xt7fn29p402z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p402z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky Davisson, Ananias, 1780-1857 1825  books  English Harrissonburg [i.e. Harrisonburg], Va. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  A Supplement, To the Kentucky Harmony. text A Supplement, To the Kentucky Harmony. 1825 2014 true xt7fn29p402z section xt7fn29p402z     K   ,
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é 3Vh#xu :1,4 almu ur nuun udc www with thy ain Up, Yu Iuud ¤.1rL:.>i:.;.\;.u:,¢/flovc? {kar why gu [hs: ill\e§·y.I»mvil I wbmhr .m mlm: fznm ilxccj AI This is mv bcluymh }"i—l11rn1 .>.hw1xzc, ;
,r\nsrvv1)¤aL\: lawn for bvcxd? Has u;:xm» uns wml uums .¤¤·4mm\! _ v
'1w{:»·*» will v. wmv, wh. n my s;»:mu> [hay acc, V 'l`l<¤r1}`isi¤cMl.uv. as qrawx mn H20 vmiz,
: A 4} emxle an mr vn an X *;;v¤: >hvxI V . ,{ \\hu:.11ummn wikln ;zXe1.XEv B crmam`.: `
A Y ;!·»\,41.;`w, M Znnn :§w,A.v¤·· hum: yr sueil, . W ` Thu mum ufhh.m,»:·, Unc hhvs than gt; Av 5
 , '1`·4¤~;·vm¤v mz !·r¤L\ Junr? '   _ In *hr: vukex on we lwwkh ollhz an .."~¤, > 
iz 3·¤,, gf; , jwu. :rm»·m»· W} ~vc¤¥ hw Unch, X ‘ hb ¤,!»44I<*· iw Um M- any ol mx;. vZc¤.cu glow.,  l`
. Am wmw »mi:h:.t1¤:•·.>. mr gmc Z ` :*.1:r.I lm uycs in xnvimgly b»;1m». "
°K ~` `

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TO THE ` F3 ,   `
~ Kcntuck Hmmm}
A N A WY ‘\ % W ANH M Q {W
, `“ \ “‘   ‘» Da V u ‘ `= @A;%‘» J»L\*¥ By
T1111c0 zmzrzma c01*Y1smz11* sEcU1c1sn. . *
L VRYNTED, and said by we AUTHOR, in Huninnnburg, Virginia; And M14 by L. Tpemper Szaunmw, by Mr North !.ynr!¤%urg, T
Vnl. Rourrtscn be Ellion Y*¤as·wiil VV. Tcn. Cmsiw & Hamm Knoxvili, and J. Lynn Hcaiyard, kl, Ten. And it zgcunzsa can by prn-
_, cured nn Camuen, Chrlmn, and Haulcigh, in uw Carnxumfs ix will uc dune. _ 82 ·
` i ` 5: _. · ,

 V    -.-.3 ...;T· » » _ V ’ V
.5 _... . 7v_» ...._ · •
{ . 52 G wuji zehuvq 44 · (
 ~¢ =¤— ——*`   ~— —--·-- F ~ V $@7% 9; EQEE -
§* zo H 1~. /1-h Qpncc Law A4 · A lg
  19·—- 5*   -1) Mu h¤c4—. ..... sym; ‘ V
  4   . ` "— ( ‘ .
Y  iy VJ ' E   HER _ {gv The z'nre·:m?n;_r is a reprcscwuunn cfxhe general sralc
_;  _ 16 E { _ A Und mace ` ` ` . LW almmng elm <:.mn¤»c1inn of the pans, mud zlap wihaa sound
 i J5   E &   in dw - _ _ i Ami ol Eh? ¥€:1f*fu% %f.uI€ &·;Vuh IFI\ESVLEICIAOFI;§A§;€"\l;V€:;\;§;?{Vx;f
~,  AQ. · *2 1· 1~· space (--1* s»¤11m»..-Fm "°""‘.°· “¥""""‘· "‘ “‘” ‘ J ’ I _‘ _ ·i
M HLLL, E mum V ji Mwmtl HV ¤<:¤up¤¤s zhu 2..1, 9h, and lmh. sounds nk 4hc genera
V.  in ____ _ 2 I U'/L h L{‘i__éVlc scaIFV; C, mc ..;:...;.1 xnnjor L;c,·,_ {hc 4Vz!». 11*h. ana 18:1.0
;· { lx __ ___ _ __ — 5 C [_ I OMF lhu iorcgomg sGa]:· cOm[>r\z€s inr€€ 0c\av€¤, Of ..2
V 4 \ rn . .> < >p..<.L JW V V. ,1.1 [V.     I. I V VN V L V V V
, V W _ __ ___ ___ _ { B 3 A lmc_MC smp.1¤. me h w1¤c.¤r. sxaxe, 04,.
