·· 2,-- .
American Legion Auxiliary, Montgomery Unit f22 (Continued)
Committees: None reported. l i` "‘“
Pur cse; To assist the American Lerion promote better citizenship and Amer-
P , Y V ·..> 5 1. -
icanism. 4 ’ 1 _· _
Normal Civic Activities: Aid to Red Cross, assistance to underprivileged yi
children. · . A -. , ‘
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, f
First Aid, Child Care. Interested in Entertainment, Recreation, Collecting _
Books. ' ’ , ·· ·
Local Publications: None. ( ‘: `'“° ‘ 1 . .,,
AJERICAN RED CROSS, VONTGOLERY CHAPTER (American Iational Red Cross),_c/b_ A
Duke YL Young, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1915. Chairman, Duke U} Young.-Tel—, *
ephones 122 or SCG. Secretary, hrs. G. B. Senff, Mt.Sterling. Telephone
507-J. Terms expired December, 1941. ' _ A = » T V, ‘
Membership; BOO. Open to anyone paying annually one dollar or more. Q
Cmmnittees: Disaster, S. C. Sharp; Sewing, Hrs. Roy Hill, both of Kt. Sterl— 2
ing. ‘· · -`-` ... ‘‘_ 
Purpose: To provide aid.and relief in the event—of disaster and furnishwel- Q
Taro service. · " , i A . . A_ ‘
Normal Civic Activities; Instruction in First Aid, Safety, Nutrition, Eurses
Aides, Sewing and Knitting. ; -
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation,of:Surgical Dressings, 1
`° , """`-" _ °-° "°!'*"' "T‘T"‘ , _ . _ . ' ` ..._ A
Fed Cross Assistance, First Aid, Child Care, Collection of Scrap netals and _
Other Metals. ‘i ` ·- T 4, · , S
Local Publications; None. A _ . A . A
BOY SCOUTS OF AFEFICA, IT LTYRLITC TTOOPy#55 (Boy Scouts of America, National i
Council) Bluegrass Council, Lexington), Patrol Room, Christian Church, Main i
A Street, Nt. Sterling. Founded 1955. Scout Master, Charles Pieratt, Ht. Sterl-
ing. Telephone 754-J. Term indefinite. Assistant Scout Easter, Henkin Hern-
- don, Nt. Sterling. ~ .
Membership: Ed. Cpen to boys 12 years and over, able to pass Scout test and
requirements. ‘ · . ‘ Q
Committpes: Local Honor Court, Boyd 1cCarty, Kt. Sterling., g
Purpose: Training boys in eharactzr and good eitiz2nship.- . ` ~. M, i