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University of Kentucky
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Ec lYlE’S[}[|MM|SS||1|HOBEHEUIIIEII IH llllllll Mlllll Wlllllllli LAIESI Pl|HlIBAl|Il||‘ EAMHlI li Ill GAMES
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Non-residency of Récélltly Winning Team     I Proves Victor in Red I-I()t,!D€p3l’tHl€Ilt of Journalism I Pass R€S0ll.1f.i0I1S Calling on
  Elected T1’l1St€€ Ground Silver LOViDg CUI)- Contest in Pgttgrggn S0- I Girls Take Up Work and College Al.1th01‘it.l€S to
For Action. B3I`k€I` Trophy. cigty Annual Event, I Issue First Blluétlll. I Help Stop it.,
.._.. ——— ... -—- _ | ———
STATE     The inter-society debate botwggn The Hman dcclamlmry count Ml Volume I, Number 1,   "l»er;tucl; OFFCIERS ELECTED
  Ima Paterson md Union umuy so Pmwrson Literary Society wu held in State University Bulletin, was ssu _____
Clem,. wm be held in cm"], Frid·y,I {Monday. This is a single sheet g0tt€¤_ The Association ot Kentucky Col-
At uw mwung °t uw B°°rd °f Tm" December mth. TN Nbjgct. ..R•_|°h¤P°l l"¥'id¤Y ¤l¢h¥» D6<¤°¤¤b°*' M wd out under the auspices ot the Journal- Ieges in session Saturday at Morrison
W tees held in the Gy¤1¤¤Bi¤¤1 B¤Udi¤8» solved, That the Mono. Documo the Crum medal was awarded to Jacob asm Department and seeks to sive a\ChapeI, Transylvania University, attler
’ Tuesday artemoon, Governor J. B. Mc- Should be Ab8_nd0¤°d'.. is on of vim S. Sattley, ot New York, a Freshman calendar ot the week, including a a literary program had been given,
CNM.), refused to smut Mn _y_ L Lyle, concern. The Patterson Society wm in the College or Arts. His declama- schedule ot all society meetings, social elected oftloers tor the ensuing year as
; recently elected trustee. of New York, uphold the affirmative. represented by tion was, "Antbony to the Romans? functions, etc., which are of interest` follows: President, J. L. Clark, Qt
I R commission on the grounds that 8 F. O- Mayes, of Springfield. J. S. Earl L. Fowler, president ot the to the students, faculty and friends of Kentucky Wesleyan College, Presl-
_ Samen of Lexington, and 0. R. Wn_ society, made a short talk at the be- the University. The editors are Milsldent; Dean J. L. Patterson, ot the re-
l “°°'"’“id°“t °t uw St°'t° wu m°u`|lett of Elizabethtown glnning ot the meeting. Music was Margaret Cassidy and Miss Mlldredlcently admitted University or Louis-
€ Siblé- | Trha Union tum upllcldmg me Mom furnished by the University orchestra. Taylor, tlrst year students in the De- ville, Vice President; Prof. F, L,
U Following the refusal ot Governor me Docmno are S_ S_ Comb'. of The judges were: Dr. Granvill Ter- partment of Journalism. The bulletinlltalney, ot Central University, Secre-
2 Mccreary to issue the commission M,-_ Hamm, C. W_ Banc,. of Muulom rell, Prot. T. T. Jones and Judge Ly- is printed by the University Press. ltary-Treasurer.
Lyle said he felt that the Governor vine, and L- W. Famer, of Somonot man Chalkley, all ot the University A publication of this kind is of zreatl The new Executive Committee is
had no right to www mm E place on Both mums have been mma! mam faculty. service. Similar ones are issued at; Dean A. M. Miller, ot Kentucky State
· pmpuluon md E www deb", I- ¤_ The speakers in the contest were: many ot the large universities. Spas- University, Chairman; Deon T, B, Me.
°h° b°°"d but h° dm mt k°°w wlmt pecmd D. L. McNeill, ‘Cnban Ai!a.lrs;" B. D. modic attempts have been made in! Cartney, of Transylvania; Prot. C, F,
¤<¤¤0¤ he W<>¤ld WM ¤¤t11 h° Md °°¤‘ l Sartln, "Ada.m'¤ 8ol|1oquy;" E. D. the past to issue such bulletins here Rumold, ot Berea College, md Prest-
t ferred with Judge E. C. O’Rear, who ?_°`°`°;`—` Woods, “Happiness and L1berty;"|but after a tew issues they were dis- dent N. B. Adams, or Georgetown Col-
5 is representing him in this matter. I     H  Fred O. Mayes, "Columbu¤;" M. R, continued. It is hoped that the publi- lege.