5, v 9; .\ 5h““U_ I _ A OVAVVVCCLVVVV .§.»»_¤S xhc wmv. w.m¤1.»r‘ me g.-max mm The ws I
 . { 8 vn G M gpm ,1   (V éVVdl;V£é__5)l€ um why.] umm ’1‘¤¤.», ngcupaqs mc eighxh, and when ¢
V;  5 7   iVg_F [kh um___;§ \ ` F IVV SPACE hw usf rn }.`n:blc xbm fzifeecmh sound nf she g•:ncr¤\ mak:. Ax
~ 6 "’ ‘: * $6 ¤1>··¤¤* L--..1; lst line-L.xw
 T 5- ·-- -D 3rd }ine__- .... _ _ gc]
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‘ P REFACE 5  
i Norwtrttsratttatttc this wnvk is designed as supplementory to the KENTUCKY HARMONY, the
i Apiimr tins ,iw,-rings.; made it a coznplcat system in itstll`. by laying down tltc rudimcnts nr Music in fuii_ °
Thcisc therefore, who muy not feel disposed to purchase both hooks, may, by purchasing either, have all the rules
rl necessarv tu their qttalilicacinn.
t The an h·>r’s principle design in nFftrin;g his Supplement is, that his methodist friends may bc furnished with a
suitable anal proper arrangement of such tunes as may seem to him best calculated to animate and enliven them,
’ and all nth r zealousvchttstians, in their acts of devotion; and while they sing with the spirit, let them learn to sing
with the understanding also, .
Having spent the morning of life in the modest circles of the musical assenthlics, I have thcnght proper to re.
[ire from thnqq planting and d ltqlttfttl scenes <>i`yt>uthful pleasure, and spend the meridian in preparing my [a€i,ic’ ,
ncquirements for the inspection ufa wisc and generous public. However lightly my labours may he cstettmtd by the
Sicred musicians of the present dttvg there is still one source from which l derive consolation; that is, the purity
of mv intention l atn now passing from the Nleritlian toward the Shades oi Night, and must confess that the ·
path- ( though it appears to he a little tinctured with the robcs ofmortality, ] is fulllcf pleasantness and peace. l
}·— \Vhen lretlect on the many delightful assemblies with whom I have been permitted to mingle my voice in
· singing the praises nf mv Rerleemvr l cannot be suEciently thankful. Those Meditations specdily bring into
view the sweat langttage ofthe poet when addressing himself to God ; ‘,'l`o spend one day with thee on earth,
exceeds a thmtsanrl rlztvs of tnirth." O that the world could realize the language of this excellent Poet Is
my prayer for Cln·ist.’s sake. , t
Ete»·,;—; . t 7 1 _ _ I

 C ~ ‘ 1
  El ` F M €J@HC
  R DIM EB TS G ~ l
’ l Treble, Trncnr Sr Cuunrer emvc. Buss stave. _ TZZ ,
‘ l A s¤..n»,rw;,_.; Is a square hcluw me hue, Y
Q i Il -44- Fillh mm-. |(-A......1¤am» line - rcsx -——
l ‘ . Ii 1·`nn.r•» spam l G Fnunh ~p:r¤¤ ;;Z _
l. ' V-!) -——v¤»»nn» um- »-}=_..1=mnn»1;nr- A minnm rcsxjjj ls a rqunre above chzlnae. V Q.
'_~ ' l (J '1`lnm »pnce l IL _ Tmrrl sync -—— V
§‘ ‘—lX- —- 1`mm nn¤— V —D-E-‘l'4nr» unn.- A umeher III is a slanred stroke wuh a dash, called a Sutton V
  x Semnd npucn   (L I Srrnnrl sparc res: jyi
M , -G.;-s¤¤n...¤ Inn: -11_/sc.¤.,n lm"- ;;;
V ’ \·` 1-`n»r waee l A Frm ~p¤¤¤ A qnnver uesr;;: ls an invm-lcd surmn. l
E ll_-h......1=nr;1n.¤—. -0 -—1¤n·n unl 4 , 4-. {
ra; A sem;gnm»;;;
    rm! * ji; ls an invcrrcd summ wirh a dash.
