Page Two



Along with his alumni dues this
week, comes change of address for
concerning the Keith Frazcc Adamson, Major OrdAny information
persons whose names appear on this nance Department, U. S. A. He is now
list will be appreciated in the Alumni located at Camp Bragg, N. C.
office. As the Directory copy is now
being checked for the printer this in'07
formation is needed at the earliest posArthur Liston Donan, mine supersible moment.
intendent with the Providence Mining
Class of '15 Esther Mac Bailey, Company, has been with the company
Jcncttc Torrcncc Bell, Logan Bcntlcy for several years. During the World
Caywood, William Patrick Crawley, War he was in the service of his counJr., David Dallas Donohoo, Elizabeth try. Since his return to civilian life
Pierce lie has been constantly on the active
Eldridgc, Zcchariah
Hays, John
Hamilton, Mclvin
list of the Alumni Association.
Ligon, Archie Xavier Pfcffcr,
Douglas Enibry, ex-- , formerly of
Thomas Paris, is now located at Hammond,
Gustavus Adolphus
Robinson, Clarence Barbour Ind.
Shoemaker, Newell Pembcrton Smith,
Arthur Eugene Wegcrt.
Class of '10 Ralph Emerson
Frank H. Graham, telephone engiNorberto Dcvcra, Sue Hunt Frost, neer with the Development Branch of
Logan Noursc Green, Mrs. Bessie
the Western Electric Company, asks
Judd, Charles Frank Ktinili, George that his residence address be changed
Page Ncagle, Homer Lloyd Rcid, to 605 West 156th Street, New York
Dudley H. Starns, Orvillc Robert City.
Class of '17 'Carrie Frances Blair,
Frank Moore Crum, Benjamin Frank"You will find enclosed my check
lin Foster,
Jesse Forrest Gregory, covering alumni dues
Ronald Hutchison, James William send my Kernel to 14 Ralph Place,
Norris, Floyd Wcllman Potts, Burton Morristown,
F. Williams.
O'Roark. Mr. Roark is head of the
of the
Class of '18 George Clifton Brad- general service
ley, Ernest Berry Fleming, Henry J. Western Electric Company at 463 W.
Kolbe, Sara Winn McConnell, Minnie Street, New York City.
NeVille, Todor Nicholoff.
Class of '19 Ruby Karl Diamond,
Thomas Lowe, better known
Mose Smith,
William Whitfield Elliott,
as "Jimmy Lowe," is in charge of
Carl Albert Timmer.
Class of '20 Commodore Bascom general contract sales of the Western
1414, 195
Fisher, Herbert Proctor Haley, Ruth Electric Company, Room
livPhyllis Hoag, William Hugh McCord, Broadway, New York City. His
Joseph Stuart Misrach, John Caleb ing and mailing address is 312
N. J.
Morris Dean Slagle, Petrus F. van der Prospect Avenue, Newark,
Vilcofoky, William
Watt, Morris
Roscoe C. Preston, who received his
Class of '21 Reginald Ernest
1913 and LI. B. in 1914,
Mervin Kohn Eblen, Gustave B. A. degree in
Eugene Sheridan Per- is a successful lawyer at Williamson,
Berry Foster,
West Virginia. Mr. Preston pract'eed
law at Catlettsftntrg, Ky., from the
'22 Eugene Louis Dwyer,
Class of
time he graduated until the summc of
James Newman Faulconer, Lafayette 1921 when he became a member of the
Brown Herring.
firm of Damron and Preston, conducting the largest law practice of that
section of Wesit Virginia. He married
Miss Jane Gaines, April 26, 1915. They
have two children, Roscoe Preston,
r., and Robert, aged seven and five
years, respectively.

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni Secretary

list was immediately compiled
uid mailed to him. It contained the
names of fifteen alumni of the University, some of them men who were
very prominent on the campus. As
,ive is the number required to organic a Kentucky Club there seems to
be no reason why the fifteen alumni
;n Atlanta should not organize and
have a very good club.
It is the intention of M'. Hall to look up some
of the older members and sec if he
can interest them in the work of organizing the club this winter. While
campus Mr .Hall showed
on the
considerable ability along the lines
of organization and there is no doubt
but that he will be able to get togcth-;- r
a real club.
In his letter written soon after the
game with Georgia Tech, he said:
certainly made a
"The Wildcats
creditable showing here in the Kentucky-Tech
game. The local sport
writers, recognizing that, went a little farther than the Centre College
Cento by giving the Cats the credit
which they rightfully deserve. The
band also covered itself with glory
and was called by a band leader here,
who is in a position to know, the best
college band in the
and snappiest