’ P. P. Johnson, Jr., ot Lexington; S u McCauley "The Genius ot Patx·iotism;" cation will be made a permanent fen- Discussion ot the question or betting
‘ John Wesley Woods, ot Ashland; Dr. 0. R. Willett, "Napole0n, the Exlle;" ture. on the athletic contests by students,
: S. B. Marks, ot Lexington, and G. G.       C. W. Harney, "Iago;" R. F. Ritchie, .—-—•-••-—- friends and alumni ot the various in-
; Brock, tour ot the newly elected trus- "Poe;" J. S. Sattley, "Antbony to the Stitutions brought out much unfavor-
' tees, took the oath and sat with the "L Romans?   I A A   able comment on the pernicious prac-
_ Board in session Tuesday. John E. Choose R€p1’€S€Ilt8.tiV€S ill I i I · l l tice.
? Brown, ot Shelbyville, the sixth mem- Meeting and Select Good       The speakers agreed that it was a
ber, couldn’t be present on account of     A | detriment to the inter-collegiate games
illness. Men for Work'  ...- and in View of this evil passed the
The new Executive Committee is 'L · · _ following resolution Axnanimousl :
composed ot Richard C. Stoll, ot Lex- A mass m°°tm8 °t um °t“d°°t b°dy     Intercouegilate Ath1(?t{c Rep "Res0lved, That the Asociatio; er
ington; c.e.N1cn¤1¤,¤r Faytete Coun- was held in chapel Tlwrvdw. D¤<>•m- ____ resentatwes of Dlxle to Kentucky Colleges and Urnversmes,
ty, chairman; C. B. Terrell, ot Bed- ber 3, to vote on the passing of a new First Rehearsal is   for G3th€I` at PhO€DiX. d9Dl0l'i¤g the fact that betting has
ford; T. L. Edelen, ot Frankfort; G. constitution for student mpwsenmuon _ ._.... been carried on by alumni and friends
G. Brock, of London; P. P. Johnson, on the athletic board. Forthcomlng Comedy i The annual meeting of the S. I. A. of the institutions in the various com-
  ot Lexington, and John E. Brown, Short talks were given by J. T. Gal- to be Giv€u_ I A_ wm convent, here Friday. Decem. petitive games, call upon the authori-
ot Shelbyville. The last three named be,. 11, for a tw0_day Session and wm ties of the various colleges and univer-
****8 ¢¤<>¤¢¤ from ¤¤¤<>¤¤ the Mw "°‘"· °*‘“"““‘““ °' “‘° '“"°““‘· ““° "’ The stroma-s· Dramatic Cnr or th.,|dmsS questions arming me wma- Sim ¤f me ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ to use every
alumni members gf the boar-d_ J. T. Goocb and Basil Duke Sartin. University held their mst mhearsalinem welfare of College 8_tmeucB_ proper means in the power to elimi-
Reports of the president, t’aculty,I Mr, Ggogh gtgtgd in grew words [hg or ..Chm.ley·B Annu. A mmckmg Engl The meeting wm be held in the nate the evil. We believe that such
"x°°“m'° °°mmm°°* S°l"°ti°“ °f “ l purpose of the meeting and a short re- I lish comedy in three acts, at Patterson  Phoenix Hotel and will be presided I atmosphere is “'h°uY m°°¤SiB{€¤t
new executivecomrnlttee and a`board|vi€w Of athletics in me University and Haul Monday mgm_ lover by President w_ M_ Riggs. Ofiwith the efforts being made to give
ol control for the Lxperiment Station { Mr. Samn mad me new constitution It is me intention of the Strollers to Clemson Couegth South Carolina, who eyery member ot our student bodies
consumed most of the time of the. take me play on the mad, making Sew ‘ is also president of me a_SB0cmti0u_ I high moral ideas, and it should be cor-
m€°tmg‘ las it Stood. eral of the nearby towns, A tentative Other members of the executive com-Irectedx,
U President Barker, in his report, dig-I Nominations were then made for selection of the various parts was {umu, Me: E_ T_ uolmeth of Gordon; The eleventh annual meeting et the