  ]\lUSlC:\l. CHAR xcmns Lxr·1.A1xrm. A dmnircmi- ZZ; ’
Z· A IZ; _ '·l““V'¢F Wu jg- ls Ml illvvrled zutmn with nwn daslmg, Q
lj — A Sum .-·r—»~ ls five lines wizh nhcnr imermcdmc spun; III
.j  ' ::: nn which mum ar nnnun. {
Q`, E Q; V A brace. Slzcws haw many pm-ls are performed cngexlxer.  
r -. A single har _ II Dngdcs mlm sm-c imo measures l
j'  ‘ V , V V A lcrlgerlinc —— lg added when nmes zeannd urdesccnd bcynnn ras
 , A wgggc 5,;,- 3;   5;,4,,75 thc md 0;, Swain   um ST tulxrwsdnlm number of nmcs sung; xo one syvablc. "
é ; ` 1; vmu p ~¤c< uver ar under an rl », g |
 V, V nw   he pcrlurruvd ,,».,ulqJ{§§E?°   ’ ‘°"‘ l
 VV A cme   ghcws me wd Oh mm, A ¢l¤r~ M lhc mgm heme! cl n new add; mir nan ns usury xcngrh, '
~V  ' zit Shuws Um mmunc NNN be ami,) nerrmmcd Thu Ergurns 1 2 ~lv·wsrhr1t1hrv nore under one is Sung hclurc the rc- ·
V   Amped; Ziz onnn rn.- mn? nn~n>r·; nrnrn u rh pmnru zu uw P Wh MM Um under 2 mc: xt ; il mu wm; A hwy, min are rung nlm,
1 V ,a -;.. mm dculllv .>.¤ru1 cbcsz,
'-1:  l

A prlssa :[l; si|{niEcx that the preceding; rvnrrl. or sentence, must bc 3; Has three qucwcra in a measure. and three heats, perfor-
nuns: to uluslrmtc, or rm.t:s. under whush 171 1>_set Srd. LV med in tht; muy vfmyt- wtuntl :.nt! a half nf? Ihr MMS-
A trxlt tr sngmias that tht- num uvcr which it is placed may bt:l1gl1t· § are m treble time ir dzuizlut into 2/irce jmrzx, :/1: /irx: only
ly waruleu ltkc a sul`: mul. za tzcccvtrcd.
_" ls expressed by- a plain C, has a scmihrcvc or its quantity   Has six nrctchets. in n mezuurc, and two beats, one down
lst   in a measure, sung in the utuc of {nur seconds, lcur lst, and one up, performed in the time nf 1\»¤ and a half
§ —··—— h»at= in a measure, mm down amlt»x·»1tp,   seconds
E By A C uhh a bzu·thm1»1;htt, has the samc measure mate,   Has six qutwers in a measure, sung; in rhc time of one
2nd.   twat in the same manner, performed in the time ol threc 2nd. § srcond and a half, and uvn beats, one down and unc up.
* By a yy inverted has the same measure nntc, sung in the 8;}* In mmjxauml time the tzcrmtfullr mime fu: and fourth
Slrd. .5 timr ul twu and a hail suco11, KfFCG&D--·..-D {
{ 3 Has three minums in a measure, suny; in the time of threc I d_ _ `t
L lst Q »¢:cunds.anw¤=¤¤·¤ My mw k·¤¤w¤'
' Q HM Mw M =*¤<·=¢ rms 6** ¤ ¤·¤¤=¤·’# ? d_*·d 3%* dl A ny u,. ust naman the Bass, which is aways the next snm, qt-
  Q gong'Q[Q;j)_{"jQ{°Qf1Qfjxfd"Qfm'§§““§“ §,;,,,“‘ ° “ ° ° sm,. su, it sims nis s stmp key, iruun. tt is s an iq,
. S , _ __ f__ W __ ,;__,_.,..____ ,4 ` ,,~`—»» ·--»’ V-M ·~— ` ‘— Y ’

   {   `  ¤= uv¤»¤%·~= Tm;  7* NMVLQ`.-SSQN OR T ING THE {/OICE. —
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      r mlr ufr rg r E y é ,· 3, , Th: Fighz maze-; Dmblni.
