oi tliroughout the year. Such cider is and marketing the 1943 peach and
_i,t_ not quite so good as the 1'rcsli Cider. apple Ci‘Op.
lip lint still is a mighty line drink. August 12, in Trimble county at
i,.: _ Pint or quart bottles with screw the Joe Bray and Sons fruit farm.
oi;_ tops. or pmt or (iLl:tt‘t staitdard irttit ;5rowet's from G counties \‘.'€1`€])l€8S€Cl
ip)  . jars make ideal containers. The to look over a diversified fruit pro-
t-..  Q method is simple. During late duction farm program including a
rp  j tjetober or Novembt r wht it the good crop of peaches, apples. grapes.
uy.   uuality t>l` apples is at the best. and melons. Naturally the straw-
 · simply place a ft w gallons ol` the berry and raspberry crop had al-
t.; ‘ lresh juice in an open kettle; brin: ready been harvested. Peach har-
;;i._   it to a "siminer" over a slow tire vest was in tull swing and many cars
..,,.5 » uitliout boilinir. and hold at this and trucks were waiting their turn
in tcniperature tor about 25 minutes. in line to buy peaches at prices
ua-, ‘ gradually removing the scum as it ranging from $4 to $6 a bushel, and
{,1 comes to the top. lit the m<·antime grapes at Sl a peck, with most of the
i;-,-:_ hint: your washed bottles or cans in sales being made direct to the con-
3-.-;.. ;t hot oven for sterilivation. then pour sumeig A visit te the Bray roadside
il,-  i the hot cider into the hot bottles. fruit market on route U. S. 42 near
,,_ Q Naturally, you will not want to put Bedfei~d_ Keutueky, about 40 miles
(ip,. the bottle or can tops iirthe oven, fi·Om Lguigyiiig and 50 miies {rem
hh . hut instead have them in boiling Cincinnati is a day well spent for
gi water. As soon as the bottles ai‘C any fruit grower. Again Armstrong.
  _ zillcd. take the caps lrom the boiling girl-hep and Magiii led timely dis-
·o‘.·= _' `·‘~`*llt`l`· lllll l`·`-`O l‘_l` llll`l*O (ll"”‘l>$ Ol. eussions with the visiting growers on
th- Y ll“`ll‘(l lllilillllll lll lll°` WPS imtl insectr disease. orchard management
qui. ‘ #l‘l`L‘ll‘ Oll ll!llll}'» of marketing problems.
t ·.  ' August 24, in Johnson county. In
rich; 5['f\])l}—]]{ ()l{(]ll;\|{l) Flljlsl) Eastern Kentucky near Paintsville
anti an all-day tield meeting was held at
ulits   MEETINGS the Ronald Harris and Jasper Slone
thu  A orchards. These men have success-
tn By ll'. W. Kl.\GlLl.· lully developed small commercial
xsl`- orchards that are paying excellent
t tut E Tpwv m.L.im1.d mad mcmmgs in dividends, and are applying modern
~_  \\`cstcrn. Central. and Eastern Ken- ··l`¤ll¤l`  j Awilep as p,pm\.5. t ` Black Ben are the ·money—making
·ide   Jul`- g_ in Gmycs Umm`. ui mt, varieties. together with Red Deli-
or 1:;  , D_ wh Dorm] mtChm.dS_ Tip. mir eious and Jonathan. Their trees are
sono . L.l·(,D Ot- D(.m.ip.S km this rm-m limi carrying bumper crops of apples that
l`l*‘l5V - many others in Western Kentucky \\`lll Plcli 90 P€l`€€lll U- S· NO· l {lull
l lll* again called to attention that our One mature Home tree on the Harris
llsll- E pcach growoi-s u·c~i—e among the orchard yielded 52 bushels of fruit
ll tht "i`;ivr)i*¢_¤d fevy" in H)43 South of the l2`lSi }'C31` Bild lll€ O\\'IlC1` €Slll'I`13t€S
wit" 3Iason—Dixon Line who harvested a tll0 CYOD lllls }'Oal`_3l 42 lJll$l`l€l$- .
tl ll.l , (`l'(tl) ttf Dcgyghgg during L] yggiy vyhcyi i\’lOl`L% illllli   Sllpllllg poles \\`€1`€
it:. the commercial peach crop in ll5O€l Oll llll$ OOO ll`€€ lv hell? $ul?POl`t
ill ·¤’ , Georgia, North Q;u~oiina_ South Qaro- thc heavy-laden branches otluscious
cidt Z`. lltiii. to Virginia was extremely short. irtlii. Two lllJCl`£`tl 3Qi3lllC3llOll$ lJCl`
ly to The apple crop in the Doran orch;ird year ot nitrogen fertilizer per tree
·d Io‘ was also above par, 1ll`l‘ llDlJll‘C€l illld il \`€l`}` COml)l€`lC
-. illlll W. D. Armstrong pave a timely $Dl`il>’ l>l`O§l`€llll l$ ll$‘?d Cafll Yegllb
r such discussion ot` Spray Service \\'ork. \\'. D. Armstrong and   \\. l\Iag1ll
event and l)r. Paul liiteher discussed led discussions on_l`ruit production —