• •
938 l Alumm Weddings \
SHIRE il o lt H t -
mm Mar yn ar on 1eat of Shel- home at 227 East Todd street, Lexington. They will make their
byville, Ky., to Isaac Lee Pearce, Frankfort. home at 309 Bassett avenue Lex-
~ an idea ex-student, of Lexington. Mr. Joy Meredith Edgerton, ’38, of ington.
a. Rose Pearce 1S connected with the Pure Lexington to Richard Marshall Edna Davis, ’34, of Lexington to
eason. Oil Company'of Lexington. They Rankin, ex-student, also of Lex- Marion Cogar Roddy of Midway,
,8 typeto will make their home at 216 Lex- ington. Mrs. Rankin is a member Ky. Prior to her marriage Mrs.
,8,, thgre mgton avenue. of Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Rank- Roddy taught school in Covington
ls have a Alice Lillian Amberg, *38, of Hiek- Ul JS C0¤¤€Ct€d_ Wllih tht! L€XiHgt0n for a number of years, Their home
ja Hght_ mms Ky__ to Milo Gist Karsnerl Cigarette Ser_v1ce Company. They will be in Corbin, Ky., where Mr.
(mtg {hg *36, of Lexington, They will make WIU make $h€1I` home in Lexington. Roddy is engaged in business,
will play their home lin Lexington where Irma Virginia Robinson, ’37, to Leslie Mae Todd to Alvin F. Cox,
ect credit Mr. Karsner is instructor in physi- Charles Pierce Reeves, *37, both of ’36. both of Lexington. Their home
Qlldg up cal education at the University of Lexington. Mrs. Reeves was a mem- W111 b€ iii Lawféncébufg. Ky-, where
and less Kentucky. Mrs. Karsner was a ber of Phi Beta, Theta sigma Phi, Mr. Todd is employed by the Ander-
_ ‘ member of Chi Omega sorority. Chi Delta Phi, Mortar Board, Cwens S0¤ COUIIW A. C. A-
is vem is Their lfme will be at 251 East High and was president of the Associa- Mary Margaret. Wolf, ‘38, of Lex-
`~   ‘ L exing on. tion of Women Students Mr ` to t 'll' ' -
mms a i1€€· . . ing n, o W1 iam G. Craig ex
I a mgm Jane Randolph Shelby, ‘32, of Reeves was a member ot Triangle student, of Middletown, Ohioi Mr.
Kh_wa¤,S ._ D3l1Vlll€. Ky., to Sidney Warfield fraternity, Lamp and Cross, and Craig is a member of Delta Chi
Hg league ~ Clay of Frankfort. Mrs. Clay 1S a president of Tau Beta Pi, honorary fraternity. They will live in Bowl-
t . member of Kappa Kappa Gamma engineering fraternity. Mr. Reeves ing Green, Ky., where Mr. Craig
k_ _ d _ sorority and prior to her marriage is plant engineer with the Lexing- is connected with the D. T. Davis
({5 gl? ` , was supervisor of the Kentucky ton Telephone Company. Company.
lf?] guide V Department of Education. Mr. Clay Anna Mae Wilson to Forrest Dorothy Frances CLu·ry of Car-
2; airy; { is an assistant trust officer of the Gregory, ex—student of Lexington. lisle, Ky., to Robert Bernard Hens-
f f mill It Farmers Bank and Trust Company Mr. Gregory is connected with the ley, ’36, of Burlington, Ky. Mr.
leagigr aof ¤ sr Frankfort. They will make their Montgomery Ward & Company of (Continued on Page Six)
{€l'ld€d   l W•ld , • I
mma- sx-   , 1 cats Coaching Staff for 1938 I
was busy   ` l
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of 2
' Endv z _ From left to right are Freshman Coach Gene Myers. Varsity Coach Frank Moseley, I-lend Coach Ab Kirwan. Vnrsity Line Coach
t and Athletic Director Bernie Shively and Freslininn Couch Joe Rupert.