__  ’ a 'ujC',,I,1.,E;;!;, $iE*€T:Y;`Y` YZ V; ? 7*;*rF - lj ;::: ·i· it :;" . ·‘‘“  ;~i
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  Exump/cs Q/`Cumpaxmzl time ‘__%r j i _I?'m;'; liu,/ide __~ _- J·—  
  §_&;;g;:;;  gjgzijgv §§*i§}§E§§E§@§§i%T§Y$ §¥§§{EiEE€E§¥€€E$$  
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{  __   i_£_’;gm Qxamliirw/lc/[3H'   QL
v  ' ' F Z.: :§;   ';`“:’IZ€lCZ1i —·‘;;i __;~· — . —-_ - _ -., __ .. __ __~ __ I 4
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 I ‘ FVENXNG SHADE. S M. · 9 `
*v gf. 7-dm*;"g§;::§1:i:;;;:§_;:{iz 4;%;::; .;:;:;g]i‘ :7 J1--G :1;: * ::1;--5--Z :¤-zz;} -? -
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  I f"T'QI;fy,`iY*;%1LL   Qliiyiyg ;Z§iE’ i.i1ZZ liiiif; fiiél 111 ;1Zf];QQ T'; I .;,'Z;1';;. Zfl"·' ZZ 1 “
§ @9-;;;*; $123;};Qijgggii§;;§{;;;;¥£2:;;¥;;$&;$2}a;1Q;;;E;2%; ·<;4J;¥5‘2§§¥g{§!
  t The um is`p;~sx and gum:. Tue cvcniaxg shnuuh appvenr; Ot may wc ull remember wy H (H Han. 'l'1»¤rn*ul¤xnf Aww as wu.
* T it;=.]“1t;;¤:5g::·:1;z;1;];"§ 5;:-;:t;;;;¢I_·r;'*if’1:’1yi;r;;;;, ¤¤;::1;;;: ;?;=f’T;;. IIT: ZY IT
if    g%;i§-Ei;-HE ia ¥2$2;=Y:;;—x;;;;;z¥§:»a;i;i     ;E;‘1&&;Ei§‘2§~:- L$?$*a;%E {QE
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    i鑧,;¥;§;giaeigl;i2;2§,ziz&§;:&a;i5§i$;*S§;s£;;§;;} ,;e;Q;i;;e-is-gggegi ;;l!Eese§;.i;é
E 2 SU: hy mu- ;qw·u<-¤»·~. by, S ;.·¤¤·»1 mfg ug Tum mp mgm, 4. Ami www yy; c1=r|y1ri>¤n\ 5   ;*;<‘:J·;¤*;’**¤3’=!*;;‘  
; ~» ¤·:· ms ~ ‘·¤; -· » ·»». »·r ~d »,* ,1 n» ¤ (x mn; v M M- ·> .
4 T ;LE2CL`L.]?IfZJ.. .§i;·(»,¤ .1. ¤»‘»HJ2m?..$ },i£U.§Jmy,  M  lTSZZ.§?wT£.§2  Olmayuem ..1, mm  
  A5 UI what we here pusess. '1`nl mnming hgm appears Y Ami mm- Envy run, Tm lmsum cl my mw.
  DV<§1‘l')N` L M. 11m~mo»r.
{ W -- --1 -—·~Q--a----··-— --. -3- -31;; ; 3 -·—g·;;-;:-rhs: s: 1-:. E:-1* t¤t‘. ‘
FL , ; Z Q ; j‘i`,; Z, Ojigi ,,_· il, ~.._, _,,_ { ‘; , ri § - V A»- .~Kr  
{1    Q   EZLQEZEZ   ;:' E
` I , '4\ -.. . 7. { V--»»-— —• »- ~——- ‘
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— mggéi§i§§ii’£§iir§iEE1%Ei§Lrii:iETEEEiE%E;EE;E}E;§;E°i g;g%?;E;& Q; 2-; zz E
1 g $~¢¤t rs who wav charred resx Nv mortal cure shan win my nmasw,0 may my mm; In mrc by mmd, Lme Dav¤d's haup of sukemn suund
      E~ ii}--;  
x ·r I : ;; *T - ·»· ~—~ ~~‘,-~ -—;rr; ; -4 ;*-;-· -;-;- Z"; -L` Q; _
it \;§;E:;:;£;*£:E: ’;,E::E‘ h::-:1:}:;E »:-1:-E -·- - --’¢—- —-·—~— E-- -;-· B -
Y S A __ y _ Q ,   ,,rA V ~

 1  ··j,,. - -- r   “     ` rrvr A
  { gg NEW-SALEM. ‘il’ 8-
;· L  ‘ .-... -—-- · .-,---- -- - ---. ---- --- ~~ -—-g ---1s:<·T*i¥x""§Z Z*C3i"'é?'?‘{
¤» ¤; Y W -35;»¤l;—,;_?{?YY;.;; ;<;`i:¤r§.¤-o }lf'€*?l?7'-f? .§l•-§if¤;§—b§§¥ ; {E Em: §,¤;§;;-{tf}? B
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Q:  g /\ —a .-·¤ ,, _ gi -.. .--... - -l
z- ; A .—~~~-—:~- a ~ -»-—-- ~— =· aq'---, -5- 5;-¤·,;-1; ;EE;gt:i:‘ - if-- - ;§- —- »¤
  gi tif': **'¤· hi-<-`-"`I ’E’l""* *% **..%,,**]-1-{ 4 -   ·· sq » l-— —El -—- B » A__ _, I_ _ _. , ,,,3 ... I
gf l;i..??iCl;i;ilZ:lZZZE' Zlij; g ,jlfYQl;Z&;Zl;`; ;:[fLl;I; E'?-`t-;I;gI;-»-Lg >——-E- }—-l;-·l;· ¥·--— ·· ·i
gf'}!  l ' I U Xhnu lu whose prusunce my s0ul1.`kc·q ih Hghv, | My qumlun hy day. Bt my Sung lu  fm the bh¤¤¤k> ul (hm szrpam,.
