Page Thre


The pledges of Alpha Gamma Del
ta Sorority will entertain with a tea
dance Friday aftcrnoqn from 3:30
to 6:00 in honor of the members of the
active chapter and alumnae of the

Messrs. Gibbons Martin, Otis Jones,
Baylcss, John Whitakcr,
William King, R. H. Crogg, Marshall
Barnes, Hayncs Barr, Snccd Yacgcr,
James Shousc, William Tate, B. L.
The Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Pribblc and Raymond Kirk.
Pi, professional fraternity in com
mcrcc, entertained their initiates with
Alumfrii Supper Friday
a dinner in the private dining room of
Lexington alumni of the University
the Phoenix Hotel Sunday evening at of Kentucky will hold an alumni supsix o'clock.
per Friday evening, Nov. 24, at 6:00
I he pledges arc: A. L. Atchison, o'clock in the palm room of the PhoeCalhoun, Ky.; Dan Baugh, London; nix Hotel in observance of Kentucky
Wayne Faust,
J. G. Day. The celebration was postponed
Gillum, Franklin; L. II. Hall, Morgan-fiel- from Saturday, November 11, because'
J. H. Johnson, Auburn; G. B. of the death of Judge W. T. Laffcrty,
Karl H. dean of the college of law. The uniRohs, Paris; and Lowell Truitt,
versity alumni invites alumni and faculty members of Transylvania to atActive chapter: Paul Cooper, Otis tend the supper which will be infor
L. Jones, B. B. Mann, T. C. Davidson, mal.
John Dahringer and T. R. Anderson.
members of the
The honorary members of the fra- graduating class of 1923 of the Uniternity are: Dr. Frank L. McVey and versity of Kentucky will be guests of
Professor Edward Wiest.
the adumni association at the supper.
Each of the fourteen men's Greek let
The date for the
dance ter fraternities and the six women's
by the men's fraternities of the Uni- - fraternities of the university will have
versity has been set for December 21, as their guests members of the senior
in the ball room of the Phoenix Hotel.1 class of the university.
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
A lovely courtesy to the men of the the University of Kentucky, and Mr.
Alabama football squad and its party, A. D. Harmon, president of Transylof visitors, was the theatre party with vania College, will be the principal
which the
Circle entertained speakers. Novelty stunts and musiFriday night at the Ada Meade thea- cal numbers directed by Professor
Carl Lampert will be given.
tre to see "The Thirteenth Chair."





