has been Graduated, the University's only recourse may be to
            take legal action in order to settle the financial obligation.

C. Proposed revisions which involve considerations that should be brought to the Board's

    The Committee's proposed revisions outlined below involve questions and implications
    which should at least be brought to the Board's attention before final action on the
    proposals. I have simply offered a brief comment on each proposal and have not
    recommended Board action.

    1. 32   (Providing that the University will not provide student addresses
            and phone numbers to landlords, etc.)

            COMMENT: Due to the fact that it is impossible to screen
            adequately the vast numbers of requests for student addresses
            and phone numbers, the University, upon adoption of this pro-
            posal, may have to refuse release of such information to anyone
            except as required by law. Further, if it were possible to screen
            out those persons who are "landlords, retail stores, magazine and
            book companies, etc. ", would not the University be justly charged
            with (a) discriminating against some citizens in favor of others,
            and (b) providing a sanctuary for students vis-a-vis their financial
            obligations ?

   1.414   (Providing for contact with parents in matters of discipline "only if
            the student is under eighteen years of age or consents. ")

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