Gordon, "Chinese," in Taiping rebel-
  lion, 1863, 1864; in Soudan, 1884, 1885.
  Gordon, General J. B., death of, 1904.
  Gorky, Maxim, visits America, 1906.
  Gould, Jay, 1869; death of, 1892.
  Gounod, Francis, death of, 1893.
  Grant, in Civil War, 1861-1865; Presi-
  dent, 1868, 1869; reelected, 1872; tour,
  1878; failure, 1884; death of, 1885.
  Great Britain.   (See China, France,
  India, Spain, United States, etc.,
  Reform Bill, chartists, Gladstone,
  Chamberlain, etc.)
  "Great Week," insurrection in Paris,
  Greece, war for independence, 1822,
  1824, 1827; war with Turkey, 1827;
  revolution in, 1844; British blockade
  Piraeus, 1850; Turkish war, 1897.
Greeley, Horace, death of, 1872.
Greely, Lieutenant, polar expedition,
Green Bag Inquiry, 1817.
Gregory XVI, death of, 1846.
Grevy, President, resigns, 1887; death
  of, 1891
Groucfiy, Marshal, 1807, 1809, 1815;
  death of, 1847.
Guadaloupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 1848.
Guiteau, assassinates Garfield, 1881;
  executed, 1882.
Guizot, estimate of Napoleon I, 1815;
  on Spanish war, 1823; fall of Minis-
  try, 1837; Foreign Secretary, 1840;
  dynastic marriage alliances, 1846;
  death of, 1874.
HAGUE, The, Peace Conference, 1899.
Hahnemann, theory of homeopathy,
Haiti, revolutions in, 1882, 1888, 1889.
Hamilton, Alexander, killed, 1804.
Hanna, death of, 1904.
Hanover, French invade, 1803.
Harper, President, death of, 1906.
Harrison, Benjamin, President, 1888,
  1889; death of, 1900.
Harrison, William Henry, commands
  Army of Northwest, 1812; in war
  with Great Britain, 1812-14; Presi-
  dent, 1839, 1840; inauguration   and
  death of, 1841.
Harte, Bret. death of, 1902.
Hartford,  Secession  Convention   at,
Hawaii, independent monarchy, 184L0;
  constitution,  1887;  republic,  1893,
  1894, 1895; annexed, 1897.
Hawthorne,    Nathaniel,   1838,  1848;
death of, 1864.
Hay-Pauncefote Canal Treaties, 1900,
Hay, Secretary, Roumanian note, 1902;
death of, 1905.
Haydn, death of, 1809.
Hayes, R. B., inaugurated President,
Haymarket Riot, in Chicago, 1887.
Hearn, Lafeadio, death of, 1904.

Heber, Bishop, death of, 1826.
Hegel, G. W. F., death of, 1881.
Heine, Heinrich, death of, 1856.
Helmholtz, death of, 1891.
Henley, W. E., death of, 1903.
Henner, J. J., death of. 1905.
Henry, Prince, visits America, 1902.
Herschel, death of, 1822.
Hesse, conflict over, 1850.
Hidalgo, in Mexico, 1810.
Hill, Rowland, introduces penny post-
  age, 1839; death of, 1879.
Hoar, Senator, death of, 1904.
Hofer, execution of, 1810.
Holland, Napoleon organizes republic,
  1802; British invade 1809; France
  annexes,  1810;  annexes   Belgium,
  1816; war with Atchinese, 1873, 1896.
Holmes, 0. W., death of, 1894.
Hoist, Professor von, death of, 1904.
Holy Alliance, origin of, 1815.
Hood, Thomas, death of, 1845.
  1871; death of, 1885.
Hudson Bay Fur Company rules
  Northwest, 1838
Hugo, Victor,   "Hernani,"    1830; in
  Franco-Prussian war, 1871; death of,
Humbert, assassination of, 1900.
Humboldt, Baron von, death of, 1859.
Hungaria, Latin prohibited in Diet,
Hungary, revolution in, 1848, 1849;
  Austrian Emperor crowned King of,
  1867; millenial, 1896.
Huskisson, inaugurates free trade,
  1825; expelled from Cabinet, 1828.
Hydropathy, advent of, 1820.

INcoMz tax in Great Britain, 1842.
India, Mahratta wars in, 1803, 1805,
  1817; Sikhs conquer Cashmere, 1819;
  sultee abolished, 1829; famine in,
  1837; Sikh mutiny, 1840; Sikh war in,
  1843, 1845, 1846; revolt of Punjab,
  1848; Sikh war in, 1849; Sepoy Mu-
  tiny, 1856, 1857, 1858; settlement of
  boundary, 1895.
Inkermann, battle of, 1854.
Innsbruck, Tyrolese take, 1809; French
  recapture, 1809.
Inquisition, French abolish, 1808; re-
  stored, 1814, 1816; revived, 1823; Pius
  IX establishes, 1849.
Insurance investigations, 1905.
Ireland, united with Great Britain,
1801; famine in, 1845; Mitchell and
  others convicted of treason, 1848;
  disestablishment of State Church,
  1869; Land Purchase Act, 1903.
Ironclads, first use of, 1855.
Iroquois Theatre burned, 1903.
Irving, Henry, death of, 1905.
Irving, Washington, death of, 1859.
Isabella, becomes queen, 1843; driven
from throne, 1868.
Italy, Napoleon organizes republic,
1802; revolt against papal rule, 1831;