A lovely party of Tuesday was the Meeting of the White Mathematics
tea with which Miss Frances Jewell
The regular
meeting of
entertained in courtesy to the mothers
of all women students who live in the White Mathematics Club was held
in the Physics building at 3:45 p. m.,
November 16. Minnie
Benton Peterson spoke on "Descart's
Mr. Swisher's Afternoon Tea.
Rule of Signs" and H. M. Bobley
Mr. Allen Swisher and Mr. Carol M.
spoke on "Sturm's Theorem."
Sax entertained with the first of a
series of afternoon teas Friday in the
art studio of the University of Kentucky in delightful compliment to Mr.
Edward Cebrian, of San Francisco,
(Continued from Page 2)
and Senor Julio Jorrin, of Cuba.
The studio was charmingly decorat- the University of Illinois. There are
ed with batik panels and lighted with several Kentucky men here, including
white candles in brass holders. Mrs. Nelson S. Conkwright '22 and GarSamuel B. Walton poured tea and land Davis '21. Please send the KerMisses Anne Callihan and Belle Bates nel." F. W. Tuttle, 905 West Nevada
assisted in entertaining.
St., Urbana, 111.
Among the guests were: Mrs. Matt
George C. Bauer is an instructor
Savage Walton, Misses Kathleen
in Inorganic Chemistry at the A. &
Frances Jewell, Elizabeth
M. College of Texas, College Station,
Eleanor Morse, Mary Lyons, Tex., Box 143.
Mary Anne Dunn,
Mabel Pollitt,
"Here are my dues. Please see that
Messrs. Leonard
Sutcliffe, Edward the Kernel is started at once." Junius
Cebrian, Julio Jorrin, Trqy Perkins Lewis,
and Thomas Fennell.
Graded School, Cadiz, Ky.
Pi Kappa Alpha Entertain
"Enclose check for two dollars, for
Omega chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha which please renew my membership
entertained delightfully in honor of in the Alumni Association and send
their pledges on Saturday evening. me the Kernel quick!" Jos. Gayle,
The chapter house was attractively with E. Rauh & Sons Fertilizer Co.,
decorated in the fraternity colors, gar- address 2039 Central Ave., Indiananet and gold. Fruit frappe was served polis, Ind.
during the evening.
"Am still railroading in Texas. Hope
The pledges in whose honor the to have a vacation and get home
dance was given are: Richard Lambert, sometime before Christmas. Glad to
Harold Stenken, Aubrey Keeeny, Stan- hear of such a large student body this
ley Courtney, A. V. Conway, Aaron year. Don't fail to let me hear everyAshbrook, Bertram Helck, John Von thing that goes on, in and about the
Grunigen, Robert Montgomery, Rob- University all news is welcome."
ert Samuels, Wilson Alsop, Orie Win. F. Marshall, Div. Eng'rs office,
Thomas, Miller Akers and John Ed G. C. & S. F. Railway, Temple, Tex.
W. R. Campbell died after a lingerThe hosts were: Messrs Carl Lipe ing illness at the residence of his parCharles Foley, James Reed, Maurice ent in Lexington-- Nov. 6. He was
Black, Lowell Truitt,, Walter Ferr
one of the most popular men of his
son, Wickliffe Moore, Jasper Reed class and was beloved by a large cirMcClure, Sidney B. Neal, Robert L. cle of friends.
Sanders, R. A. Sanders, John Bridge-maR. W. Rowlings, Hubbard Hood,
Albert Chandler.
"There are quite a bunch of KenThe dance was chaperoned by tucky men in this part of the country
Prof, and Mrs. A. C. Zembrod, Cap- and we would like to keep posted on
tain and Mrs. Marsh and Mr. and alumni affairs as well as University
Mrs. John U. Field.
affairs generally." Frank Eastwood,
Among the guests were: Judith with the Carbondale Machine ComYungblut, Ada Dawning, Margaret pany, address 38 Garfield Ave., CarLavin, Irene McNamara, Nan
bondale, Penna.
Ann Bell,
Minnie Peterson,
"Please put my name on the Kernel
Mary Peterson, Shelby Northcutt, list because I eagerly look forward to
Carolyn .Nichols, Ida Risque, Anne its coming each week. This year I
Shropshire, Annelle Kelley, Virginia am teaching English and coaching
Kelley, Anna Fred Harbison, Frances basketball in the Sturgis High School.
Ashbrook, Elizabeth Glasscock, Mary Katherne Reed, a member of the class
Crafton, Elizabeth Williams, Louise of '22, is here as teacher of French
McCormick, Louise Connell, Marvin and History. We are looking forward
Ray, Lillian Farra, Zelma Hall, Kitty to great works at the University of


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this year."

Lillic Crom

well, Sturgis, Ky.

Lucille Moore is head of the public
speaking department and editor of the
college paper at Tahlcquah Norma
College, Tahlcquah, Okla.

"A Delicious and

"Here's another 'horse' entering the
raccl I am enclosing the entrance
requirement of two dollars.
certainly appreciated the Kernel and
do not want to miss a single copy as
it is next best to being back at 'Old
There are five U. K.
teaching" at the Holmes
high school and we sure talk 'Kentucky' at every opportunity."
five mentioned arc Geo. H. Gregory
'21, teaching Biology, residence 1816
Greenup St.; H. L. Becker, residence
Y. M. C. A.; D. C. Duncan, instruc
tor in Mathematics, residence 1024
York St., Newport; L. V. Burge '20,
teaching physics, and I am in the
English department." Edna Snapp,
1830 Scott St., Covington, Ky.
Adalinc C. Mann is teaching in the
Fourth District School, Covington,
Ky. Address No. 5 N. Burton Apts.
"I am here taking a business course
and studying my head off on short
hand seven months of this and I
don't know what afterwards." Rox- ane Trimble, 1239 College St., Bowling Green, Ky.
(Continued on Page 6)




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Which kind gets you
there the quickest?
were walking down the road,

TWO a classmate whizzed by in his car.
"Pretty soft 1" sighed one.
Said the other, "I'll show him: Some day
I'll own a car that's got his stopped thirty ways. "

The more some men want a thing, the harder
they work to get it. And the time to start working such men at college know is right now.
All question of classroom honors aside, men
would make college count for more if they realized
this fact : You can buy a text book for two or
three dollars, but you can sell it for as many
thousand once you have digested the contents.
This is worth remembering, should you be
which social comparisons
inclined to the self-pit-y
sometimes cause. And anyway, these distinc
tions are bound to be felt, even though your
college authorities bar certain luxuries as unas perhaps they are.
The philosophy that will carry you through is
this: "My day will come and the more work
I crowd into these four years, the quicker I'll
make good."

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the interest of Elec
trical Devehpment by
n Institution that will
helped by what- ever helps the


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