cussed the rapid strides being made iglggugu of Officers to serve on the [wg made Monday mgm. [Minute, Georgia, SccI.t,tary_trcuSurel._ ` Association of Kentucky Colleges will
by uw Umv"S“y· A°°°"dmg t° mslcommittees. J. T. Gelder was elected The tentative cast ts;  and Brown Ayres. of the University oflbe held uw mst Saturday in D€‘°°m‘
r°p°rt there uw "°w wu per cemlchalrxnan of the Student Association, Dana Lucia D’A1vadorazes—Miss 'l`¢l1¤1€S¤v®. Vi¢‘¤·D¤'¢¤id€11t- be of mxxt year at Sum lY“i"'°"s“Y·
mom Students at the *‘··*v<>r¤¤y thanill. R. McCauley vice·presldent, and Katherine Mitchell, Miss Virginia` The ¤¤1¤*¤*U¤l8S M6 ¤ii€¤d¢’d UY [NJ TM University Club entertained me
at this time lust year und me w°rk °f Miss Florence Hughes, secretary. Stout, Miss Cecelie Cregor. lp¤`·¤‘Sid•=’¤1i¤, ¤ihl€¥i€ h€¤·d$ Bild S¥'¤d‘ Visiting professors in their Club r°°mS
the institution has grown proportion- The constitution provided that the Km}, V8rdun___MiBs Rebecca Smithiiuuw managers of football and buB8_\witl1 a delightful reception Saturday
meh" president of the University be a mem- Miss Nancy Innes, Miss V. DeLalne. }b¤·l| uf the \'k¤‘i0Us insritutioua iuighh
'*""’ Ag'*°“““'°‘ W°'k ““ “°m°‘Y lber or the governtng board and Pro- Amy spemgue—M1¤s M. n attract.; Universities and wllescs. members °1°'°°’“`—
""'“'“"“d"d· P"°“*"‘*'“ B“"“" was rsssor Freeman, Judge cnrdkney, Lien- miss Lots Powell, Mm Nat woods. ·uf the ¤ss¤<·i¤¤i<>¤. srs:   4`K CLUB MEETWG AT N°ON’
enthusiastic over the course or Hlgll-lmmm Underwood and Professor Elm D6mhy__Miss Kmmwu Sum.? Smw Vmwrsny Ol, Kentucky, MLITHURSDAY. IN EDUCATION zulu).
"`uy Engm°°ring’ mgmumd lwm lastlliowe were apointed to serve with van, Miss Mary Parker, ington; Central University, of Dan- ING`
winter, which he said had boen 0tlhtm· Si? I"I`B,I]CBB Ch€B¤By—E,   Ff8ZiBr,!\'ill\’; the UuiV€l°$“·y of   )H8§]•5§ipl)i` (gg}-
’*r°m’ som/{CB tu uw cuumy mad °°gi` James Park, Herschel Scott, J. T. Frank Kenendy, A. B. Lelbovitz. :!·0UiS\'iU¢‘· KYJ \V¢>0df0rd (`0"‘¤S€·%l¢’H¢‘· (`U¤1i0¤1. Miss; Mlllsups College,
mers of me State' `Gelder and Wllllam Tuttle were elect- Stephen Spett,igue—-\Vm_ SntnntqlggSpartzmsburg, S. C.; Clemson Agricul— Jackson, Miss.; Tulane ['nivernny.
-——-—-•-• - cd as student members of the govern- Warren Eubank. itural College, Clemson, S. C.; Citadel New Orleans, La.; Louisiana State
THIRD CADET HOP ling board. l Jn;-k Chesney—L_ W_ Mgc1d;;kdy,:(`ullcgt·, Citadel, S. Q`.; l`hHK`lesl0¤ C0}- University, Baton Ronge, I,g,_; the
SATURDAY AFTERNOON Judge Barker made a short talk at Noel Williams. ilssr. ¢`lw·¤‘|<*sw¤¤. S- V-; the U¤iV¢>¤‘¤iiY l'Hiv~‘rsily of Alabama, Tuscaloosa,
____ Ithe close ot the meeting. He said the (jhgrlgg wyk€h¤m..R0bm·t Ehrucmlot tho South, Sewanee, Tenn.; Vander- Ala.; Alabama Polytechnlcal Institute,
'l‘he thlrd cadet hop of the seasoninew movement made by the student John Marsh, H. J. Evans. llrili l'¤\iV¢¢¤‘¤|!Y. NHSUVWG. '¥`¢*¤¤-2 Nw Mlbllril. Ale.: the University of Geor-
wlll be given Saturday afternoon in body came as a. surprise to mm as he Brnssott-—Nool \Vi]||gmg, wm, Shinn llnivcrsity of Chattanooga, Chattauoo- sia, Athens, Ga.; the Georgia School gf
lluell Armory. A Saxaphone trio will’was not in touch wlth any discontent nick. `ga, Tenn.; the University of Mlsslsslp- Technology, Atlanta, Ga.; Mercer Unl-
fnrnlsh the music and another lively ln regard to athletic activities at tho Lord Fnncourt B3bborly—L30 Sand. pl. Oxford, Miss.; Mississippi A¤ri<‘u|· versity. Macon, Ga., and the Univer-
dance is assured. `Untverslty. Nunn, Warmn Eubank. lturul and Mechanical College, Agrtcul- sity ot Florida, Jacksonville.
4 o