tion proclamation, 1862, 1863; ban-
   Ishes Vallandigham, 1863; reelected,
   1864; plan of reconstruction, 1865;
   assassination, 1865.
 Lind, Jenny, debut of, 1850; death of,
 "Little Belt," affair of, 1811.
 London, treaty of, 1801; Greek-Turk-
   Ish  treaty,  1827;  conference   of
   Powers, 18S2.
 Longfellow, H. W., death of, 1882.
 Longstreet, General, death of, 1904.
 Lopez, Cuban filibuster, is shot, 1861.
 Loubet elected President, 1899.
 Louis I of Bavaria, patronizes art,
 1826; beautifies Munich, 1833.
 Louis II of Bavaria, suicide of, 1886.
 Louis XVIII, ascends throne, 1814;
 restores Bourbon regime, 1814; flight
 of, 1815; Intervenes in Spain, 1822;
 death of, 1824.
 Louis Napoleon, exiled, 1836; expelled
 from Switzerland, 1838; fiasco, 1840;
 escapes,  1846;  elected  President,
 1848; restores Pius IX, suppresses
 French republicans, 1849; dissolves
 Assembly, 1851; coup d'etat, 1851;
 autocratic acts, 1852; denounced by
 authors, 1852; takes title of Napoleon
 III, 1852; marries, 1853; anti-Aus-
 trian alliance with Cavour, 1858,
 1859; war with Austria, 1859; restores
 Venetia to Italy, 1866; deserts Maxi-
 milian, 1866; intervenes   In  Italy,
 1867; In Franco-Prussian war, 1870,
 1871; death of, 1873.
 Louis Philippe, accession of, 1880; at-
 tempts  to  assassinate,  1835, 1836,
 1846; flight of, 1848; death of, 1850.
 Louise, Queen, 1807; death of, 1810.
 Louisiana Purchase, 1802; exhibition,
 Lovejoy, murder of, 1838.
 Lowell, J. R., 1848; death of, 1891.
 Luneville, treaty of, 1801.
 Lutzen, battle of, 1813.
 Luxemburg, Belgian annexation of,
 1831; annexation of, 1839; status set-
 tled, 1Sf7.
 Lyell, Charles, death of, 1875.

MACADAM, road builder, 1818.
Macaulay, T. B., death of, 1859.
McClellan, In Civil War, 1861-64; can-
  didate for President, 1864; death of,
Macdonald, Marshal, In     Italy, 1809;
death of, 1840.
Macdonough    wins   battle  of  Lake
  Champlain, 1814.
Macedonia, revolution In, 1903.
McKinley, President, 1896, 1897, 1900,
1901, assassinated, 1901.
MacMahon, in Franco-Prussian      war,
1870, 1871; President, 1877; death of,
Madagascar, French war in, 1882; war
with France, 1895, 1896.

  Madison, James, becomes President,
  1809; death of, 1836.
  Magnetic Pole, Rae discovers, 1846.
  Mabdi, war in Soudan, 1884, 1888; war
  with, 1888.
  Malet, conspiracy of, 1812.
  Mamelukes, massacre of, 1811.
  Manchuria, Russia acquires railroad,
  1896; occupies, 1900, 1901, 1902.
  Manila Bay, battle of, 1898.
  Manuel ejected from Chamber, 1823.
  Maria Christina, abdicates regency,
  1840; causes insurrection, 184L
  Marie Louise, Napoleon I weds, 1810;
  death of, 1847.
  MXiarquesas Islands, France annexes,
  Marshals, Napoleon's, execution of,
  Martinique disaster, the, 1902.
  Massena, Marshal, InItaly, 1806; death
  of, 1817.
  Matabele, war with British, 1893, 1896.
  Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1864,
  Mazzini, Italian republican, 1869; death
  of, 1872.
  Metternich, meets Napoleon, 1813; at
  Congress of Vienna, 1814; forms
  new German Confederation, 1815;
  dissolves Magyar diets, 1836; death
  of, 1859.
  Mexico, war with France, 1838, 1839;
  United States wars with, 1845; war
  with United States, 1846, 1847; Al-
  varez's revolution, 1855; foreign in-
  tervention, 1862; war with France,
  1863, 1864; fall of Maximilian, 186,
  Meyer, doctrine of conservation of
  energy, 1842.
  Miles defeats Indians, 1877, 189L
  Miranda aids Bolivar, 1811.
  Missouri, admission of, 1818, 1819, 1820.
  Modoc war, 1873,
  Moltke, von, in war with Austria,
  1866; in Franco-Prussian war, 1870,
  1871; death of, 1891.
Mommsen, Theodor, death of, 1903.
Monroe inaugurated President, 1817;
  reelected, 1820; announces Doctrine,
  1822: death of, 1831.
Monroe Doctrine, Everett reiterates,
Moore, Sir John, death of, 1809.
Moreau, General, banished, 1804; re-
  turns to Europe, 1813; killed, 183.
Morgan, J. P., organizes trusts, 1902.
Mormons, expelled from Missouri,
  1838; in Utah, 1857, 1858; Mountain
  Meadow massacre, 1858; repudiate
  polygamy, 1890,
Morocco, French defeat Sultan, 1844;
  war for crown, 1873; convention ot
  Powers on, 1905.
Moscow, burning of, 1812; Napoleon I
  evacuates, 1812,
Murat, Marshal, occupies Vienna, 1805;
  defeated by Stuart, 1810; defeated
  in Italy, 1815; executed, 1815.
Mutsuhito, accession of, 1867.