l 2 
THE STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY ........................... 1
History ......,....................................... 1
Scope of Studies ..........,. . ............,........ . . . 2
The Normal School ......,............................. 2
f The Kentucky Experiment Station ............ . ........,.. 2 .
Location ...... . ...................................... 3
. Grounds ......................................,...... 4
Buildings ............,........... . .................... 4 -
Development ................ . ........ . ................ 5
BOARD or TRUSTEES ....................................... 7
` FAcULTv ................. ` .... . ........................... 8 .
; ASSISTANTS . 1 .......... . .................................. g .
` OTHER OFFICERS .......... . ........................ . .... I0
~ THE KENTUCKY EXPERIMENT STATION ................. . ....... IO
_ Board of Control ......................... . ............ IO
· Officers ofthe Station .............................. . . . . IO
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU ............................... . .... II
Aomssron ................................................ 1 1
‘ DEPARTMENTS ............................................. I4
_ COURSES OF STUDY ..................... . ................... 1 5
` History, Political Economy, and Metaphysics .............. I5
Botany, Horticulture, and Agriculture ............,........ I5
The English Language and Literature ...... . ............. 20
_ Military Science ....................................... 23
 _ Chemistry ............................................ 24
Mathematics and Astronomy .................. . ......... 27
` Modern Languages .....,.............................. 28
Greek and Latin .................... . .......... . ...... 29
` The Academy .......,................. . .............. 32
The Normal School .... . .............................. 32
Civil Engineering ...................................... 34 _
_ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering .............. . ..... 37
` AI1&tOmy and Physiology ...... · -···- . .............i..... 42
Geology and Zoology ....... , ........................... 44
Physics .................................... . ......... 48
Entomology ................................ . ......... 5o
DEGREES .......,............................. , .... . ..... 51
GROUPING or CoURsEs FOR DEGREES ......................... 52
For the Degree of B. S .................. . .............. 52
. For the Degree of A. B ........ . ....................... 5g
` For the Degree of B. Ped ............................... 62
5 For the Degree of B. M. E ..................... . ........ 65
` For the Degree of B. C. E .............................. 67 -
For the Degree of B. Agr ..,..,......................... 69