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Louisville, Kentucky  
K March 1, 1939  
Q TO: ALL FIELD WORKERS, Historical Records Survey  
  FROM: Vfalter M. Hoefelman, State Director, Historical Records Survey  
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We have prepared for use by the field workers a list of 108 questions  
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concerning abstract material contained in county records. These questions are  
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divided under the following courts and offices: fiscal court; county court;  
circuit court; quarterly court and juvenile court; sheriff, constables, jailer, ’ 
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and coroner; tax commissioner; county board of education; health; keeper of  
the poorhouse; county surveyor; county road system; county agricultural agent  
I- and home demonstration agent.  
. . . . . ?‘· L.
We have headed each court and office with a short essay, indicating  
where the infomation may most likely be found. In using this manual, it will  
be necessary that you carefully read all of the questions before starting ab-  
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Attached to the manual are a list of counties, showing the dates of  
creation and the county seats, so that you will know for what dates records `  
may be found in your county; a form which you will use to answer each question;  
and a sample form that will apply to all counties, showing the method of fill-  
ing in the form.  Y`gY5`i*?¥‘;»Q 
Under question 5 of the manual, please note that we mean for y0u to  
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in include all of the taxes paid in the county unit, as follows: school tax,  
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9 county tax, and state tax rates.    
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H In filling in this form, you will insert your name, the name of the  
I 3 ` county in which you are working, the date the form is prepared, the exact title   ‘»··  
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