
T HE author, in presenting this little
    book to the profession, was prompted
to do so some time ago by being pre-
sented with many interesting specimens,
diplomas and instruments, along with
much valuable information, by Miss
Nannie M. Bush, a daughter of Dr. J.
M. Bush, who knew these great surgeons
and was thoroughly conversant with
their lives.
  It is only proper that some recognition
should be taken of these men and their
achievements, and to this end the author
has in a feeble way attempted to place
before the profession the incidents which
occurred in their lives.
  He feels much indebtedness to Miss
Bush, to Prof. L. E. Nollau for excellent
photographs, and also to Miss Dalton,
the typist who rendered much valuable
                    A. H. BARKLEY.
Lexington, Ky.,
    138 North Upper Street.