-9 , `* ,_ , _ _ A l` Cf! < In uc c-nut ui. 1-ily,
  { ’*“* ‘“‘*’° Wh *¤·> ¤¤~¤¤=· hw gum And ms qu an invmuyély !;c};;srrrc gm" gl
J · . "
\`__ 2 .

            ,;;3§;·{gg};;,, L. M.     '   B;l;§,,s_ ;g  ,_
[T T; C `°TZZ`T"A ` I i"‘ id" , zh, `T`;' Z T"I Z T"'T" "Z"ZLT - 'Z ., .f`l'I C" TE;
  {  ei &EE;§§?§*?§giEiiE§EE*# E §§;§;Ee§:§;E §¥ E§}EeE;?gE¥;§;¥
` » ;, 2;;: " ;1" .i“,E·,E`-,. E `T T' Z`;T";`“";'j;;;’ ‘_ ; - .. ‘i’1 .1 .1 ;‘ ii`;
g I; iéqgzézli  ;E ;;;&&E;E;2  Ei? ;  EEE; ESE ;E&$;:;a;1&E;EsE§EEE;€§i;E;E§;;E;§;§;e;i
Q   yvhm we mu wz&1i’x1lunbs\0 rent, sam ¤1.»wn by pvuud cuphratcs summs, we wepr wixh duiuful mo ta upprei, kziun was our mnupnfui ;|,Lm¤_
" ¤ ~; ; 1-: : , MM = 5:11, :1 #1 2:;:: ···:, ; :·: ; ;—¤~:_ ;———— ;-;
I      EE                
Ei {Ei;EEEi§;€§i§?§%E§;2EE@;s&ii§@§ §»i£¥§3  ii  
    ()m·|,;,u·p¤;|mg,when wm; jay we sung,were w.mx1l1cirm:.¤;iu1pd;-v,§mh.;,u·,“·iLn>»»l¤r.v.:Lx·xv.g—» m.g\cc\c¤1 humpon wnliuw ucc; nlm: vvi;m.’.m»g
3 3-3;;;-*; __ ;"; ;‘; ;" ::12; 23:1; i:i;*‘ 7253 T'T`i',{, i iii; ;!! TTT ‘ *;*7 7*3 *
Y gi €;;§;EE¥Ez§¥E;$;§;z2;$5;s£§;E  sjiag  Ei?退;E;   §°§$§E?·E;§;?;EE
A 1*•"’Z; “"‘jI,T7 ZZ ,Z_ ii`; ZIZIZZQ `,_IIZi ;L TZ ' Ei I W ,"Z,TZ rj V Z X11, ‘* `
; _ ·§ §§E$?§{%$E;;€¥E2§ ;E¥2;;;¥;;;a¤;é€;;;§:E ;§i4 EEE? E2 Ei  E§1§}E;E %§$;?i E5
·E§uF?·vd, my'st1n,;hy blgssfuf nays`Can walrm, regnur . 81 enidc ry y mam. $'%~ ~; j;;:£: E;;{1C;-ZH; EZ 3- ---· -§? —— - ~-·· ~" “' ’~ ‘ ·**"‘r·· ~··:» —r——  
’—  --- - - -- - - -- - - - ~·—» — — ——— ~ -j;·;<-;:: "ZZl;Z1ll *: III ·:<;—;~—· -
 M ?i_ .;]- .-3-, - il. F-il-ZL 1-4--—E|· J —-J-gl i_;f_5 _____ _ _ ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ 7-4- {
  =» 1 $54-Qmsi   ::§:}i:§’¢¤-=1 mf?-· Q 6- 2;- M 1---% 12: §:!-ki ga 9*; · — -*2-
  _ _ -.-- .---Q 2--.. M-{ .....   -- ---1-;--0-3 V V V Q QE-E--W J
  . Ho>mu¤;m nu me Prmtc of Light, That clotlfti tu·u;e1i in claw; Ii1.tcr?d me iron gates ¤f ncann, And , sure the bar; a.