Buffalo, Dec. IS. (Third Satur- day Regular) luncheon at 12.30
p. in., Ellicott Club.
Chicago, Dec. 17. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon at 12:30
p. m., Marshal Field's Restaurant,
Men's Grill.
Detroit, Dec. 29. (Last Sat- urday Regular) dinner, Dixieland
New York, Jan. 8, 1924. (Sec- Regular-- luncheon
ond Tuesday
Savarin, 120
12:30 p. m., Cafe





During the second week in November the alumni secretary sent out a
number of letters to citizens in different counties of the state enclosing
a list of the things the University
needs most at the present time and an
estimate cost of each. The list is
probably, the same one that will be
presented to the legislature in January and makes but moderate re- quests when the actual needs of the SQUtn
university ana uie apyiuii"
other state universities receive are
There has been a quick and encouraging response to the letters from
The Alumni office received last
Acek an interesting letter from Chara good many prominent and influential men. In practically every case ley Graham '23, in which he described
the writers of the letters expressed the last meeting of the Buffalo Club.
their friendship for the University and TImc mootinn wa e rnllprl "Ladies
stated that they were in favor of ad- - Uay an about 20 members of the
ditional appropriations to meet the ,
brought their lady friends to the
demands of the increasing enrollment nlCetiiiE, which was held in the new
of students.
:ome of the Buffalo Athletic Club.
One of the first letters came from
The meeting was presided over by
of the
Arch L. Hamilton, who was elected Luke Milward,
state senator from Fayette county, the :lub, in the absence of Phil Blumen-th27th senatorial district, at the Nov'09, president. After the luncheon
In his letter Mr. he party made a tour of inspection of
ember election.
Hamilton said:
the new quarters of the Buffalo Ath"Needless for me to say that I am letic Club and found them very satisthorjughly in favor of any appropria- factory, according to the letter.
tions we can get for the University
The letter also reported that a few
in addition to our 1 4 cents tax. I minutes after lunch were devoted to
with the a pep rally giving the University of
will be pleased to
authorities of the University in the Kentucky songs and yells a chance
Plans1 are
future as in the past and trust we o be heard by the gues-tswill be successful in getting an infor the net
already in progress
crease if not the entire amount."
eeting of the club.
It would naturally be expected that
a Fayette county man would be a REPORT UNSOUND, SAYS HEAD
friend to the University.
here is a statement from a man in
Vumnus Reported Deceased Denies
Bowling Green, a town that is priThat He Has Ever Been That Way
marily interested in its own instituKentucky State
tion, the Western
Normal. This man says:
"The report of my death is greatly
"I cannot imagine a legislature of exaggerated," wrote Mack Twain to
being unfriendly to the the newspaper which published his
obituary "a little too previous." The
A letter was received from Judge ? thing was true of one of Old
Clem S. Nunn, formerly a justice of S.ate's alumni lately
Early in Aug- the Court of Appeals and later state
senator. Judge Nunn declared him- - john paui Head, '20, containing a
self on the side of the University by .hcck to pay h s aUmrni dues and a
saying ot the list enclosed in ine lei
cf nnvment on a subscription to the
l snail be giaa to Qreatcr Ken'tucky campaign
ter he received:
in every possible way to- - .i2Uer part of tl,js nlont, the check
ward the carrying out of this pro- was rcturneci marked "deceased." The
, 0ff ict:
then sent a letter to his former
Almost every mail brings an addi- employers asking them to veryify the
tion to the pile of letters of this na- , report.
ture to the Alumni office, from men
On December 6 a letter was receivpromising to aid the ed from Mr. Head, who many of the
of influence,
Univcrs'ty dur'ng the co .lins session former students may remember as
of the legislature.
In his letter
'.'ohn, the Hypnot'st."
this unusual reMr. Head made
"I beseech you not to put nie down
B. Hall, '22, Secures List With us 'deceased,' for I am not, honestly
I'm not, and I have nsver been as
Hope of Organ'z'ng Them
'ar back as I can remember."
Of course there is great rejoicing
The Alumni office has recently been
in communication with L. B. Hall, among the alumni to know that John
'23, who is now ass's. ant Y. M. C. A. 's still goiiH? about hypnotizing
mirnHrv nt fienwla Tech. regarding ple. Many of the old students may
the organization of a Kentucky Club recall a show he put on in chapel one
Night" when he called a
, "Amateur
01 UIC MIUNIIM ... Atlnnti
.. ..i...: w tiii
lin. n ti c;icr niifi made him do
ms leuer ivir. iuu
was such a club in existence and if some wonderful things under the
n( ... mrimo
ui .w n were ,i. umtcrs. ii hum uuu- At the iirescut time Mr. Head is as- .,n nrc ligation of
the University of Kentucky alumni istant chemist at the State LaboraMr. Hall wrote and asked for a ory of Hygiene, Concord, N. H.
Tailing address 3 Cambridge St.
list of the alumni in and near Atlanta.

