xt7fqz22cd5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22cd5n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1924 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1924 text Annual report. 1924 1924 2011 true xt7fqz22cd5n section xt7fqz22cd5n ·v i*;·.3. _ A ._ · · ·
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  V . ( ~·P ' *
  or THE
{iY° Agricultural Experiment Station
‘ _r` iijiftiversity ol Kentucky
` . it A Lexington, Ky.
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Report of the Director
Meteorological Observations
Part I.
F  ri Téij .3

   A _ ‘ A
-£—?*&:’_’ , _ L
i     Richard C. Stoll, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
l i H. M. Froman, Lexington, Ky.
, , R. G. Gordon, Louisville, Ky.
\ Rainey T. Wells, Murray, Ky.
` McHenry Rhoads, Frankfort, Ky.
é Frank L_ McVey, President Thomas P, Cooper, Dean and Director
L   _——_—
. ; 2 . H. Garman, Head
t t 3 Q €,‘f,‘Q,‘ff"*BEQ§§§;Q’Ag€nt Mat·y L_ Ditiiaite, Asst. Entttmtimgist
t O L Gmocchio S€c1.€t.u.y H. H. Jewett, Research Asst. Ent.
»   ? ' ' ’ ° Carrie Lee Hathaway, Seed Analyst
i k Marie Jackson, Seed Analyst
7 · , t George Roberts, Head YV. D, Nicholls, Head.
_ » ¥   J. Kinney, Assoc. Agronomist O. B, Jesness, Chief, Sec. Markets
‘ :   P. E. Karraker, Asst. Agronomist Dana G. Card. Ass&;Marketing
, 1 ’ J. F. Freeman, Supt. Exp, Fields KV. G. Finn, Farm Ianagement
,   i E WV_ D. Valleau, Plant Pathologist *E_ L. Langsfor
- ? { **E. N. Fergus, Asst. Agronomist *Z. L. Galloway ¥
~ - · t ° 3 J. B. Kelley, Agricultural Engineer   ‘
~ _ ; ; E. M. Johnson, Asst. in Agronomy FEED CONTROL
= . 1 E J. D. Turnerr@="Head
_ Y   H. D. Spea/1%, Chemist
_ ° , , ANIMAL HUSBANDRY GROUP XV, G, Teifgll, Inspector
· 2. Fred Fitsgnen, nspector
¤   E. S. Good, Chairman P. H_ Sejjn, Microscopist
. a
. V. ».·l t J. J, Hooper, Dairy Husbandry A?
. ·J   “ E-   NV. S. Anderson, Horsés FERTILIZER CONTROL
r _ `         Pyiigaclteré Beef Gattlée, Sheep H_ E7;{’Cm,tiS’ Head.
  _. .··; , 6, j H_1mg;(·B·E_g€‘€·télB€& S Harpy Allen, Chemist _
[ ri.;-. { i T ·H· M;u_t;h· Poultr; Lelah Gault, Asst. Chemist
    ` [   J. \V.INutter, Dairyinan R' E` f0u€’ Inspector —
  _‘ `· Amanta Harms, Asst. Path. Baet. IQ L
  - ·‘i= ‘_ VV, \V. Dimock, Head, Vet. Science , {H10 TIC; 'QURE
  » ..·. » Ethei M. snytier, Lab. Assistant Q “j l‘ft**=“’;» t Ea
,‘<_ `_L if E. A. Caslick, Asst_ Veterinarian A· · 911*6% si · t
    __ fig; D. A, Sanders, Assistant C· S- he tm"~“· SS ·
it _ ‘,-’   {Q5 , , · L. A, Brown, Head
    ,g_;_;Q CHDMISFRY E_ J. Gott. Bacteriologist
‘·l,J.f· rift; A. M. Peter, Head A. L. Meader, Asst. Chemist
i  `,fiQ_ S. D, Averitt, Chemist James H. Martin, Asst. Chemist
    I   0, M, Shedd, Chemist E. K. Borman, Asst. Bacteriologist
·`¥'.;;f$&?{?‘ . i=Y;q; G. D. Buckn r, Cl emist .
