6.         U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: (to be assigned) Filed: January 25, 2007
Title: "Methods and Compositions for Treating Neurological Disorders"
Inventors: Drs. Tae Ji and Inhae Ji (Chemistry)
Technical Description: This invention relates to methods and compositions
useful for the treatment of dementia. More particularly, the invention relates to
methods and compositions for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases,
including senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Summary: The inventors have discovered that the onset of dementia correlates
with the levels of the polypeptide kalirin in the bodily fluids of patients. The
inventors propose using the discovery to predict the onset of dementia, and to
reverse or slow dementia by stimulating levels of kalirin.
7.         U.S. Patent Application Serial Number: (to be assigned)
Filed: February 9, 2007
Title: "Method for Assessing Biological Test Specimens"
Inventors: Drs. John Stencel (Chemical and Materials Engineering), Haiping
Song, Clair Hicks, and Fred Payne (Animal Sciences)
Technical Description: This invention relates to the dynamic assessment of cells
and their interactions with viruses.
Summary: Detecting bacteria in samples is important in many situations. The
inventors have discovered that bacteria in samples can be detected by identifying
acoustic signals emitted by the bacteria. The inventors disclose that by using an
acoustic fingerprint, both the presence and identity of bacteria can be determined.
Patent Activities Fiscal year to date as of
Number of Patent Applications         25
Number of Patents Issued                 16
Patent Income                                  $791,086.