Bit-nc- r,


Betwixt Us



The marriage of Hart Perry exand Miss Helen Woodward was solemnized November 28, in Louisville.
Mr. Perry was a student in the Agri
cultural College, University of Kentucky, and afterwards graduated from
the Louisville School of Pharmacy.
He is a member of the firm of H. L.
Perry & Son, Richmond, Ky., and
was one of the first to enlist in the
navy when the U. S. entered the
World War. Mrs. Perry was assist'
ant registrar in E. K. State Normal.
They will make their home in Richmond.






Richard J. Colbert ex- - is practicing
law with offices in the County Court
House, Lexington, Ky. lie is an
member of the Alumni Association and a loyal supporter of the Alma
Mater. He married Miss Kathryn F.
Ireacy, September 21, 1916. They
have a son, five years of age, Richard
J. Colbert, Jr.




Lee McGain and Miss Catherine Spalding, of Bardstown, were mar
ried quietly in Louisville, November
28. They have returned from a short
wedding trip and arc living at the Lafayette Hotel, Lexington, Ky. Mr.
McClain is state representative of the
Allyn and Bacon Company and his
headquarters will be at Lexington for
the present.

The wedding of Elmer B. Allen
Miss Mabel Sinclair, was solemnized in Lexington, Sunday, November
25. They left for a short wedding
trip and will go to housekeeping in
Georgetown, Ky., as soon as they return. Mr Allen was formerly a student in the College of Engineering
and is assistant superintendent of 'the
Georgetown Water Company.






"Here is a mere donation to the big
fund. Wish it could be bigger but
we lieutenants have our limitations.
Hope she goes over big and that the
enterprise is a success in every way."
Charles R. Smith, 1st. Lieut. Inf., U.
S. A., R. O. T. C. duty, University of
Akron. Lieut. Smith married Miss'
Bernicc Arbcnz, March 31, 1920. They
have a little daughter, Margery Arbcnz Smiith, born December 2, 1922.
1'he family res dc at 264 West Market street, Akron, Ohio.




burn was formerly Miss Catherine
Brown Cox, of Houston.
Lena M. Phillips, executive secretary of the National Federation of
Professional and Business Women's
Clubs, New York City, asks that the
Kernel be sent to her home address,
26 East 35th street.


William Snyder Wobb, head of thi
Department of Physics, University of
Kentucky, received his B. S. degree in
'01 and his M S. in '02. He has been
connected with the University practically ever since graduat'ng except
for the period of the World War when
;e served as a captain in thv artillery,
U. S Army. As an active alumnus and. supporter of his Alnn
he is always busy He is chiirnnu 01
the Student Loan Fund and tiirou h
.is personal efforts has done much to
increase this fund. He is a member oi
the Greater Kentucky Campaign Executive Committee and chairman of the
clean-icampaign, giving the months
of July and August to that work. Dur-n- g
that time he conducted the Summer
School drive on the campus as he had
nreviously conducted the campus drive
in April. In November he wai at the
head of the freshman drive for $40,000,
an effort to get the basketball build. ng
dedicated to the class of '27, which
will be carried back to the counties the
various freshmen represent Professor
Webb is also the first President of the
Kentucky Reserve Officers Associa
tion, and is a member of the Kiwanis
Club ar.d chairman of the Education
Mrs. "Webb is also a
graduate of the University, formerly
M,Uc ........ T.nrv '01. Thev have two
children. Win. Lary Webb, aged elev
en years and Jane Alleen, seven. The
residence is 363 Transylvania Park,
Lexington, Ky.

A circular letter sent out in the early fall said1 "Do you know the student here today looks to 'the alumni'
about as the small boy does to Santa
Claus?" Quoting from a reply received recently: "It is about time to teach
the student not to look so much for
Santa Claus but that he soon must be
Santa Claus.
It will be better for
him." James H. Taylor, Blue Valley
Creamery Company, 2722 Pine Street,
St. Louis, Mo. This is good advice
but it is only fair to the student body
to say that they have un- of 1923-2- 4
(Continued on page three)


A "babygram" received in the Alum
ni office this week announces th earriv- al of Edw. A. Blackburn, Jr., at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Black
burn, 1509 Indiana Avenue, November
Houston, Texas.
Blackburn is district sales manager for

the Delco Light Products Company.
807 Franklin Avenue.
Mrs. Black


Sufficient money for final payment on the Dean Lafferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
'07, 707 Marion E- Taylor Bldg.,
Louisville, Ky.

Dues and The Kernel
One Year

University of Kentucky,

Carrier Engineering Corporation

Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.

Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia



to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kcntuckiani:
Lyle. '9S
Lyle, '00
L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith, 'OS
R. L.Joaes, '12
J. R. DtmcM, '12
K. It TaUaferre, '13


I. E. Bolliag, 'IS
H. Worsham, 'IS
R. Waterfill, '20
J. H. Bailey, '20





N. O. Btk. '22
A. P. Ikaaklta, '2 J
