Pius IX, accession of, 1846; flees to
  Naples, 1848; establishes Inquisi-
  tion, 1849; appeals to Powers against
  Louis Napoleon, 1859; interview with
  Carlotta, 1866; declares papal infal-
  libility, 1870; death of, 1878.
Pius X, accession of, 1903; aids Vesu-
  vian sufferers, 1906.
Plehve assassinated, 1904.
Poland,  revolution   against  Russia,
  1830, 1831; insurrection in, 1846; revo-
  lution in, 1848.
Polk inaugurated President, 1845.
Porter ends piracy in West Indies,
Portsmouth, peace of, 1905.
Portugal, French conquer, 1807; evac-
  uate, 1808; people depose regency,
  1820; counter-revolution, 1823; war
  between  Pedro   and   Miguei, 1828,
  1828; Powers support Maria II, 1847;
  revolution of Saldanha, 1851; war
  between Dom Pedro and Dom Mi-
  guel, 1832; reestablishes constitution,
  and abolishes slave trade, 1836; con-
  stitution  restored, 1837; revolt in,
  1846; revolution in 1891.
Post-office scandals, 1903, 1905.
Prague, peace congress at, 1813; treaty
  at, 1866.
Pressburg, peace of, 1805.
Priessnitz introduces hydropathy, 1820.
Prim, Marshal, commander-in-chief,
  1868; assassinated, 1870.
"Princeton," explosion on, 1844.
Prussia, wars with Napoleon I, 1813;
  war with Denmark (see Denmark);
  war with Austria, 1866; war with
  France, 1870, 1871.
Pushkin killed in duel, 1837.

QriNhs, discovery of, 1820.

RADETZKY in Italy, 1848, 1849.
Radium discovered by Madame Curie,
Railroads, Baltimore  Ohio, 1829;
  Canadian Pacific, 1885; Siberian, 1891.
Raisuli kidnaps Perdicaris, 1904.
Reaper, invented by McCormick, 18932.
Reconstruction, Lincoln's plan, 1865;
Johnson's plan, 1866, 1867; Congress'
plan, 1867, 1868.
Reed, T. B., death of, 1902.
Reform Bill, passed by Commons, 1831:
rejected by Lords, 1831; passed by
Lords, 1832.
Regensburg, Diet of, 1802; five days'
battle about, 1809.
Reichenbach, convention of, 1813.
Reichstadt, Duke of, birth of, 1811;
death of, 1832.
Rhodes, Cecil, in South Africa, 1894,
1896; death and will of, 1902.
Richter, Eugen, death of, 1906.

Riego, leads revolution in Spain, 1820;
  hanged, 1823.
Riel, rebellion of, 1870; rebellion, 188.
Riots, anti-machine, in England, 1816.
  in United States, 1833.
Roberts, Lord, in Afghan War, 1879,
  188b; in Boer War, 1900-1902.
Rochambeau, statue of, 1902.
Roentgen discovers X-ray, 1895.
Rome (see also Italy) made capital of
  Italy, 1870.
Roosevelt, in Spanish War, 1898; Gov-
  ernor of New York, 1898; President,
  1901, 1904, 1905, 1906.
Ross's Arctic expedition, 1818.
Rudolph, Archduke, death of, 1888.
Russia, rebellion of Moscow regiment,
  1s25; war with Turkey, 1827, 1828,
  1829; secret treaty with Turkey, 1833;
  war with Turkey, 1853, 1854; emanci-
  pation of Serfs, 1860; violates treaty
  of 1856, 1871; war with Turkey,
  1887; war with   Turkey, 1878; war
  with Turkomans, 1879, 1880, 1881;
  revolution in, 1905; Duma, 1906.
Russo-Japanese War, 1904.

SACKVnLLEWEST recalled, 1888.
Sadowa, battle of, 1866.
St. Cyr, Marshal, in Spain, 1809.
St. Petersburg, convention of, 1801.
Sakhalin, ceded to Russia, 1875; re-
  ceded to Japan, 1905.
Saldanha, battle of, 1827.
Samoa, hurricane at, 1889; revolu-
  tion in, 1899; rebellion in, 1894;
  award, 1902.
San Domingo, insurrection, 1801, 1802;
  British capture French expedition
  to, 1803; United States recognizes,
San Francisco, earthquake and fire in,
San Jacinto, battle of, 1836.
San Juan Island awarded to United
States, 1872.
San Martin, aids Bolivar, 1811; joins
O'Higgins, 1817.
Santa Anna, establishes Mexican re-
public, 1823; in war with the United
States, 1846, 1847.
Santiago, battle of, 1898.
Santo Domingo, separates from     Haiti,
1844; America controls finances, 1905.
Saxony, revolt of troops, 1814; re-
gency of Frederick Augustus II,
Schleswig-Holstein, Danish annexation
of, 1846; revolution against Den-
mark, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851; war,
186.3, 1864, 1865, 1866.
Scott, Sir Walter, death of, 1832.
Scott, Winfield, in war with Great
Bi-itain, 1812-14; in Mexican War,
Sedan, battle of, 1870.
Seminoles, massacre settlers, 1817;
removed to Indian Territory, 1832;
