Your Official 1985 NCAA Clothing
DAWAHARE'S presents the official NCAA embroidered clothing for 1985 Quality fashion and design by LOGO 7.
a.) The traditional golf shirt style with saddle shoulder, lined collar and pocket. Cotton/polyester blend. Available in navy or white. Style No. M110. Sizes small thru extra large, $23 each. Size Extra, extra large, S25.
b.)The soft orlon vee-neck sweater with saddle shoulder. Available in navy, cream or grey. Style No. M459. Sizes small thru extra large, S30 each. Size extra, extra large, $32.
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Now accepted in all Dawahare stores. In Kentucky: Lexington, Gardenside, Lexington Mall, Fayette Mall: Florence, Florence Mall. Louisville, the Mall in St. Matthews: Coruin, Trademart Shopping Ctr. In Tenn.: Memphis, Hickory Ridge Mall.