  t ---- -41-it-.- Q- -H---ici;. gsf--- --- C---.- ---1----- -- -- -- - ---
 ,5 t 1- _ =;¤i-:;*—i;=¤s}!;M; QE: i 3 -3; :5;¤·gk:¤;i"-E;‘f¤[;::- it pt:»r¥ ,; E;£;§;§; i
é `   EQCQ§ [ihQI-E -1- ISZ§j,J@IZ$CL;Cn'I:-E Ijfgf .-E-E ..g1;§;_\[Ll*Z LEX ,.1 . I I `EE
 »,- * -.--- --;*- ·f » x --- ..... T-T; -- -- --- - A-- #2- --- - ¤
 -» ta ; -.k i- -- rz!-E.-E.? --F-».--·1--- -1%- ;-- ---..-* --- L--L - :;*;;¢·;- :;1;i -; ¤’ f
  · ·§g,Z!Ii;;¥;¢i;"E;1i;-1 Z; iZ;3!:Zl§‘E; ‘;iFZEi;¤i§;L*;iEi1*"£E;·!"· F*E§—r· #~E—§§~;>r;] - F [
  \--..---. ,.- .-L -’;.y--- L--- -;-JZ- ‘-;.--i- ;- ‘-,- -22...... .;i -2Ci -; IQ; 'I _;_;_;_E é
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sz  lf.--- ---. -- -¤- . .. ;
 fj] {_ - -¥--l_J-. --i -]-   2 Umm mm more mn »; nqmdraad 4 The · 1 1 S ' n` ,
  A Lg-E; --- L E--E --- Sw     ,.,..   ' A23"Z`L§3i§’é».-§1ZEY.§$JEY` 5
 Q]; :4 - T1 "*i T;   i Cj; Hc ***0* ***9 tymm * ~*¤v¤¤·: away, Dur Jvmx nm me mimi; stm »
Ay   ` _§ ; · 3 E rh -—   E; Anal sponfd our lwlmh Aces. Uhhc cclcsti-xl throne. `
 4 .- -. -- -- L----}- ----- --- , `
Q  i I; my Ama u.   rc me bars muy. Z
Y ,-r - - ` - ..-.7. ---- - -- . .___ 3 Sec how them ' · |{ BJ;   · V V .
  .;§ §§ iq;  E;-gig Q   WW $.,»... ;,THcZ“E.Z`S?_"" °°" ‘ y¤5PZZ?»E€1Z.`52}Ti2‘EE;ZZ‘1"" “ °‘   L
 ,y - --- · - - ». . *g r Atv   ty of m»m»m m ms Emu, Len heave;. and an L-uaxw things
;  Q ;ErE;i;S_;{; ig   jg; x “‘ ‘**“¤'*¤>h W im WW1 bound our immmuum pn-uh:. ` 1
y.  {LIE.--- -;:;;:1.:; iLZZ§i I
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 i   U   l r   M P.   'SQJ Psa\t¤;.U—'_`G;i¤;L1i•·Li. tlS`
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  I} mz;;;»:i;2;2ie12ia§;ie;;aizzai;; E

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» V , · ' 5
3'     H Tm; ummm; 1=l3NnEN·r. 1.. M. Dmsscn. V
» · , · - - L- -- -- Q — T---., _...
