war with, 1836; sue for peace, 1836;
  defeated at Lake Okeechobee, 1838.
  Seminole War, 1841.
  Servia, King Michael assassinated,
  Milan succeeds him, 1868; assassina-
  tion of King and Queen, 1903.
  Seward,   Secretary  of  State,  1861;
  wounded, 1865.
  Sewing machine, Thimonnier's, 1830;
  Howe's, 1846.
Shelley, death of, 1822.
Sheridan, P. H., in Civil War, 1864,
  1865; removed by Johnson, 1867; de-
  feats Sioux, 1876; death of, 1888.
  Sherman John, Silver Purchase Bill,
  1890, 1893.
Sherman, W. T., in Civil War, 1864.
  1865; death of, 189L
Shiloh, battle of, 1862.
Shimonoseki, treaty of, 1895.
Shorthand, invented by Gabelsberger,
Siam, French treaty with, 1902.
Sipiaguine,  Minister,   assassinated,
Sitting Bull War, 1876.
Slave trade, Congress abolishes, 1807;
  abolished by Christian nations, 1815;
  suppressed in South America, 1845.
Slavery, abolition in British colonies,
  1834; Congress passes "Gag Law"
  against abolitionists, 1836; fugitive
  slave act, 1850; Kansas-Nebraska
  trouble, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858.
  1859; Dred Scott decision, 1857; "The
  Impending Crisis," 1859; Fifteenth
  Amendment, 1870; United States
  prohibits,  1864,  1865;   Fifteenth
  Amendment, 1869; In Brazil, 1871,
  1887, 1888; abolished in Portuguese
  colonies, 1876; abolished in Mada-
  gascar, 1877; abolished in Zanzibar,
Smith, Joseph, lynched, 1844.
Socialists, in Italy, 1901, 1904.
Solferino, battle of, 1869.
Soudan, war in, 1889, 1896; British war
  in, 1898; war in, 1899.
Soult, Marshal, in Spain, 1809; be-
  comes Premier, 1839; French Pre-
  mier, 1840; death of, 185L
South American Republics recognized
  by United States and England, 1824
South Carolina secedes, 1860.
Southey, poet laureate, 1842; death of,
Spain, war with England, 1804, 1806;
French invade, 1807, 1808; war with
France, 1808, 1809, with England,
1810, 1811, 1812, 1813; military revolts
in, 1818, 1819; French Invasion of,
1823; reactionary constitution, 184;
republic, 1873, 1874.
Spanish-American War, 189, I89.
Spectroscope, Bunsen and Kirchhoff's,
Spencer, Herbert, death of, 120.
Stael, Mine. de., exiled by Napoleon,
1808; serize  his court, 1804; death
of, 1817.
Stanley, IL M.. finds LivIngston, 187;

  relieves Emin Bey, 1889; death of,
  Stanton,  Secretary,   suspended    oy
  Johnson, 1867.
  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, death of,
  Star Route frauds, 1882.
  Steamships, transatlantic, 1817.
  Stefano, treaty of, 1878.
Stein, Minister, reforms Prussian ad-
  ministration, 1807; banished, 1808.
  Stephenson, George, runs first loco-
  motive, 1826.
Stethoscope, invented by Laennec, 1819.
Steunenberg,   ex-Governor,   assassi-
  nated, 1906.
Stockton, F. R., death of, 1902.
Stone, Miss, ransomed, 1902.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, "Uncle Tom's
  Cabin," 1850.
Strike, railroad, 1877; anthracite, 1900,
  1902, 1903, 1906; steel, 1901.
Strikes and riots, in Belgium and
  Great Britain, 1886; in France, 1888;
  in France, Spain, and Italy, 1892;
  Pullman, 1894; Belgium, 1902.
Suez Canal, opened, 1869; neutralized,
  1882; free navigation, 1888.
Sugar bounties, convention, 1902.
Sumner, assaulted, 1856; death of, 1874,
Sweden, truce with France, 180)7.
Switzerland, French invade, 1803; fed-
  eration of cantons, 1848; revolution
  In, 1890.
TAs'F Vale Case, 1902.
Taft, Secretary, tour to Philippine,
Tahiti, France annexes, 1843.
Talleyrand, plot against Napoleon I,
  1809; at Congress of Vienna, 1814;
  wins France for Bourbons, 1814;
  prevents intervention in Belgium,
Talmage, T. Do WIt death of, 1902.
Tariff, Protective, Congress adopts.
  1824; Congress enacts, 1828; "com-
  promise tariff," 1833; McKinley bill.
  1890; Wilson bill, 1894; Dingley bill,
Taylor, Zachary, in Mexican War,
  1846; inaugurated   president,  1848;
  death of, 1860.
Telegraph, Gauss and Weber's, 1833;
Wheatstone's, 1836; Morse's, 1840,
1844; Marconi's, 1899, 12901, 902.
Telephone, Bell's, 1876, 1877; Pupin's
invention, 1900.
Tennyson, laureate, 1851, death of,
Texas, secedes from Mexico, 1835; an-
nexation of, 1844; annexation of,
Thiers, becomes President, 1871; deatVi
of, 1877.
Thomas, Theodore, death of, 1205.
Thorvaldsen, death of, 1844.
Tibet, British expedition to 1904.
Tilden, Governor of New fork, 1174;

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