Kentueiey Agricultural E.cperimel2z.t Station 9
from farms for different areas of the state. For this purpose, `
the 120 counties in the state were grouped into districts as fol-
No. of Counties No. of Farms
North Central Region (Bluegrass`) ............ 38 73,374
Southwestern Agricultural Region .............. 10 26,678
Purchase ................................................. _ ........... 8 22,126
Western Coal Fields ...................................... 9 25,856
West Central Agricultural Region ............ 21 51,049
Mountains .......................................................... 34 71,543
· · These sections ranked in the above order when compared
with respect to the gross sales per farm, the mountain farmer ’s
cash receipts being only 20 per cent. of those in the first named
\Vhen compared as to gross sales per acre of all land in V.
` farms, the above order was maintained except that the Pur-
chase region moved up to second place, the Mountain selling
about 18 per cent. as much per acre as the North Central (blue-
grass) region. _
ln looking for the cause of this consistency in order of ~
cash sales in the six sections they were compared as to per- C
centagc of farm land improved. Again the first order was main- _
tained except that the Purchase took second place and the
Southwestern Agricultural Region third. This latter o1·der A
was maintained also when compared as to sales per acre of im- A
proved land in farm. »
The size offarms cannot be responsible for this order of the
sections classihcd as to farm sales, since the North Central Re-
gion and the Purchase have the smallest farms, while the
Southwestern Agricultural Region has the largest farms.
The value of farm lands per acre (census data) reflects
the economic returns. The arrangement according to value is:
North Central Region, first; the Purchase, second; the \Vest-
ern Coal Field, third (probably due in part to underlying
coal) ; the Southwestern Agricultural Region, fourth; the \Vest
Central Agricultural Region, fifth, and the Mountains, sixth.
Marketing Tobacco. Much attention has been paid during
the year to the market situation with respectto tobacco, par-