  ;i§Q2Z“,._'   .1. S. McHar§ue, Chemist ROBINSON SUBSTATION
,:t_~it;;_ ··K.» ,;.·Jj,`£;? w. D. ner, Asst_ Chemist (Qu1cksa¤d. Ky.)
{ —,_-3  gy; D. J. Healy, Bacteriologist   I§'.]gones, Stgeriiitendent
  i —l··¢?E · · ter
;,»_____, E   . _ uriage, ores
};;;5,ii,,__rEA`·__,» CRDAMDRY LICENSE SECTION (Princeton, Ky) |
J,   J. ll. Foster, Inspector in Charge S, J, Lowry, Superintendent
 .g;§;{,5ig>¥§§_   1--
  'Assigned by the U. S. Department of Agriculture
    "On sabbatical leave.
   ¥¤%?. f` Ei? .
e   ? ` ·
=   ·`‘‘—e -   l

To His Eaceelleiicy, Hon. William J. Fields, Governor of Ken-
Sir:—ln accordance with an act of Congress, approved
March 2, 1887, entitled, "An Act to establish Agricultural
Experiment Stations in connection with the Agricultural Col- l
leges established in the several states under the provision of an
act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary
thercto," and of the act of the Legislature of the State of
Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, entitled, "An act to
accept the provisions of an act passed by the Congress of the A
United States, approved March 2, 1887, for the establishment l
and maintenance of Agricultural Experiment Stations in con-
nection with Agricultural (',`olleges established by the several
states and territories under an act of Congress approved July i
2, 1862," I herewith submit the 'l`hirty~sevcnth Annual Report
of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
Very respectfully,
Tnoims Ceorigiz, Director.
January 1, 1925.

 l 3
-  l
j { Lexington, Ky.
.     Board of Trustees
V   i Hon. Williz11i1 J. Fields, Governor, Chairman,   0;0`iic~i0
V r Q McHenry Rhoads, Supt. of Public Instruetion, ex o_{?`1'cti0
      Clell Coleman, Connnissioner of Agriculture, ex 0;0`icii0
`V C "     H. M. Froinan, Lexington, Fayette County.  
Q C}   Richard P. Ernst, Covington, Kenton County.
i · i   Robert G. Gordon, Louisville, Jefferson County.
¥ _;   Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, Fayette County. · ·
U _ _     Rainey T. \Vells, Murray, Calloway County.
ir =   V     James VV. Turner, Paintsville, Johnson County. .
t     Frank Meliee, Versailles, Vxioodford County.
l_ if   i XV. H. Grady, Louisville, Jefferson County.
1 · . ._ ‘ , Y
E `—.. V   5, ` Howard P. Ingels, 1% XVall St., l\exv York, N. Y.
  ·``` :.5-   L. M. Lebus, Cynthiana, Harrison County
t'   R-. J. Bassett, Leitehiield, Grayson County.
      Louis Hillennieyer, Lexington, Fayette County.
  ‘ gy.;  
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;j;       `i?` 5
s     .
 iii gi    l
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of the
For the Year 1924
Excellent progress has been made by the Experiment
Station during 1924, and the results of many successful ex-
perimental projects have been made available. Each year
gives evidence of increased use upon the part of farmers of the ,
results of the station’s work and of more attention paid to the
information issued by it.
As extension work has become more strongly organized,
the applications of experimental work have increased. Field
· ` agents not only carry the results of experimental evidence
to many farmers, but in return bring to the Experiment Station
the immediate needs of agriculture. _
As has been pointed out in previous reports, the funds
made available for the work of the Experiment Station he- ,
come an investment in agricultural progress. In this day of in-
creased agricultural competition and of an almost constant
succession ofnew problems of soil, plant and animal life, farm
organization and the economic aspects of agriculture, research
and investigation offer the only method of effective progress.