{ “ 'Z `. 1'2 ]t‘Y";‘:‘"”y!T‘:‘ 3*;%; *;*;*1* _;¤; ii'; I-!- { •—1·» ¤; • I ; ·-- `
  ~ -@i‘<¥;:EQ E-$2;; ¢;€lE;¤$»§;-si&;¢{;;i;:;g§;;¤;E ;§¤:§¤:E n- .%-ES. ¤¤; 2 l;
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  . — 7 ————— --— ¤———··¤ —·I#d ¤—» —-—- »¤- -—-¤ »———-— -- l-—-—-——— E ·———-I i—.-———— -—— J- ·
VZ   l . . . , , . , F
Z  v   Suy) thm msulzcd spu11,stuyZ Inu' I have dum: nhs: such dospizc,C:¤smov. a sinner qulrc nway, N ar {ala: thmc cvmlusung Hlght. ’
 M . l" :r>.$,q,-, ,.__ . ___ _ ,_ _ _ ,`____ __ _ _,__ 1} .__, _ __ _ __ T____ ____ _
  `?C~?E}?Q§i;$;¤ii§:?¤i¤§ §??B¤¤!·¤Ii§¤};i¤rg{:?i{>¤ Ei§:§E• jgsfzi S35} -gg;-lc; .: · { l
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l ` Kg ` V V
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l._ ,— ·- — -.-- .. --- - ... ,7 - gr _,___ ___ __ ·E·h}~ · ~ ·&»·
 J l§—T—¤- —-it - U-I- - _;-w.E__,_ ___ _ —_—¤ . ·— —j¤¤ E— - J- p. --- - - ,
 5; lh M-=£2E2¥;z;z;§;EEl;;;;Elz5;;léagégiggl;E;l§;?g%§€¤5$l*5€E iEiEiE$iiiE- ";3§?l€§§§¥ 2
 ` at 9 "lrnugll I lvv» mnsm unl ‘ ll ‘· · · - —-mw i-* »-U I- ”
 J _ J`. ml ul vl?c.l 4 It ca ln . [ J
 V Tiilrl', “';° 5* *"%‘     dl HJ ¤»·v 7 WEEJW’.lZl§fvc°L*;'$;<,,,,
 { » uu All llmm my goulmuw sbgn. imo my rc.: al love receive ‘
`,   Tcu xnuumxlzl umcs my Keodnms ;m.v'rL Am blcss me wxh me calm Lcpusc g
  I I 2:1ihg(;H!`l¤i)*C:;|`glcsgrrilgi   Siihwn now my wuarv soul relcrse, L
*· ` Nvr lu rhy r~ghm>u». wglr Nm; (-Qiixgagsi WF   UW §\‘€¤€¤¤\lS hand; f
`.` I tx l » V ‘ ' 1** ¤ Ay pcr cm p» l;_ · i
Ei k s 21 ¤ut`|2c thy pwplels r¤... > Am; hung me W uw pmmxyfimdl ¤
 ~’ ' · V ,
`X . __ V

 l ' r · — V.   r ,7 7 7,* 7
` IlAllRlSONBURG. C. M. Davlsscm 15
L 2 __ _ 1 _ manu-
  ~ ZE  rl? 2i   o ’ E§"%yE"§’  T§
—-—i»Lr»--- 7- 7 ---1-4.73rJ " LZZ_IZT1',;,‘,_I'
[ !l§-f$——-;—li—--——·L~§- - y - ~*.. M-- -l;‘»Z     : -n —-- V . :4:-5 - ;V..-& —
{ Il :g:::;:§.3;;E 3* ·;·x* —EE—·w-5;-E- — —~- -7;- qi;-nr » ——··§ ——»— -£—~- »-¢·· ¢
7-, .5;%* .. ol A { Q QgT¥Z1 ZE I TiZ§r.§-§3Z§~IE1-kZ;¥j§TEQCEE {gi;  
l I£ILZ- j-l..-- ,Zi‘§C'LZ fQ.,`;..-hlZI-.Z ZZ-; E ZiZ Z:‘L.Z[ I I ‘; Z I --1jL- I Z "E ..L "
Il Chilrlreu of thc heavenly King, Halls hnllrlujlh, — Sing our Savinur’s worlhy praise, Halle hnllelujnh,
I} As we Journey lun us sing Glory llallclujah, Glorious iu his works and ways, Glory hallclujah.
_ ;, -—~T- --..- 4.. ~T-... ..-. l ~·-, »7-»»-r—»r-??-»-—A-·-·—-T
g u&:;gt;;i 5;;:555;¥:E;EaE;¥i,;p;E:;3r§ ;§aEr;;§}iE;   E;E:§;'E:Ei&%:E%E§;·§;it‘: E:  
  ...Z;il;..IEi '§;'Q'ZC',; ZZQ C Z ZQIZL CL; Z iillj F Z i ;,,L ;;`C.-;: ZJ , L-; ZE: i "
> 9 we are iravclling home to Gnd 3 O ye bannlshkl 5ec;l,l1z glad! 4 Qlvlulyé llHl¤ Huck. and blcrl,
i In like way nlm lluhers mud; (lime; our advomme is madq;— You ou Jesu! mlwrone shall rust;
Tlucy nrc lumpy now, am! we U> xo save our than assuu:cs'— vlllcw YUM SN! 15 MW P’¤Pal.'l»'·•
Soon tlnir haxpplucss mall seem Boomer zo our souls he comes. Xlww jvur kmgrlom and rwwifdy
_ 5 Fear unl, br -\l1ren, joyful stand 6 Lord! sulamioaiva make us go;
Unlhe lmrdore. uf your mud; Gladly leaving all below;
Corin your Fuhur'». mlwliug Son, Only rhou our leader hc,
Hlds you uurlisnnafd gu cm. And we saill will lcllcw Lhcd.

