I I Q · 
A  l it
 l i¤ 1938· It will be their first °PP°*‘ l
. ‘ ' `     · IA "      fi tunity to see the nrst Wildcat elev- . {
Q ` '   " ` "“"` ` en as being developed under the { _
I ` It was three years ago on Thanksgiving day that the Wildcats scored their first vic- new setup In atmetlcs at the Uni` l _
‘ A zory over the Vols in 21 decade. The Turkey—day game this season will be played in Knox- VBI`Slty. K€I1IZuCky 10Sb 3. hard -
* A Elie. Kentuckyis biggest home game this year will be with Alabama, October 29, on fought game to Alabama On the ‘ ` 
A0 {   "°m°°°mmg dah homecoming day in 1936 by a score ·
  _·Tr——Y  or 14 to 0. {
  Wl d B ;   b A Kentucky fans admit that Ala- l ·
  ·  t t bama is much too strong for the Q j
ie clubs is A I       u S   Wildcats, however down deep in   i
i with me O . d I T I T eacliB§aAi1’s heart then; istthat fe$- `   i
sod. ing a with a good gh ing Wi - .r ‘
Syalfgrutlie    n       cat team "anything may happen?  
ic preerehr A Wildcat Boosters Clubs that have work periods between studying and Tmdent zfd M?S· 1‘g°;’?y gut be I
B ii Wildcat been organized throughout the football practice were too irregular. at dwg? U; iiun-lm 331 Hen S 1; `
D card and State by Bernie Shively, Ab Kirwan Athletes must have an income of me I? shy to Owglgb iifggmei and ; `
ind other membe1·s of the Univer- some kind to supplement the small uisiua .B ite? QQ attgnd ghmat t l
Jostelglitilig sity of Kentucky athletic staff now amount they receive on the granted it/ia;\1;;ii11;i;CB has Corrie if bl? sn ~
one . . - . - _ ,
Act by which Humber 12. A scholarship. Wheie was tihgh spend mtegrai part of Every homecoming A
Am for the In 0i·der to get a clear picture of mg meney t0 €°m€ fl°m· at was Homecoming will be olimaxod by _
This plan the purp°S€ of the B°°Sl°€1`S’ Clubs thehqucstmnj t th. t. the annual homecoming dance -
6 Executive it is necessary to review for a mo- T 9 ZUSVYQI 0 ls ques IOP was Wbiob will be givoo in obo large A
A ASSOCAAAA  boot Koiitookyo football history the Boosteis Clubs whereby it was bail mom OI. the Student Union A .
m thoritics ml the vast few Y€a1`S~ Kentucky made posslble that football players building During the course of the l
igttzn in err- fans have for a· long time know] core Earn extra  pending money dance SlJKY will award trophies to · li
Such a Dio. j that the best of the state’s football legilimalffly as 1S 1€Q¤l1‘€d by com tho Sorority and fmiomiiiy having _
Are Expected . material has always been lost to ference 1ul€$· the best decorated houses. ‘ ‘
Aim Clubs io A iiher schools for the reason that Members of the Boosters’ Clubs Good moslo will be furnished by ;
A other schools have been able to of- pay a membership fee of $10. The a prominent oi.ohoStmAA and old l 4
i becoming ter better financial inducements to money from the various clubs over iiioiids ond grads will be gothoiod i z
io Wildcat Y he Dl&y€1'S. the state is turned over to the busi- tllere and will bovo oA oliaiioo to I
to wilto to ’ In order to help check the flow of ness office of the University of KHP.- oobgratulato tho Wildcats and on- g
loo or the Talent to out of state schools the tucky where an employment fund joy o good d&ncB_ j C
A University. llmV§1‘Sity of Kentucky began the for football players a.nd other ath- Your Alumni Omoo will be glad l
offering of scholarships to the pros- letes is set up. A A A A A to help you secure tickets, hotel I
i€Ct1ve football players, Athletes participating IHA this i·oSol-votlooa oy tho llko_    
gd football Lexington merchants also triedo fund must work and are paid ac- So mark Saturday October 29, .  
;l under the ilén of giving the players jobs. But <§01'dmg to llw W01`k l5h€y _€l¤— EVBTY as a red letter day on your calen— T   ~- l
moment of ihis was not satisfactory either to J0b held by an Hthléié Wlll be u¤· dar and see the Wildcats give Ala- It `
lity is coin I he merchant or the player as the (Continued on Page Five) bama a battle royal. _
ire alumni ‘ “ I