illuminated, exceeds anything ever pictured to a mind
frenzied by opium or hasheesh.
  The Mammoth Dome is still enlarging.
              ROARING RIVER.
  The Avenue which conixpunicates with Roaring
River is entered at Cascade Hall, and is a half mile in
length. Roaring River resembles Echo River in size
and appearance, but has a louder echo. There is a
cascade which falls into it, from which proceeds roar-
ing sounds, and from which it has received its names.
  Eyeless fish and crawfish are found in Roaring Riv-
er, as well as sunfish and black crawfish, both of which
are provided with eyes.
             MARION'S AVENUE
  Marion's Avenue is about a mile and q half long,
and arises in Washington Hall  It varies from twenty
to sixty feet in width, and from eighty to forty in
height. The floor is covered with sand, and the walls
are composed of white limestone, which resembles ce--
mulous clouds. The far end of the avenue divides ina-
to two branches, that to the right leading to Paradise
and Portia's Parterre, and that to the left to Zoe's
  The walls and ceiling of the avenue termed Para-
dise, are covered with gypsum flowers. There is a
dome in Paradise Avenue, which is composed of sand-
stone. It is called Digby's Dome.
  Portia's Parterre is entered from the left wall of
Paradise Avenue. It is a half mile in length, and
contains the same kind of flowers that are found in
Cleveland's Cabinet. It was discovered about two
years ago, and is commonly known as the New Dis-
               WHITE'S CAVE.
  The entrance to White's Cave is situated about half
a mile from the Cave Hotel, and although it is really