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       There had to be an enrollment strategy, and the strategy is to continue the course,
keeping enrollment stable and constantly increasing the academic quality of the students.

       Undergraduate Instruction
       A continued effort must be made to focus on undergraduate instruction, and
emphasis has been placed on undergraduate instruction throughout the Plan. The
University of Kentucky will not be a top twenty public research university unless it is an
excellent undergraduate instruction institution. That is an aspect of the Plan which cannot
and should not be ignored.

       Service to the Commonwealth
       The service to the Commonwealth is equally as important since the University of
Kentucky is a land-grant statewide university. Everyone agrees that service to the
Commonwealth has to be a key ingredient.

       Information Technology
       The University must be in the lead in information technology to be an excellent
university. There is a continued emphasis in the Plan on information technology,
particularly as it impacts student learning and as it impacts the research and graduate
enterprise of the institution.

       Top Twenty Public Research Universities as Benchmarks
       The Plan alludes to the fact that the University will likely need to have a changed
group of benchmarks. If it is going to be a top twenty public research university, then a
set of benchmarks that compares the University with the states that touch Kentucky plus
North Carolina may not be the proper group of institutions. This Plan references more
than once the fact that the University of Kentucky should be compared to a comparable
group of institutions that better reflect top twenty research university status. This will
need to be accomplished in concert with the Council on Postsecondary Education which
sets the benchmarks for the institution for official purposes such as faculty salary

       Community Colleges
       Management has changed for 13 of the 14 community colleges; however, there
needs to be the continued role in working with the community colleges since the degrees
are awarded by the University of Kentucky, and the employees are still University of
Kentucky employees.

       Capital Campaign
       It is time for the University to have a major capital campaign, and this is
addressed in the Plan.