V   8 T/m·ty—Seoent7t Annual Report. ·
    · The funds becoming available June 19, 1924, a superin-
  ` ~ tendent was appointed, the station organized and work begun.
{   Attention was first given to the remodeling of existing facili-
-   { ties and to the clearing and cleaning of the grounds on the
  { ten-acre tract at Quicksand. This area, as well as a part of
. ; _  " the farm had been utilized for building sites. Thirty-five small
~ { _ houses were moved by contract, and twenty buildings were
    torn down. These buildings varied from small structures to a
. I i large repair and machine shop and saw mill, and were removed
i . A i-   to ultimately provide sites for new buildings which will lit the
‘ ii.-     purposes of the station. In addition to this work of removal
_ A { { and clearing, farm fences have been built, certain steep land
V A _   { on the farm has been terraced, a drain ditch constructed and
;_ · { a poultry house and stock barn have been erected. Projects
  _, ·i i     are under way in agronomy, horticulture, dairying, poultry and
  1 ·`     swine.
  ‘· i.`·   ·ii_   A forester was appointed and reported for duty August
    I-   25, 1924. His efforts thus far have been directed mainly to-
  il ‘     ward retracing and establishing boundary lines and corners,
  4   { , organizing fire protection and making a topographic map of
Q`;___;_;.Q! i the farm and headquarters tract. A quarter of an acre of
  { black walnut has been planted by direct seeding and will be
      followed by more planting later.
    Statistical Compilations and Comparisons. Statistics
 r¢=%¤—  . were compiled and comparisons made in an endeavor to ascer-
  tain what commodities are produced in the state in larger
    amounts than used by its population and for what products the
    state’s production is less than its requirement. Tobacco nat-
  urally heads the list of commodities produced in excess of local
  Deed. The livestock produced is more than that required for
  home use, and the same is true of poultry and eggs. Large
  quantities of hay and concentrated feeds are shipped into
  K€HtU€kY. The D1`0ClLlCti011 of wool, potatoes and wheat is less
  than the consumption. The amount of dairy products con-
    sumed probably is somewhat larger than the production.
    Comparisons were made on the basis of existing statistical
  data and calculation based thereon of the sales of products
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