The individual farmer can not afford as can the large corpor-
ation to carry experimental projects. State and nation, how-
ever, may support investigation and offer its results for adap-
tation. Kentneky’s ag1·ieulture will progress as the results of
investigation are used.
The year 1921 marks a milestone in the progress ot' the
Experiment Station. The legislature of this year estaltlished

 V . 4
3•-{e§T€""` 3 Z
, 6 Thir1y—Sct·enth Annual Report.
  T two branches of the Experiment Station and appropriated the
  A necessary funds for their operation. One branch has been
, l located at Princeton and is designated as the VVestern Kentucky
    Substation; the other branch is located at Quicksand, on lands
T     in Breathitt, Knott and Perry counties, donated to the Uni-
i  i· versity of Kentucky, and is known as the Robinson Substation.
U ;   A need for the added organization of the Experiment
’   Station is apparent. Mountain agriculture, the prosecution
= { of work in forestry and the varied demonstrations of the pos-
it i   — sibilities of eastern Kentucky can only be carried on in this
» j ,   region. Similarly the agricultural problems of western Ken-
E     tucky can only be partially solved in the Bluegrass. Soils,
t       dark tobacco, pasture grasses and small fruits present prob-
§ I lems which in their practical application must be solved in _
i E western Kentucky.
5 ;   Western Kentucky Substation. The \Vestern Kentucky
        Substation was established in Caldwell County by an act initi-
I     ated by the Honorable T. H. King. Four hundred acres of
i _     land situated about one mile from the city limits of Princeton
E   l were selected by the director of the Experiment Station and
1     donated to the University for the purposes of a substation by
.   l the citizens of Caldwell county. The land selected is typical
  »· g     of extensive areas in western Kentucky. Geologically, it rep-
  1   ; resents the Chester sandstone formation, consisting of almost
}{;_   c two thousand square miles, lying in a semicirele around the
L it     western coal field, and the Mammoth Cave limestone formation,
  consisting of almost six thousand square miles, lying in a
    semicirele adjacent to the Chester sandstone.
;··j_gg _‘·'T   It is anticipated that much of the horticultural work of
gf .i'i   the Experiment Station will be carried on at this farm, and
    also that extensive experiments in tobacco, grasses for pasture
  and forage, and systems of effective soil building will be de-
 "    veloped.
  The deed for the land was received in November, 1924.
 V Organization of the substation was undertaken early in Decem-
  bQ1‘, {I, S1Ip(-)I'l1ltC11(l€lll] Hpp()lHt€d Ellld operations pI°€pa].`a.tO1`y to
    the work for 1925 begun.
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E`     2
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 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Statiout 7
Robinson Substation. The Robinson Substation, estab-
lished on a tract of approximately fifteen thousand acres of .
land in Breathitt, Perry and Knott counties, was deeded to the
University in October, 1923, for the conduct of agricultural
experiment work and for the practical demonstration of re-
forestation. These lands were donated by Mr. E. O. Robinson l
of Fort Thomas, Kentucky, accepted by the legislature of 1924, V
and a sub experiment station established thereon in accordance
with an act introduced by Honorable VV. J. Howard.
ln l\lay, 1924, the property holdings of the University of
Kentucky were augmented by a deed to ten acres of land com- ,
prising practically the entire town site of Quieksand, in which
are located the headquarters and other buildings of thc sub-
station and which forms the entrance to the larger holdings.
This was the gift of Mr. Miles Back of Quicksand, Kentucky,
who "desired to give this land to be of benefit to the people
of the mountain districts of Kentucky."
The lands of the Robinson Substation are somewhat scat-
tered, altho approximately fourteen thousand acres lie in one T
body, principally on Buekhorn Creek, ("lemon`s, (`ole’s and ,
Lewis’ forks. This