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Q Daughters of Isabella, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Circle #241 (Continued)
T Purpose: Charity and social service. ·
E Normal Civic Activities: Social work among people or Catholic faith.
`I Defense Activities:' Engaged in Family Social Service in Industrial
E Areas. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. ' `
Q  Lece.1 Publications: None. ‘ l ~ - l
E _ Society D.A.R.), 518 West Fifteenth Street, Owensbero.* Founded 1870. Re-
Q gent, Mrs. E. A. Carter, 518 West Fifteenth Street, Owensboro, Telephone
Q 1452. -Sccretary, Mrs. Overton Cheatham, R.R.#5, Owensboro. Terms expire
g June, 1945. ·
{ Membership: lO4.· Open to lineal descendants of those who aided the
{ American cause in the Revolution.
JE Committees: War Relief, Mrs. D. D. Bogard, 505 East Fourth Street,
f Owensboro.
{ Purpose: To perpetuate the memory and spirit of_theso the achieved
j American independence. ` `
if Normal Civic Activities : Cooperating with educational institutions
Q in fostering patriotism, with Rod Cross, American Legion and other
§ organizations in their undertakings. V `
g Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing
Q and Preparation or Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. Interested
Q in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care. A
i Local Publications: None. A 1· _ J
é DAVIESS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION; Founded 1895. President, Morten Holbrook, (
j 22l% St. Ann Street, Owensboro, Telephone 1280. Secretary,.Wi1liam L. ' p
Q Wilson, Masonic Tenple, Owensboro, Telephone 2212. Terms expire December, 1
f 1942. I A
é Membership: 45. Open to practicing attorneys in good standing with the 2
Kentucky Bar Association. H ‘ V
Q Committees: Resolutions, ethics,_unauthorized practice of lang statute A
Q revision. . I
Q _ Purpose; Better understanding of the law and fair enforcement thereof.
 F ' > 
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