
i. Dr. Ephraim McDowell .................. 19
2. Lithotomy Instruments which McDowell
      used when he operated on President James
      K. Polk .............
3. McDowell's Residence and Office in Danville,
      Kentucky ............................. 45
4. Monument erected to Dr. McDowell by the
      Kentucky State Medical Society ....... 47
5. Dr. Benjamin Winslow Dudley ...........   57
6. Portable Microscope purchased by Dr. Dud-
      ley in Paris in i812 .................... 77
7. Instruments used by Dr. Dudley .......... 8i
8. Forceps used by Dudley in Lithotomy Opera-
      tions ............................. ... 83
9. Stones removed by Dr. Dudley ........... 87
10.           "...........                    89
I1.                                 ............................... 9 3
12.                                   ......  95
13. Fairlawn, the Residence of Dr. B. W. Dudley  99
14. The last Resting Place of Dr. B. W. Dudley. .ioi
IS. Dr. James M. Bush           .     .      i09
i6. Lithotrites purchased in Paris by Dr. James
      M. Bush ............................... 123
17. Degrees conferred upon Dr. James M. Bush.. 127
18. Honorary Degree from the Medical Society
       of Lexington ........... ................ 1 29
i9. Degree from Transylvania University ...... 133
20. Diploma from the Medico-Chirurgical Society
       of Kentucky ..........................' 35
2I. Residence of Dr. James M. Bush ........... 139
22. Grave of Dr. James M. Bush .............. 141
23. Dr. Robert Peter ........................ 147
24. Transylvania University Medical Hall ...... 53
25. Absolom Driver, Janitor Transylvania Med-
       ical Hall ..............................' 59