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1 · Page  
f Nicholls, NV. D. and others, Bulletin 253, by .................................... 37 » ._.V,  
g Peter, A. M. and others, Bulletin 252, by ...................................... 1  
l Physical and economic conditions of Mason and Fleming  
  Counties ............,.......................................,.......... _ ............................ 63  
` Soils and Geology of Mason and Fleming Counties .................... G7 I  
j Strawberries and farm proiits in \Vestern Kentucky, Bulletin l  
· 255, 011 .............................................................................................. 131 ,  
expense of liarvestiiig ..................... ` ............,.................................... 1 44  
expense of planting and cultivating .......................................... 138  
how to lind a place for with other crops ................................ 154  
income from ..................................................................................   152  
, variations in cost of harvesting ............................................... Z .... 145  
7 Strawberry industry, development of in Kentucky .................... 134  
» Study of farm organization and management in Mason and  
I Fleming Counties, Bulletin 253, 011 ...,...................................... 37  
. Successful individual farms .......l............................t........................... 77  
  Topography and drainage of Mason and Fleming Counties ........ 67  
l — ‘ '-'`‘ e ·¥s;—`it.}
  Bacillary wvhite diarrhea in chickens, Circular 33, on ....·....... . ..., 13  
  prevention of .......................................................................... 6  jig,
§ treatment for .......................... . ........... 1 ................................... S 1 
Q Circular 32, Maris for liniing soils ......................................... 1 ........ 1  2
; 33, Bacillary white diarrhea ............................................ 13  
; 34, Potato growing in Kentucky .................................... 21 _ —  
T Gardner, John S. and C_ \\'. Matliews, Circular 34, by .............. 21 `;P_—}·Y,;i”»
L .lones, S. C., Circular 32, by ......,......................................................... 1  
  Maris, compared with ground limestone ....,.,................................. 11  
P for liining soils, Circular 32, on ___________,__,_____.,_________, , ________ 1 .  
E how to distinguish .......,............_,________ ` ,_________________________________ 1 2  
i how to spread ..,_................._.___________________________________________ _ _____ 12 y ,  
Mathews, C. \V. and John S. Gardner, Circular 34, by ______________ 2,1 ·   .-
i Potato growing in Kentucky, Circular 34, 011 ____________________________ 21  
f insects and diseases ....................................,._.._____. 1 _____,______ 4Q I, _—r» L  
i varieties of _......................_..._,_.__.,.____,_____________________________________ 52. ` ‘
E Steiner, A. J., Circular 33, by _______,______,__________________________________ _ ________ 13  
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