54 Kentucky Station Circular N0. 34
, with a rather square stem end, the eyes set in depressions, and
  the bud cluster of eyes set on one side of the tip; the other
  cylindrical with eyes somewhat shallower, particularly those . _
. constituting the bud cluster. The habit of growth is upright,
, branching high, making very close planting possible. It is valued
I i for its excellent quality and its ability to mature profitable crops
. either in the spring or fall, if the season is at all favorable.
Taken by and large, Irish Cobbler is the best and safest variety ` `
to use in Kentucky.
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E Fig. 16. Early Ohio. ——._
fi `
` Early Ohio tubers are cylindrical, slightly flattened, slizil-Fi
i low-eyed, and have a dull red skin. The variety makes moderate gg
  top growth of medium green color. It is a favorite in Ohio at I
  markets, which accounts for its rather general culture in the  
{ northern counties of Kentucky.  
t . . . . . . . . . . . I `Z
ix Its quality is fair in localities suited to it and its yield is as
  satisfactory. Its main disadvantage is its tendency to make j
  knobby tubers in seasons when second growth occurs. _  
§ .