V g 34 Tlz.irty-Seventh Amtual Report.
    c. Sowing on unfrozen ground in late February or early March, and
~ j I using a light top dressing of manure.
i ` d. Drilling with clover seed drill in late March or early April.
   ` e. Broadcast sowing in late March or early April followed by harrow.
    In only two eases has there been a failure to get a good
, i  · 1 stand of clover. For some unknown reason, the later seedings
~ {   ‘ with a drill in 1916 were a failure, while in 1919, the seed
  l sown February 3 on a heavy honeycomb freeze failed to make
, Q   a good stand, probably because covered too deep. In several
I A Y   I cases the clover killed during the following fall and winter
1       due to drouth or severe heaving, but in no case was there any
_ A { { relation between the time of seeding and these occurrences.
. _   t As nearly as possible the same amounts of_ seed have been used
' I in all plots. The stand secured by drilling has averaged a little
  `     thicker in most seasons than the stands secured by the other
y 1 T     methods.
  ·`,°   Growth of Crops in Soils Differing with Respect to Free- ,
f   Q   dom from Disease. Corn was grown in pots in the greenhouse
  ` .     · in a virgin woods soil steamed and unsteamed; and in a soil
      N from a continuous corn plot, steamed and unsteamed. Much
L v_   i better root systems were developed in the virgin soils and in
      the steamed cropped soil than in the unsteamed crop soil.
    l Root systems in the virgin soils and in the steamed cropped
  p   Q__l soil were very largely free from lesions, clean and white; ap-
  parently individual roots had maintained themselves thruout
ij    the growth of the plants. Root systems in the unsteamed
  cropped soil were dark colored, badly rotted and, to a con-
  siderable extent, made up of newly formed roots, individual
  roots apparently not persisting during growth of the plants.
tr _,i`   Root systems were apparently equally free from disease in the
  virgin unsteamed, virgin steamed and in the cropped steamed
  soils. Application of fertilizer salts to the unsteamed cropped
  soils gave increased growth of root systems, but no greater
  ,_—_ 2   freedom from disease.
    1 Soil Experiment Fields. The Helds now in operation are at
  Mayfield, Lone Oak, Hopkinsville, Greenville, Berea, Fariston
    and Campbellsville and the various fields on the Station farm
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