.,,, .  . tion of higher learning in the Common-
" · V ,_, wealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly con-
__   cerned with the University’s role as a
    land—grant institution, a “people's uni-
»»»;   "*i`·>   versity" accessible to all who can profit
. B   from education.
‘     A ii‘s · . ii I¤ the ¤i¤¢ wm he im bm presi-
  ,6 V V/{rj? · as rr dent, the University has grown to where
V   V   "‘ .  V   V `   V? VV there are now more than 22,000 students
‘ ' V   j·>·,iV         on the Lexington campus and more than
   -32%.    17,000 students in UK’s 13 community
,         r. if  colleges, and the University has become
g       `   if one of the major research institutions in
l 1     V  ·· . l the COl11'1[[y_
l _;V_:i§·‘Q ’       * A Reco nition of his service to the Uni- V
I ‘’’`‘'' ` —&<·` ·;...  »    U · versity gvas evidenced by the UK Alumni
·   ‘ ` Association, which resented to Dr.
l V ‘ V Singletary its Alumni Service Award-—an
·i ` · _ honor rarely bestowed upon a non—
V ‘ i " alumnus of the University.
_ _ _ Dr, Sin letarv is the author of two
DR.   A.   gfghe Ufuvirslty m Augush 1969 _HB books andicveral monographs.
President, University of Kentucky 8 Pmvwus Y served as éxecvttve vice` A N t g W ld W II ri
chancellor for academic affairs 1n the WY Vc cmu O OY m` an —
University Of Texas Systam arid director the Korean Conflict, he is a commander
The University of Kentucky has be- of the ]ob Corps program for the Office ie the U- S· Naval Reserve- HF and MYS-
come one of the major institutions of of Economic Opportunity, Smgl€t¤TY» th? f0Fm€F Gloria \V¤¤li<>¤.
higher ]C;ii-ning ju the United States uri- Dr- Singietary, a native of Gulfport) hrave three children: Bonnie, Scot and
def the l€ad€YShlP Of DL Otis Si“gl€taYY» Miss., holds degrees from Millsaps Col- Kendall
the eighth President Of the UniV€1`sitY· lege and Louisiana State University. The Singletarys live at Maxwell Place,
Dr. Singletary was named president As president of the principal institu- traditional home of UK presidents.
    . ._   ._   .. _,,,._  ___. V _. canic iu NT2, win-n lic was innnod as-
° _ ii   *··__ i · ·· ” "" _,, » _f:• sistant to llarry C. Laiicastt·r and given
    V  W _‘···   tho tasl; of iinplcmculing the lrlluc &
 r_ ,  ¤ —'g_ _ V     \\'hitt‘ lfuutl for 57,(i()(l-scat Common-
,           "   __ V .:q` __  wealtli hiatluuu and later forV Rupp
   Jigs w   · ‘~’   {Vg}   Aruiirj. rl lic irriiis lo;} his llirlttors Ill;. this
_ ‘   » _ .   g`   x area raw iro\‘1<<·< in at ( i ion;1 inan-
V_           ciijl suppoit that has trltjvritctll the UK
.     _ i V  ~ [TY  '_,. L 1ll'llt‘liL`S irogriiiii into ai `irst c ass over-
j         ation. I I
1         .   ji    llagan was narucd Atlilctics ]')iroctor
Difgcfof  _,    V·"_i%  L lp si r in july 1975 following Laiicnsttrs retire-
Expansion ot the football training _»   _*ij , l‘ri'.g.s,r.,.i,g§Y  iggggis   Zi"?  ml mr
i i-ooin anti rnidiiioii oi a boaniifnl players   » j      { H"g*"‘ "l“" lm l""”" ‘“‘ “‘l"""*‘l$` "fjl
j jmmgc nt Shivejy Sports Ccurm., New Cru, rr     _ strong st·liolar—atlilt:tc program, feeling a
Pcring in thc Stadium rootjmjj MHCCSV rr , S t   gciiiiiiio connnitnn~nt to provitlc all thc
j now basketball office complex in Mcinor— i   """°l""“" “"Pi°"" "“‘l ""°‘”"""g"‘“""f WC
l iii] COhsCiimV i-Ghri-aiigciiieiii Of ihc bass- si x ;;:::§;;;::;;;;i;;@E§§£g can toV hclp our athletes lcavo inn- gain-
jmjj fcnccs and H new Surface {O, thc :· · ·.·.·»T··—T·.‘·.· ···~ ~..I pus with ri college education and a do-
running track are just a few of the recent ¥""“·
improvements that signify the continuing wommfs Programs were merged in Juiv Ori tho pcrsoiial Vsitlt·,V llrigtui reccivctl
progress of Ulx athlCt1CS SIIICC Cliff of hq _C_u_ G ' one oi his highest iiitlivitlttnl liouors last
Hagan loincd the Vlfildcut Staff SCVCH A Ll y L I Nav wlicn ho liccaruc thc first Univer-
years ago. The I11Cl`gCI`, under 1IL`tg2`lll,S di1`CCti0H, sity of Kentucky liaslsctliiill player to he
f Rcwgnizcdlmtimmuyas Hpmgl_CSSi\_C’ has been orderly, with office space IC- iiistrillotl in the Naisnnth l\l(‘IIi<)l`1i1l hen-
i ,_uShwSS_OriCmCd and PI_OmOtrOn_miudCd modeled and in some cases created to tional naskoihatl Hall of lfzunc in Spring-
_ , make room for the women s coaching and {ich] htiige
administrator, Hagan has seen and over- qdminigtmtrvc Starr ° ’
{ seen vast improvements in all phases of ` ` ` ` lic is married to the former Martha
  an ever—expanding operation that has en- The indoctrination of Hagan into thc Milton of Owensboro. They have four
  compassed 16 sports since the mcn's and UK athletics administrative structure childr<·n: Lisa, Laurie, Amy, and Kip.