ple-producing States, uhd is C<)h· McColl0tn, the pioneer apple grower
ook sidered by the War Food Admin- of Henderson County.
for istration and Otlicc of Price Admin-
istration as tht- legal advisory com- -——— _
on mittee ot` the apple industry.
op- Since the bt·,einning o1` the war this $\VEET (QIDER
the V committee has been called into ses-
.- is sion several times to discuss with By W. W. MAGILL
` government a;_;ent·it·s such important _ _
lize problems as thc size, wisc distribu- UNO ef th€ f3\’Q1`1'f€ by-l>r0duCtS of
ble_ V tion. and use ot` thc national apple ¤I)l§lO$ 15 $W€§t Cgd€1‘lD1‘Qg€rly mage
iro.   croi. Recommendations have been Om Dl`O$€1`\'€? · DD 9 01 €1` may 6
tlies   turiicd in on such vital issues as the OOllhOd 85 8DDl€ jUi€€ just thC Same
 l National situations in fertilizers. OS the SUil<*YT¤€‘¤t that h31'f1bL11`g€1`
iur-   containers. spray machinery and ma- muy h§‘ dctined as ground beet`, and
ears   tcrials. price structures, orderly th01‘€ 1S_CGr_ta1nly just as much dit'-
  mmkmmg and pmcpssjng w.;,(.igC(»S' ference in cider as there is in ground
mal   The most recent meeting of this l>O€’l”; Miihy of US hH\‘€ 1`€C0ll€ct1onS
ma-   committee at Washington with WFA el OldO1` makihg day Oh the farm ih
 . and OPA ofticials was August 24-26. lhO $¤mhl€¤` ilhd €81`ly fall When we
, is  _ 1943. The chief problem discussed WOM to tht? O1`€'h61`d Bhd Dickéd UD
its  ` was that of ceiling prices for apples. HPPIOS {mm the S1`0Uhd hldudihg
cu]-  Q This problem proved so knotty that soil. hOi'hOl$· \'~'¤51>5. ahd li>31`lly dé-
Cliig   no decision could be reached at the ¤'3>'€d i1lQDlGS. ground them up in
`ruit  J time. Prices and practices 1`or can- die clit Cldelléhiiil and "niade cideéi."
Q_ _ nery apple diversions were also WOW WOO I if to €Om1l>61`€ ci €1`
SLE:} ri  discussed with good results. The com- {Nadi by the aindove formula with the
up   mittec reported that the apple in- mm \li`§.’O1` 50 1h_€0hh€€'fi01i With
}§`a_  g dustry is not in t"a~.·or ot ceiling the once popular circus day in the
as  _ prices on apples but that it` the hOhl€_TO\\`h. _
tmp .· government decides one is ureently Varletlés to use. During the last
M.,  . needed. the industry will cooperate decade many ot us have visited cider
 ; as far as possible it a fair ceiling is plants operated quite differently
has  . established. _ trom the old time orchard mill.
nSU_ A  It _was also brought out that this “`ll€l`O_ l“`O_Oi` mOl`O $_l>'3€l€*l 5€lO€t€‘d
I ap 1 years national apple crop is the \'8l`1¢‘UO5 Oi sound. NPO BRPIBS HFC
haw smallest in 20 years. lt is estimated “'il$hOd· ground 1hTO l¤31'U€l€S Hl-
ml. aii)80nlyi1_93 niillignqlnttsiiels akgtnnst iiitist gs iinco as appletbutteiyéind
_ . .. nn ion in . - an an tl-vear "Ssc ir ugi sani ary ci er
  ` average ot` 121 million, This sinsll cloths. _ the _product immediately
Wcrs Crop has shrunk turther because ul cooled in the icebong and oifered tor
is iz drouth and heat during late summer MIO to the COUSUUUUS P}ibhO· MQY
;is‘m _ in the Midwest and eastern serrboard we again compare this splendid
meh · regions. lt will take wise action to drink with some choice cuts oi qual-
iised _ divide this smallcrop up properly ity beet. ground up while we look
)\wl_ . between tresh lruit. canning, drying_ on. and then taken home to enjoy at i
Good j and Juice divisions, and between the our own table. _ _ V ‘
/5* “, military and civilian forces, . ln the tirst place ll·1S impossible
(Sm; EDITOR 5 NOTL; Kciititclqii s rerg to make "cluality c1der` until apples
K1 ttblc member of the National Apple have reached the stage of maturity
°“’ Planning Committee is Mr. Fran}; that we would call good eating ap-
·"` l" Street o_fHcndet·son. Kg.}-1.- attended ples. In the second place. no one
__ the recent conferences at Washing- variety ot apples makes "quality"
~*0m' ton and because of his good work cider. Considering the varieties
imall there tras placed on tt small enter- raised in Kentucky. in my opinion ·
?U}C" tivttcy cotntnittcc of thcNtitional,1pple the Golden Delicious will come thc _
BUOU lttstitttte. This committee has poteer nearest to making good cider with
Sim to act on price ceiling nttttters and Stayman or Winesap the second
-l*m‘ other tear issues for the National choice when used alone. For an "A
’ lh*‘ ripple Institute. lt has been impos- number 1" blend, use one-third of
pera- sible for Mr. Street to attend all the the apples either Grimes Golden or
Qi ol - Cflllvd meetings ttt\Vashingt0n. and on Golden Delicious, 0ne—tlli1`d €iill€1‘
ment those occasions Kcntitclcg was repre- Staymau or Winesap. and you can
tates. sented by Mr. C. R. McCollotn. able use most any other variety or vari-
>t' an young apple grower of Henderson eties tor the rest of the blend. Red
e ap- County and grandson of Rerercnd Delicious alone used for cider. makes
5 .