141 .
Civil Air Defense, Owensboro Squadron (Continued)
Committees: Medical, Dr. E. M. Day, Whitesvilleg Transportation,
Gresham Houghland, Owensboro; Communications, Dr. Frank Pardon,
Purpose: National defense.
‘ Normal Civic Activities: Courier service, observation patrol, touring
of gunnery targets, air ferry service, assistance to moving military
forces and cooperation with local defense organizations. e
` Defense Activities: Engaged in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service,
Signal Services, Research Assistance. I
Local Publications: None. . I
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA (National Daughters of Isabella), 404 West Fourth
Street, Owensboro. Founded 1925. ‘Regent, Mrs. Dora Snyder, 601 Cedar g
_ Street, Owensboro. Secretary, Miss Catherine lenegar, Owensboro. Ex- Q
ecutivo Secretary, Mrs. D. O'Connell Daugherty, 1755 Frederica Street, “
Owensboro, Telephone 648-J. Terms expire January, 1945. Q
` ‘ Membership: 78. Open to prominent Catholic women. I
I Committees: None reported. '
' Purpose:‘ Promotion of religious understanding and closer unity among ,
L cemmunicants of Catholic faith. (
L Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- ·
ings, Red Cross Assistance, Child Care. Interested in Library Service, -
; Collecting Books. I
A Local Publications: None.
} Circle, Daughters of Isabella), c/o Rudd Hotel, Owensboro. Founded 1919. V
g President, Miss Catherine Lenegar, 426 Triplott Street, Owensboro, Tele-
g phone 418-W. Term expires October, 1942. Secretary, Miss Margaret I -
‘ ? Arnold, 510 Triplett Street, Owensboro, Telephone 5lB4W. Executive
E Secretary, Mrs. Froda Donhouer,415 Lewis Street, Owensboro, Telephone
5184W. Torms`oxpiro November, 1942. ` 5
3 Membership: 77. Open to Catholics of sound health and com unicants - 4
{ of St. Joseph Church. ` · i
i Committees: None reported. I
if (
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