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i U.K. Agmcultural Se1enee Center    
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Tl1is is the architect`s model of the new Agricultural Science ing (right) a11d Seed Laboratory (center) will begi11 early *‘ V
. . . . . . . . 4*
(Icnter, to be constructed o11 tl1e University Farm, 1m1ned1- in 1962. 111 tl1e upper lelt corner 1S the Food Technology "“
ately south of tI1c Medical (Ienter. Building of tl1e first and Animal Nutrition Building. It and the remainder of
three greenhouses and header house (le[t) is already under- tl1e greenhouses a11d header house will be erected later as
way. (Zonstruction of tl1e main Laboratory and OFHce Build- additional funds become available. _`
_,___ ____ ___,_,_, _______ _.__,__ "v
·· · · · Atk'· ··`lt1»` ·‘r·t‘ 1 ·· ·l'rltl- 9
. ~ .. . 1115011 sa1c 1c 111vest1 d1011 s1ows a 51 1 te 1.-
1garette lyblLd noperues _ .
((.UnH"W,([ from Paul, .3) crease 111 the percentage ot burley 111 most brands this Nt
. . . vear (1961); but l1e thinks tl1at an 111crease 111 total .
that tl1e l`(‘C()lIStltllt(‘(l material IS used to a greater de- · _ _ _  
. . . - . number of cigarettes IH21l1llf2lCtLl1'€(1 1S 1'CS]_)Ol1S1l)1€. -
gree 111 hlter CllI,&ll`(‘tt€S. Tl1e content ot cigarettes as to “
typc or tulmcu)_[lm__Cm.C(L hm.\Cy` Turkish, Ctc___1.€_ Tl1ere has been a steady t1`€11(l to lower 1110011116 2-
11111111s 11. 11 "t1111—1y llllI`I`()\V l`2.l.l1Q`,(‘.`V °i""t€"t §l1¤‘¤1$ tm $“‘d?*'· N91°131*b*AS°1*1€ 101 tl"? ‘S #@1
Tl1e l)I`()l)()l'tl()IlS (Jtllll'l()t be held to precise percent- ( “° to 1111 to MCCO OOPS al/*11 *1 €· gmx Elowmg 2;
ages. This is due principally to tl1e quality or total YCM means less m°°t_‘“° m the 1°1*mtS· 1°¢¤‘1 of lt ls 1 V ·
I nvuilubh, Supply of Hu(__Cm.(,d Ol. burlcy crops Cach also due to tl1e use ot the 1`1:?C()I1Stltlll€(1 tobacco used k
Smson Om, yomss Cmp might make it uccessmy to 111 filter cigarettes. Steins, lower 111 111cot111e content, are
lm, IOW bm.l(,V Ol. logs Hm__cm(,d, thc next your the used 111 1'€‘COl1Stltllt€(1 tobacco along wit11 adhesives
maker 111igl1t have to use more burley or IHOTC Hue- Whmh Act M d11ut°ntS> he €"Pl‘1m€d· at
cured. .=\11 example ot tlllS was a pl1ys1cal analysis ot A11\1115011 511111 11 W115 {(1101 111111S11111” 21 16W y€111S 21gO
a cigarette l)l'1lll(l from one company, purchased in Hve to Bild Cigarettes with a nicotine co11te11t ot 2.5 per-  
U.S. locatio11s. The burley (J()I1t(‘llt range, for instance, 06111 (01 111g11€T)· NOW 1116 €1V€1'11g€ is 3130111 1.5 p€f-  
ran from 31 to 44 p(‘l`CCll1' despite the tact this was o11ly 00111, W1111 11 1017 01 1-75 P€Y€€111- $01116 11€W€1` 1¤1‘1111<1S `
()ll<‘ brand. (Maryland. a burn-quality tobacco used 1116 ¥1$10W11$ 1 P€1`€€11t·
i11 cigarettes, was i11cluded with burley because ot the Appare11tly tl1e C()l`t]pU.lll€S are heeding consumer de- ·-
dillicnlty of separating tl1e two types by sight tll()ll(‘. sires for lower 11icoti11e content, since tl1e lower lT1C()—
. . _ .. . . . . 7""
lt is an est1111ated 3 to 0 p(‘l'C(‘llt ot most bra11ds.) tine level 1n1pl1es a milder s111ol