- 5 -
E;RDISCH COUNTY 4-H LEADERS COUNCIL (Agricultural Extension Service, Univer- M
sity of Kentucky), o/b Robert Tngginton, County Agricultural Agent, Velnut ;
. . »·¢ ·` . · _ I __V_
Street, Cynthiana, Founded 19oa. President, Mrs. H. D. Marshall, R. R.~#5,
Cvnthiana. Secretar Beulah Marsh R. R. @4, Cinthiana. Terms ex ire Feb~
., I P 3 4:
urary, 1945. Executive Secretary, Robert Wigginton. Telephone 45. Term in-
definite. ; 1
~ Lembership: 8. Qualifications, limited to active 4-H Club Leaders, one j
_. council member from each club. · ‘ »
Club Leaders: Buena Vista, Miss Beulah Marsh; Oddville, Miss Dorothy Armold; I
Renekeriwlrsl George Lemon; Connersvillo, Mrs. Shirley Kearns; Sunrise, Mrs. -
G. F. Trice; Derry, Irs. Robert Dremel. ~
Purioaez Sunervision 4~H Club vmrk. }
_______A I . .
Normal Civic lctivjties: Supervising club members in carrying on agricultural `T
and hoc: economics projects. p - - - g
Defense Ectivitics; Engaged in Consumer Protection_Activities. Interested é ‘
- T··—······T ········•~* <;#···· —·r—·**···=:··<:···· . '4 7   - _.   I
in Sewing and rreparation ol curcicul Dressings, Rod Cross Assistance, Pre- g
paration and Serving of Food. c V Q
Local Publications: None. G I ‘ - _ ?
HARRISON COUITY HOD3l&KIDS GRUB (Extension Service, University of Kentucky), p
c/o Hrs, Joe WcDaniols R. R. $6 Cvnthiana. Founded 1958. President Mrs. T
. 4 ’ JI : L _ __  __   s I.  
Joe IcDaricls. Telephone 25ll. Secretary, hrs. Robert Jennings, R. P, j6., l
Cynthiane, Terms expired September, l94E. _§
Icmbership: S2. Open to rural women seeking to improve their knowledge of _;
economic nnncwaking. Q
Committees; Citisenship, Irs. Douglas McLoney, R. R. fl, Cynthiana; Foods, Q
_ Intcriom Ducoratirc, chairmen not ro ortod. . ` _?
O 1._
_ Purpose: To encourage and promote better farming and home economics. S
Norm l Civic Activities: Cooporatinp with A. A. A.,·Rod Cross, Bundles for or
Britain vnd W. P. A. school lunch programs. Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Discussion Loaders. Interested in Sewing i
—~——7r—·:1;1——·- r——~1——~·r- · - . v———~———-—-——· . 4
ind irupuiation 6T Surgical D1oscin,s, Bod Cross Assistance, Preparation g
and bcrving of Food, Public Spcakiné. , 3
Local Publications; None. - _ f
QARXISON ZGUYTY YZDICXZ SCCIYTY (Kentucky Medical Sooioty;n.N.A.), Q/0 Y. if
2. hoorr, N.D.,Doctor*c Building, Cynthiana. Founded IQOQ. Prcsid nt, R. L; is
Loftin, M.D; County health Department, Cynthiana. Telephone 42l. Secretary, S
ZL B. Moore, h.D. Telephone l58. Exccutivc.Sccrotary, H. H. Moody, MQ D. i§
South Thlnut Street, Cynthians. Tolophonc 145. Terms cxpiro December, 1942. Q