   U 16 sAMA>¤‘mRA. 11. ik 8· ¤
  21 .` ____ _ ____- v_ _ _____ _,__ ,-. --4 ----.·—» »-———»;- ;ji ITT. Tl; `-Z 3 _g·;‘;;*f
E », J -·a1—- r—--J l »3Y—— 7 » ~-———» ~?P—; -—;·-·; :*;Ki Tiré-3; ~ —§~>——»E —-img ~   ·
"    if 22;;:;;;-E;1_;;¥T| llgiigilii ill iikil- —§;[;· 8; ;ZZ ZXZEZ ZEZ ’ G-; ’     E`. E
  ;   -_--;, -,._--, --._ ,, -· ,, -- ----. ----~- — — - _A ”A__ F _ > — Q
  =; :3;;; ; ;:-:; ;—-1;.:: nr 4: 5*;: T-'ril iliiii- III; ;~: ; ; .; ME`}: Ei 7 * ;
;.. ~ `   - - - . M     :-%-:1 4; ·A»» -; Q; - .E; - - 1   ;E 4 A
5; ; §$£;i-Q'; if E;¥;E-E;;E_; -,5; ;i [r::$ ';';;:;}: 33t1'».E- ji -S-»-~ »- — W;-~   Pc- E D
  · " 1 naw \v(» am ¤~ me ~.,w.l» ure d.,1¤..m wm, xi ».-mn l»..-.,- mn mqgm of ¤sc»¤»,§ Rh HPS as 3 mmm 0, ,igm(uméS_ I
 A li Hm mm of x. ·,¤...¤.. mw M M rm, me ... H ,.Cm...·4 wm. xx.- umm. _ ~
  .-——-:r—· V -7 r~—— —-——· -r» ——— <~ -—; —:·;r· : : T; T- Z 1  I ; E: :5* °
  -   K;} E Q iéizy 2.;.; we- .1}-; ; .5.- - q-3-¥-¤-§..iE EF';-   --   
 * IL:;!;i;L;i;;‘-*: E; *;;f;;:E;*;;: i;;El;T:;li;’ E;§; LHZZEZC Ziiilii-i :;-:21 Z ` TE; ZE  
  (:1*;* *:1:711-:-;: :?:; f *;*3;;* r::;q:: "‘;Z Ti: : :*:3; Z; :3:-:: ::3;. * ’
, -»  mg; 5 Eggziiz Ezéxiigfiiségég; ge 52;;%*;-s+¥;§i§;¥;§‘; -:·EE§E§E E E_i2EE}]§¥ ~
 `l !——»- 44- -·. ---¤ --- ..- -- -,-- ----— - — ,»-7·-—---—- —~e »—— ·-· ~ ·~-· -·.
 ;     Ei $@21 $$22}} EEE giéyigigiigg 515; EEQE5 E;  ;5;QE§§{g* ii-22515;; 25 E?X;£i§}x
      How, Fm: www thc garden of;.-am, From which mwsaxmgm, me gmmm Emu know, .»xmw¤sk in me srmlcs ufnix face.
 · """‘· —Q·-—····· ——!v·· ····"——— l*?*·· ·l-· —·— v··--· — » -—— »-... -~-..--~----»- ».-4— -·
  {lil Liijtil n‘}g;§; 31 p ;;·i;:;; E1;; _; F{;E~E;j;{;E:!;_ ;j;   :2 ·» y —F: V ;jg§ ;~ I
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  }.¢~vr wizs rm Ns c·¤c_h:l· and ·<<·L¤tLcrs de1T;;M ii- \ -3; _ » | { .. Z, - ,[ (ng ‘
{  ;.m..;m mm- $..4 H ,;.=.~ gan.? iq mt; Ajld ".\$hiE"W§E§‘f§]L"Q,f‘,IT,,,§f"“°" ’ J"°°* , {
,;_ , new :n:•·s mol czunmxn vcll gu us ¤1*» zi; YI~ ·;»¤;;ks_ |». `p·, f']‘| ] ‘ *1
  Aud mmbis; wnh fulncse ol py. h V Rc_-ucfmgs ziilyprzxggxnx tw; Eésmnls Wxwi { I
*` .
`  »

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